People don't want a handful of black robe wearing religious fanatics telling them what they can or cannot do with their own personal bodies and their own personal health care?
Yet those same people wanted those same Justices to expand the Right they already had to kill their babies.
So they throw a tantrum like a 3yo because it didn't go their way.
They shoulda left well enough alone, but no, 15 weeks to decide if they want a kid or not wasn't good enough for 'em.
Why can't they just accept the verdict they got in the same manner they expected everyone to accept their original victory in '73?
Not doing so makes them hypocrites.
People who worked all their lives for, and paid into, social security don't want to hear republicans telling them they want to take that away from them. Calling something they worked all their lives for, and paid into, an entitlement?
Why should it not be called what it is? To call it anything else would be telling a lie.
If you don't like that, it's only because the dems who set it up to begin with misled the People as to tje exact nature of SS and how it actually works.
It's also peoples fault for blindly believing those dems and not looking into it for themselves in order to find the truth of the matter.
Now we have a bunch of self entitled people who think they are owed something, come hell or high water.
At some point in coming years, those people are going to get a rude awakening one day.
People in the US need health care and are tired of paying more for that health care than any other country on the planet? Tired of not being able to afford doctor visits, hospital care and prescriptions?
Problem is, the only "solution" offered is to force everyone to buy $1000+ per Month insurance that comes with a several thousand $/year deductible.
....and not do anything to actually lower the cost of the health care itself.
How 'bout doing something that makes it so the average person can go see a doctor for minor issues without needing a $15,000 insurance policy first?
It seems no one in gov wants to work towards that goal.
People are tired of gun violence and tired of the republicans not willing to even talk about some commonsense gun law reforms.
The thing they offer is to ban guns.
It'll work just like the way they want abortion to go. Except in reverse.
With abortion they wamt no restrictions, and with guns they want full restriction.
Ie: they can't be happy with the many gun restrictions they already have gotten over the past 90 years. They won't rest until they have an outright ban on them and only criminals have them.
....and with abortions it started with, "we only want it in the first trimester". Now it's, "we want to kill 'em right up to the day of a full term delivery.
People are tired of the republicans bowing their collective heads to an ex-president who parades around saying "look at me - I'm so pretty - oh so pretty - look at me" and would prefer to move on from the 2020 election where the ex-president lost?
Because some people are upset that the numerous cases of sus activity during the last election won't be investigated.
Yet those same people insisted that cheating happened in '16, but even after spending $35 million and 3 whole years trying to prove it, came up empty.
All that was proven, was that those in gov pushing the idea knew all along that there was no evidence to support their claims.
Why is ok for dems to go on and on about how they were cheated out of a win, but as soon as anyone else says the same, they are told to stfu or be cancelled?
People do not want to hear a republican political candidate say that if he or she were elected they would overturn any election results they didn't like?
You mean like the dems have tried to do in 4 of the last 5 presidential elections they lost?
Again, they think it ok for them to try to do it, but anyone else who does it is an evil election denier.
How are they not hypocrites?
People are tired of bottom of the barrel candidates whose only claim to fame is they bow their heads to and worship an ex-president?
What are ya gonna do about that? Hold a gun to someones head in order make a better person run for office?
...or to make someone else not run?
We (in all parties) only get to choose from those who freely choose to throw their hat into the ring.
....and unfortunately, all fall short of perfection.