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How a Naked Man on a Tropical Island Created Our Current Political Insanity​

  • Sept. 13, 2024
For those still struggling to understand how Donald Trump could remain within sight of being our president again despite flattering dictators, inspiring an attempted coup, getting convicted on 34 felony counts, vowing to shred the Constitution and imprison opponents, and decorating his bathroom with state secrets, not to mention blustering semi-coherently in Tuesday’s debate, it’s worth looking back to a certain island in the South Pacific, and a man named Richard Hatch.

As a contestant on the first season of the CBS reality show “Survivor,” Mr. Hatch did something that, in the year 2000, seemed shocking. Instead of trying to win the show’s competition on its own terms — that is, voting in a straightforward manner on which of his fellow contestants most deserved to advance to the next round of competition — the often rude, sometimes randomly naked Mr. Hatch struck a strategic alliance to force out his strongest adversaries. Then, in full win-by-any-means-necessary mode, he outsmarted the producers by opting out of a key challenge and maneuvered himself to victory. But most shocking of all, he broke the golden rule of network television: You have to be likable. David Letterman even predicted “rioting in the streets” if “the fat naked guy” won. He was the most hated man in America.

The TV business took notice. The early 2000s were a heady time for the new reality genre, filled with madcap experimentation, wild conceptual leaps and a lot of questionable judgment. At VH1, where I worked at the time, our innovation was to program shows that were at their core in-jokes about television itself. “Flavor of Love” was a dating competition starring the giant-clock-wearing rap star (and non-obvious object of romantic ardor) Flavor Flav, but it was also a broad parody of the ABC hit “The Bachelor,” which treated the quest for TV love with great solemnity.



Anatomy of a Trump conspiracy theory​

An unverified Facebook rumor about Haitian immigrants eating pets rocketed to the center of right-wing discourse this week — rapidly mutating into racist memes like a twisted game of telephone.
Why it matters: It should come as no surprise that Trump, the country's chief election denier and a champion of the anti-Obama "birther" movement, is susceptible to conspiracy theories.

  • But as Trump has gotten older, the rabbit holes have grown deeper and more radical — a backdrop to his distrust of the media and refusal to accept that he lost the 2020 election.
  • The result — on display as he falsely claimed immigrants are eating people's pets in Springfield, Ohio — is a candidate who's become a walking liability for his own campaign.
The big picture: Today, the 78-year-old Trump routinely feasts on a stream of misinformation on Truth Social and X, where a cottage industry of MAGA influencers has flourished since Elon Musk acquired and renamed Twitter.



How Much Will the Major Presidential Candidates Steal From You?​

We know that taxation is theft, and we also know that whichever political candidate wins the upcoming presidential popularity contest will steal from us. The question is, how much will a President Kamala Harris or a President Donald Trump take—information we need to help us appropriately choose our fate? Fortunately, the candidates have told us something of what they have in mind, sometimes grudgingly, so we can compare their effects on the economy and our personal finances.

Digging Through Verbiage for Details

The Tax Foundation has done the hard work of digging through the servings of word salad issued by the Democratic and Republican parties' chosen standard-bearers this year so that you don't have to. Neither Trump nor Harris is known for being easy to pin down on details, but the Tax Foundation notes the vice president "has sketched out sufficient details of her fiscal and economic agenda for us to provide a preliminary analysis" while her opponent "has floated several tax policy ideas." That's enough to work from for tax purposes, especially given that both have track records—Harris in the Biden administration and Trump when he occupied the White House.


Who is Tony West and why haven't we heard of him before?

Mentioned here

Another lawful order

CEASE & DESIST: I, together with many Attorneys and Legal Scholars, am watching the Sanctity of the 2024 Presidential Election very closely because I know, better than most, the rampant Cheating and Skullduggery that has taken place by the Democrats in the 2020 Presidential Election. It was a Disgrace to our Nation! Therefore, the 2024 Election, where Votes have just started being cast, will be under the closest professional scrutiny and, WHEN I WIN, those people that CHEATED will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the Law, which will include long term prison sentences so that this Depravity of Justice does not happen again. We cannot let our Country further devolve into a Third World Nation, AND WE WON’T! Please beware that this legal exposure extends to Lawyers, Political Operatives, Donors, Illegal Voters, & Corrupt Election Officials. Those involved in unscrupulous behavior will be sought out, caught, and prosecuted at levels, unfortunately, never seen before in our Country.

A cease and desist letter is a document sent by one party, often a business, to warn another party that they believe the other party is committing an unlawful act, such as copyright infringement, and that they will take legal action if the other party continues the alleged unlawful activity. The letter may warn that, if the recipient does not discontinue specified conduct, or take certain actions, by deadlines set in the letter, the letter's recipient may be sued.[1][2] The phrase "cease and desist" is a legal doublet, made up of two near-synonyms. A cease and desist letter issued by a government entity, called a cease and desist order, is "a warning of impending judicial enforcement".[3]

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Russian election interference efforts targeting Harris campaign, Microsoft finds​

Russian government-linked efforts to interfere in the upcoming U.S. presidential election have increasingly shifted to target the presidential campaign of Vice President Kamala Harris, Microsoft reported in findings published Tuesday.

The new effort, which involves spreading fake videos discrediting Harris and her campaign, is the latest foreign interference linked to Russia in recent weeks, and shows a speedy pivot by foreign adversaries to targeting the Harris campaign after she replaced President Joe Biden on the ticket.



Reads like the Steele Dossier...

besides, Putin supports Kamala because she cackles so well....

BREAKING: A massive "error" invalidating almost 100,000 voter registrations in the 2024 election just got discovered in Arizona

Democrat Secretary of State Adrian Fontes said the state "accidentally" marked 97,000 voters who did NOT provide proof of citizenship as having done so

In Arizona, voters who haven't provided proof of citizenship are allowed to vote but only for federal offices. If you include this 97,000, the number of voters who haven't provided proof of citizenship in Arizona is now almost 150,000. THAT'S INSANE!

How are they only discovering this now? The level of incompetence and malicious activity in Arizona is outrageous. The crook officials must send letters to every voter who hasn't provided proof of citizenship to do so ASAP. And if it wasn't the voters' fault, then the State should be forced to verify their citizenship using other federal records they have.

current events are on the table

Ep 3453b – Panic In DC,Haiti, Diddy,Epstein,Declas,Trump Sends Another Election Warning To The [DS]​

The evidence is now coming out, the people are learning that the [DS] is involved in sex trafficking, child trafficking pedophilia, blackmail etc. There is now panic in DC. Trump will release the declas that will confirm it all. Trump lets the [DS] know that the election will be to big to rig, they can try but they will realize they will not be able to cheat with the ballots. Trump sends another warning about election manipulation.
Nothing on the tv today? No hobbies? Good god............lotta replies here
Just responding to what you wrote.

As to the pic nonsense............c'mon, are you serious?
Kinda, yes. If you been having Trump eatin' at your craw for 50 years, it wouldn't exactly be a shocker if ya did. Lol

Usually free after a certain $$$ amount or if you hold a premium membership.
Still costs, in one way or another.

I just have a hard time seein' how they can sell a three dollar loaf of Wonder bread in-store, and throw in free delivery if you want it delivered to you.

Grocery stores typically have thin margins as it is. How they gonna pay to have all the stuff delivered without passing the cost on to the consumer, in some form or fashion.

Ie: higher prices, delivery fees, membership dues, etc etc.

Ya got to read between the lines. I'm talking about a team that plays against itself, game over, getting cleaned up and having drinks together. It is a metaphore about our uniparty system.
That's just it. There IS a uniparty. It' consists of the permanent bureaucracy along with dems and rinos.

Trump ain't one of 'em. Which is why they fight him so much. It's also why the dems are teaming up with the likes of Darth Vader, err I mean, Dick Cheney.

If THAT doesn't clue ya in, nothing will.

They can't buy him.
Just responding to what you wrote.

One of these days you'll break the world record.

Kinda, yes. If you been having Trump eatin' at your craw for 50 years, it wouldn't exactly be a shocker if ya did. Lol

New York Times investigative reporters Susanne Craig and Russ Buettner, authors of the new book, "Lucky Loser," talk with Alex Wagner about Donald Trump's early years in business, supported by his father's money and a lot of lying.

Sounds like a good read. Gonna get a copy. You?

Oops my bad. Whata gonna do about it?

Emails reveal plan by swing state election officials to disrupt the vote​

Even though voters aren't going to the polls for several weeks, there are already a slew of conservative groups organizing to sow doubt about the result in one particular battleground state if Republicans suffer a loss.

The Guardian recently reported on a trove of emails it obtained detailing efforts by a collection of MAGA-aligned organizations aiming to undermine election results in Georgia should Vice President Kamala Harris defeat former President Donald Trump in the critically important swing state. Several far-right groups — including Tea Party Patriots and the Election Integrity Network — are working with election officials in several Georgia counties who are sympathetic to their cause in an effort dubbed the "Georgia Election Integrity Coalition."


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