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From the article:
advocates who say rejecting ballots over what amounts to a mistake threatens to potentially disenfranchise thousands of legal voters.

Or it could prevent thousands of illegal votes from being counted.
....and are the "advocates" mentioned, those in favor of no id voting and universal mail in ballots? Ie: things that make cheating easier?
From the article:
advocates who say rejecting ballots over what amounts to a mistake threatens to potentially disenfranchise thousands of legal voters.

Or it could prevent thousands of illegal votes from being counted.
....and are the "advocates" mentioned, those in favor of no id voting and universal mail in ballots? Ie: things that make cheating easier?
Really don't know anything about cheating. I voted around 7:15 this morning. Walked in, said a few hellos to some poll workers, gave the check-in lady my voter registration card, she looked up my info - did her thing and the woman next to her had me sign in electronically and handed me the voter form. I walked to an empty table, filled it out, walked over to an empty machine, put the slip in the machine. Once it went through I split the scene. A poll worker offered me a breakfast bar on my way out. Took it, thanked her and told her to "have a good day."

Now as to Philly and some other places. They seem to have a few problems - especially concerning mail-in ballots. From what I hear on the news people are working to fix those problems. Really haven't heard anything about cheating yet. But hey..........the day is young. lol

Did you vote yet Joe?
are broken voting machines emerging as this year's deciders?

not my bold

AZ: There are 223 voting centers across Maricopa County— that means at least 44 of their polling locations are experiencing issues with tabulators. Election officials say techs are out working on the problem but there is no estimate on when the issues will be resolved.

Meanwhile, every single Dominion voting machine is down across Mercer County, New Jersey, according to officials.

In a Tuesday morning notice, West Windsor Township informed residents that "Due to a Mercer County-wide system outage, all voting machines are currently down in each district across the County.
gave the check-in lady my voter registration card, she looked up my info - did her thing and the woman next to her had me sign in electronically and handed me the voter form
So no id required? If not, how can they truly know for sure that you were who you said you were? No voter reg cards I've ever seen have a photo on them, and sigs can be forged.

mail-in ballots.
....shouldn't be allowed and absentee ballots should require a valid excuse as to why an in person vote is not possible.

Everyone should have to show up in person, as there is no easy way to verify that the person filling out a mail in ballot is the actual person named on the ballot.

Really haven't heard anything about cheating yet.
The day is young. Lol

Did you vote yet Joe?
So no id required? If not, how can they truly know for sure that you were who you said you were? No voter reg cards I've ever seen have a photo on them, and sigs can be forged.


Everyone should have to show up in person, as there is no easy way to verify that the person filling out a mail in ballot is the actual person named on the ballot.
There are seniors who can't get around too good. People with medical conditions that don't allow them leave their homes. People without wheels. Gee Joe..............have a heart man.

The day is young. Lol
Let's see what happens once the results start coming in later on tonight. I do expect certain candidates to start screeching about stolen elections once they realize they are on their way to the trash bin of election history.

Just me thinking out loud about changes I'd like to see when it comes to elections.

- Get rid of the electoral college and go with a popular vote.
- No more than two four-year terms across the board (federal, state & local.
- No one over 74 can hold office and no one over 70 allowed to run - across the board.

Pre-qualifications for candidates
- Must provide income tax returns for the past 8 years. No exceptions. These will be made public. No ticket - no laundry.
- Must take and pass both an American History and a Civics test. No exceptions. Results to be made public. Don't pass - you can't run.
- Must take and pass both a physical health exam and a mental health evaluation. Results will be made public. Don't make the grade, it's bye bye.
- No more than 1 bankruptcy.
- No connections with any radical organizations ( religious, political, etc.)
- For federal positions, candidates cannot own a business in a foreign country, nor have any business interests in a foreign country.
- For federal positions, no candidate can own a business that does business with the US Government, nor can they have any business interests in the same.
- No one who has ever made unproven claims of fake, stolen elections allowed to run for any office anywhere in the US.
- No one who has ever worked for or lobbied for a foreign government allowed to run for any federal office.
- Publicly pledge, both on paper and video, to abide by whatever outcome an election may bring. Publicly state that if they lose, they will accept the outcome and move on with their life. Period. No bullshit about fake or stolen elections.

Actual candidates
- Anyone who has made it this far and is running for prez or congress must get out of the stock market. Same goes for their family members. This is so they can't profit from insider trading. And agree to stay out of the stock market for four years after they leave office.
- Publicly show where every penny of every campaign contribution comes from and what it is being spent on.
- Agree to and abide by an ethical conduct pledge where they cannot lie about other candidates or any platforms / issues they are running on. Get caught lying............they will be taking the A train outta politics for eternity.
- Publicly agree that the DOJ is not their personal police force and pledge to stay away from them and to not try to use them against political rivals or for personal vendettas.

Election winners
- Take both a physical exam and mental health evaluation every year they are in office.
- Provide copies of their income tax returns every year they are in office.
- Show where every penny of the taxpayer's money they spent went on a year-to-year basis.
- Make sure that anytime they speak to a foreign leader it's recorded both on paper and video. No secret meeting what-so-ever.
- Provide proof they are abiding by all laws concerning federal records.
- As for the prez, he or she will stay away from the DOJ and the military (except in matters of national emergency.)
- Act in the interest of the taxpayers / citizens of the country and not in their own personal or business interests.
- Any violations of the above and the person in question will be removed from office.

Out of office
- Get on with your life.

Not gonna happen but wouldn't it be nice?
I agree everything with many of your thoughts. Mainly at odds with the “get rid of the Electoral College” opinion that is often heard these days. I think the EC was a apex of brilliance in the midst of the rest of the brilliance demonstrated by the Founders. Serves as a big check on Blue Dot population centers, with their own culture and associated beliefs, riding roughshod over the bulk of the Country. Thank you, Founders.

Seems if we would actually function as a real Republic as originally intended, where voters are those who are “qualified”, instead of as Democracy, where everybody with a pulse gets to vote, much of our troubles would go away.
There are seniors who can't get around too good. People with medical conditions that don't allow them leave their homes. People without wheels. Gee Joe..............have a heart man.

Yes, but, baloney to some degree. People tend to do what they decide is important to them to do. This sounds a lot like parents who can’t “afford” to pay $100 for their athlete to attend a sports camp while their kids are wearing designer jeans and texting on the latest Apple offering.
Yes, but, baloney to some degree. People tend to do what they decide is important to them to do. This sounds a lot like parents who can’t “afford” to pay $100 for their athlete to attend a sports camp while their kids are wearing designer jeans and texting on the latest Apple offering.

I was trying to be honest as to why people would actually want or need to use mail ins. As to PA you don't need a reason. All ya gotta do is ask. It's normal here.

Click on "vote by mail ballot" and you'll see what I mean.

I was trying to be honest as to why people would actually want or need to use mail ins. As to PA you don't need a reason. All ya gotta do is ask. It's normal here.

Click on "vote by mail ballot" and you'll see what I mean.

I get that but I also understand that human nature is to smash the EASY button at every opportunity. Voting should be an important enough endeavor so as to make it a priority in life, actually show up, cast your vote, and get a big purple fingerprint to attest to your execution of your civic responsibility/opportunity. Making things unnecessarily easy often makes those very things worth less.
There are seniors who can't get around too good. People with medical conditions that don't allow them leave their homes. People without wheels. Gee Joe..............have a heart man.
I said that a person should have to show good reason to get an absentee ballot, not that absentee ballots should not be allowed.
....but if someone cannot physically make it to the polls, then I would also expect that they can't physically go anywhere else, either.

If one can make it to walmart or the grocery store or go out to dinner, they can make it to the polls to vote too.

Let's see what happens once the results start coming in later on tonight. I do expect certain candidates to start screeching about stolen elections once they realize they are on their way to the trash bin of election history
Dems are the ones who started the whole, "the other side cheated to win" rhetoric when Trump beat the hag fair and square.

They also cried foul when Nixon and Bush won. Both times for Bush. (Or the shrub, as some like to call him lol)

Yet I don't recall any loud cries of cheating when Clinton or Obozo won. It was accepted and the nation moved on.

When Trump won, the other side chose to put the nation through hell with all the false accusations that he couldn't have won without cheating.

Mainly at odds with the “get rid of the Electoral College” opinion that is often heard these days.
If it had helped them to win, the dems would be defending the EC instead of trying to get rid of it.

They'd trash the whole Constitution if they thought it would help 'em win elections.
I get that but I also understand that human nature is to smash the EASY button at every opportunity. Voting should be an important enough endeavor so as to make it a priority in life, actually show up, cast your vote, and get a big purple fingerprint to attest to your execution of your civic responsibility/opportunity. Making things unnecessarily easy often makes those very things worth less.
I go in person - 1 & 1/2 minute ride / 4 or 5 minute walk, gets me outta the house and I like to see who's out & about. But to be honest I never give a thought to how someone votes.

Here ya go............(from the link in my post above.)

"Unlike an absentee ballot, any registered Pennsylvania voter has the freedom to choose to vote by mail-in ballot in an election without providing a reason."

Really see no problem.
this needs verification -- if true, wow

View attachment 2491
That is f'ed up and opens the door to cheating a lot wider.

I hope they at least require them to be postmarked no later than election day.
...but even that might not help, as most mail I receive have postmarks that most of the time are not legible enough to read.
this needs verification -- if true, wow

The legal fight in Pennsylvania over mail-in ballots with missing or incorrect dates could drag on for weeks after Election Day, forcing courts to make the final decision on whether thousands of votes can be counted.

That is f'ed up and opens the door to cheating a lot wider.

I hope they at least require them to be postmarked no later than election day.
...but even that might not help, as most mail I receive have postmarks that most of the time are not legible enough to read.

wouldnt be surprised --we are talking about pennsylshithole
But you do care that their vote is legitimate and legal, right?

Certainly. But that's up to tvptb (the voting powers that be.) I'm just a registered voter posting on an internet forum. Not going to drive myself nuts worrying about stuff I have no control over. I'll leave that to others.
I just heard from a friend who just got done voting.

He said that after he voted, the electronic voting machine showed him his votes for verification.

It showed that he had voted a straight dem ticket, when he had actually done the exact opposite.

The poll worker fixed it for him and told him that she had seen that happen several times already today.
Yes, but, baloney to some degree. People tend to do what they decide is important to them to do. This sounds a lot like parents who can’t “afford” to pay $100 for their athlete to attend a sports camp while their kids are wearing designer jeans and texting on the latest Apple offering.

Voting should be in person on Election Day only. Sorry if you can't make it.

Election Day. That's when you vote, and if you are a cripple someone will move you to the poll you can vote and then they will take you home.

At my polling place there have been changes on changes. Now I can go to any polling station. I show military retired ID card. I saw people showing US Passports. I can't judge by past elections, because I have only voted at the High School once, the primary, it was I would guess an unusual turn out for a primary. This time I went at 9 am as most Fort Knox people are at work by 8. Didn't matter. Parking lot full everywhere, I got a nonstop at the end of the lines. Long walk.

When I was there the line was still contained in the school hallway system, the end kept moving around the bend from where I started. Faster movement than I expected, two workers to each portable box. Show ID, they ask about your address, then you sign electronically, wait, because the other worker has sent a ballot to the internal printer. The regular guy who did mine did a brief explanation, and tapped on a panel with a lock, said there is a 256gb USB drive inside that has the database for the ballets and the voter registration roll database.
My ballot was printed correctly, it took place in the gym basketball court.

Plenty of booths, needed time because so much on the ballot. The two Constitutional Amendments were on the back, the first one had miniature printing, nobody without a magnifying glass could read it and it was a huge amount of legal information. The second one was clear, easy to read and understand. Plenty of pens at each booth. A bank of scanners that you put it in, at the end it shows the flag if no problem, then you leave.

Rand Paul was the first name on the ballot.

As I left, I saw the problems. We couldn't exit where we came in, I heard the worker say to others there were hundreds of people in the way who were waiting. We had to go to the opposite end of the building to exit, as far as possible from my car. Nice.

That was the big flaw. I guess they didn't want the lines out the door but didn't plan for how to exit. Stupid. Should have just had the line out the door like before.

Oh, I saw at least two people with massive walking problems propped up with aluminum and family. Had to walk further than I because no room. Somehow they voted. They should have got a double plus vote IMO.

Everyone was friendly and there was no social distancing although a few wore masks, not many. It was a$$hoe to elbow no bs.

I voted against the clerk for the R guy, not because of the election stuff, that was progress, but because I met the R guy and he was angry about the same local issue with the clerk and promised to fix it.

For those who may be interested, Rich Baris and Robert Barnes doing live coverage tonight.
EDIT: Okay, they took that stream private for members only.

Barnes popped out of that one for awhile to join Viva on their Rumble channel. They are live now and this one is free:

ELECTION NIGHT SPECIAL! Viva & Barnes LIVE & It's Going to be EPIC!
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houston has a soros county judge and others. it hired a dc election expert to run the election. result = over twenty polling locations were closed early

stated reason for closing all of them? they ran out of paper

not kidding
houston has a soros county judge and others. it hired a dc election expert to run the election. result = over twenty polling locations were closed early

stated reason for closing all of them? they ran out of paper

not kidding
Where is this being reported? I searched and can't find anyone reporting that polling places closed early in Houston.
Nvm. Local news on tv warned that some locations might be running low on paper. They stopped short of saying any had closed. Harris county has 780 polling locations and residents can use any location to vote. It sounds like Harris county is using the same system that I mentioned earlier that Galveston county is using.
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