As for support donations: GIM had 1 yearly drive that actually took in more than necessary to keep the place going. Here you have a monthly and a yearly deal that are continuous (one a month or once a year) until you directly cancel it. Some GIMers may be a bit leery of that. There were GIMers who were also leery of Pal pal even though that's how GIM did their yearly donations drive. I have a pay pal account but for GIM would simply pay as a guest with a credit card. One payment - one time and done. Have never had a problem doing that nor have I had a problem with pay pal. But that's just me. Maybe some would be more comfortable with a direct payment method so they could bypass pay pal?
I'll have to (re-)investigate the software's options for non-subscription based user upgrades. If an integrated option exists for one time payments, I'll see about setting one up. My main thing is that running this site is not my day job (and I'm not retired yet - I actually do have a day job ... and a family). I've got a lot of other non-bug responsibilities, so I don't have the time to be manually adjusting user's accounts based upon whether they have sent me one time payments (whether by PayPal, check or whatever).