Health & Wellness - Physical Fitness - Weightlifting

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A few posts / links for anyone interested in physical culture, weightlifting, body building, health & wellness. Not a how to. No workout programs, diets, supplement recommendations, equipment reviews, etc. Just some fun and interesting sources for anyone interested.

Feel free to add any tips, tricks, routines you may have.

Enjoy the vid.

Calisthenics and Mobility​


2 mins 49 secs
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It is all about rock climbing for me. You need strength, but you also need to keep your weight down (all about strength to weight ratio). I’ve been doing it since I was 15 and it is a type of exercise that I WANT to do.


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The Healing Power of Walking​

The Bioneer
Jan 25, 2023


In this video, I discuss the incredible, healing power of walking.

Walking is no doubt the most fundamental human movement. This is our main mode of locomotion and transport - it's how we get from A to B.
And yet, there is very little discussion surrounding walking across YouTube or the web at large. This is a huge error, in my opinion, given just how much we stand to benefit from focusing on our walking.

Walking serves as a fantastic way to burn calories and get the blood flowing during the day. As an activity, it is gentle enough that nearly anyone can do it, and it serves as a perfect form of recovery. By walking, we get more blood flow to the muscles, thereby helping us to get back in the gym faster.

Walking also has a huge number of mental health benefits, especially if you walk somewhere scenic that you haven't been before.

But more than all this, walking can also be a perfect way to rehearse healthy movement patterns and to practice contralateral movement. Walking correctly that is. Which is a whole can-of-worms!
Every winter for 30 years, I followed an unorthodox, low-tech approach to keeping fit. From November through February, I climbed the steps in our 22-story apartment building in New York. And I mean climbed.

Up and down I would go, up and down for three or four or five or even six round trips in all. Each outing lasted at least 30 minutes. Always, I walked rather than ran, listening to music, the funkier the better, until I was sweaty and panting. It kept me fit and happy.



The Applied Ergogenics blog is a collection of old school articles written and published by Jerry Brainum over the past 40 years. These articles have appeared in Muscle and Fitness, Flex, Ironman, Muscular Developement, and other magazines. For Jerry’s recent articles, which are far more in depth than anything that appears on this blog site, please subscribe to his Applied Metabolics Newsletter, at

Link to Fueling Performance playlist at Leaders Recon. The vids are presented by Lt. Col. Bustillos and cover some food and supplement basics.

Fueling Performance

Use of dietary supplements in the DOD




Clean Eating PEANUT BUTTER & Jam for Healthy Blood Sugars, Arteries and Heart | Dr. Mandell​

Mar 20, 2023


Peanut butter is loaded with so many good, health-promoting nutrients, including vitamin E, magnesium, iron, selenium and vitamin B6. Research shows that people who regularly eat nuts and nut butter, including peanut butter, are less likely to develop heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Who doesn't love peanut butter and jelly? Most of us especially when we were younger would put it in our lunch box and take it to school or camp. But hold on...There is a lot to be said about the peanut butter and jelly sandwich!

Please subscribe so you and your family can stay healthy and happy. / motivationaldoc

Please share this video with your friends and family. Wishing you and your family many Blessings! ❤️😊🙏 Dr

M Make sure you like us on facebook:

A look back in time with Ric Drasin.

JACK LALANNE 50'S TV HIs beginning in Bodybuilding​

Mar 29, 2016

Where did Jack Lalanne start bodybuilding. He was a household name for years and the main person associated with fitness and muscles till his 90's. He beat Arnold in a lifting contest when Arnold was 21 18:04
From May 2016

Athletes: Fit but Unhealthy?​


While the words “fit” and “healthy” are often used synonymously in everyday language, the terms have entirely separate meanings. Fitness describes the ability to perform a given exercise task, and health explains a person’s state of well-being, where physiological systems work in harmony. Although we typically view athletes as fit and healthy, they often are not. The global term we place on unhealthy athletes is the overtraining syndrome. In this current opinion, we propose that two primary drivers may contribute to the development of the overtraining syndrome, namely high training intensity and the modern-day highly processed, high glycemic diet. Both factors elicit a sympathetic response through the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, in turn driving systemic reactive oxygen species production, inflammation, and a metabolic substrate imbalance towards carbohydrate and away from fat oxidation, manifesting in an array of symptoms often labeled as the overtraining syndrome. Ultimately, these symptoms reveal an unhealthy athlete. We argue that practitioners, scientists, and athletes may work towards health and alleviate overtraining syndrome by lowering training intensity and removing processed and/or high glycemic foods from the diet, which together enhance fat oxidation rates. Athletes should be fit and healthy.

This is an interview with Jerry Brainum and Ralph Romeo ( WPAT 930AM.) If you're a fitness buff it's pretty interesting. They talk about 70's bodybuilding icons, Steve Reeves, testosterone, intermittent fasting, carnivore diet, etc...

Apr 7, 2023


*Nothing to see. You can listen in one tab and play around in bug land in another tab.
Every winter for 30 years, I followed an unorthodox, low-tech approach to keeping fit. From November through February, I climbed the steps in our 22-story apartment building in New York. And I mean climbed.

Up and down I would go, up and down for three or four or five or even six round trips in all. Each outing lasted at least 30 minutes. Always, I walked rather than ran, listening to music, the funkier the better, until I was sweaty and panting. It kept me fit and happy.

About 10 years ago I was doing stairs at home. I would go down the stairs into the basement and then right back up. Then I would do it all over again and again. I have severe asthma, so I had to be careful about the breathing aspect. I think I hit 47 consecutive down/up flights in roughly 11 minutes before I stopped trying to build up. I am guessing it was boredom. When I started, I had an ultimate goal of doing 100 consecutive down/up flights while carrying 25 pounds in each hand. Anyway, a lot of people don't realize how challenging it can be to do that many stairs. Most people avoid stairs like the plague, but it's a really good workout.
About 10 years ago I was doing stairs at home. I would go down the stairs into the basement and then right back up. Then I would do it all over again and again. I have severe asthma, so I had to be careful about the breathing aspect. I think I hit 47 consecutive down/up flights in roughly 11 minutes before I stopped trying to build up. I am guessing it was boredom. When I started, I had an ultimate goal of doing 100 consecutive down/up flights while carrying 25 pounds in each hand. Anyway, a lot of people don't realize how challenging it can be to do that many stairs. Most people avoid stairs like the plague, but it's a really good workout.

(y) (y) (y) (y) (y)

New to Strength Training? Start Here​

By Alisa Hrustic | April 5, 2019

Every older adult should be lifting weights. Here’s how to do it safely and effectively.​


Trail Running is MASSIVELY Better Than Regular “Jogging”​

Apr 19, 2023


Many people have a negative opinion of running - thinking it's boring or dull. A lot of this, I think, comes from the approach. If you run the same route around your neighbourhood everyday, then of course it's going to start to get old!

Trail running means running somewhere off-road. Often, that means running somewhere scenic. It also, as a byproduct, usually means forgetting about times and distance. It's all about experiencing the place you're in.

Trail running is thus much more enjoyable than running on pavements and roads. And it's actually much easier to get into than you might think.

And even if you don't have anywhere scenic to run, just running off road will provide a whole host of benefits that will improve everything from stability, to mobility, to cardio, to weight loss, to balance, and more.

What do you guys think? Is trail running vastly under-rated?
Fitness and fun in the garden............Russian style. Girls explain how gardening can help you get fit.

Агрофитнес: как заняться фитнесом на даче​

May 27, 2019


Home Gym Equipment Has Advantages​

Home gym equipment is convenient. You never have to drive somewhere for a workout. Your space at home is only as crowded as you want it to be. You never have to wait to use a piece of equipment. You can workout at any time of day or night that you please. And the equipment you need does not have to be expensive (depending on the type you decide on).


4 Sneaky Signs Your Core Is Too Weak​

By Lauren Bedosky | August 30, 2018

Plus, four exercises to build the strength you need to stay mobile, independent, and pain-free.​


Can I Really Learn To Row After 50?​

Grab some oars and take the plunge. You might find yourself on a rowing voyage that feeds your mind, body and soul.

For the past six weeks, I have been spending one hour a day on a treadmill walking at a fast pace (3 mph).

Many years ago, I got a good deal on a huge gym-quality treadmill. Sadly, it languished for years acting only as a pretty decent clothes hangar. I finally decided to put it to use and purchased a small flat screen television, an inexpensive DVR, and a wall-mounted bracket for the TV. I hung the television at eye level in front of the treadmill and now spend an hour a day walking fast and watching action and adventure movies on DVR. I go three miles each day - sometimes a little over if the movie runs long. It takes me two days to watch the average movie.

As I said, I am six weeks into it and, while I do not think I've lost any weight, I really didn't have that much to lose. However, I have begun to notice my core tightening up and my wife has commented that I look "trimmer". Hoping to continue with this daily activity into the summer.

6 Month Weight Loss Fitness Secrets, Before & After, My Battle With Health & How I Changed My Life​

Jul 25, 2016


As I always say, onwards and upwards, and in that spirit, today I return to the wider spectrum of more "gentlemanly" subjects that I originally started this channel with. I share a very personal story of how I changed my life using fitness and a strict routine, and overcame my battle with severe health problems. I was able to get through the toughest of times because I unlocked and tapped into an intense amount of self discipline and resilience that I never knew I had. I discuss my secrets to how a controlled diet, exercise, a stringent workout plan and motivation can help you lose weight, get into the shape you want, become a more productive person, and above all have a happier, improved life.
Neat read this one.

Air Force instructor pilot tackles ‘toughest footrace on Earth’​

Maj. Chas Kabanuck knows how it feels to be told to “pound sand.”

The flight instructor at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas, recently completed the Marathon des Sables — a six-day, approximately 250-kilometer (155-mile) ultramarathon through the Sahara Desert in Morocco, known as one of the toughest footraces on Earth.

More here:


Practical Senior Nutrition Means Fitness Success and Longevity​

The subject of nutrition is always controversial. It seems like every week there is a new study or diet in the news.

Yet in spite of diet controversies, there are many accepted principles of good nutrition where most experts agree. People who follow those principles as part of their lifestyle usually do just fine. If they add a practical exercise program to their life, healthy body weight and good physical fitness will result.

Here are eight basic dietary principles:

Yesterday was the last day in May and my treadmill saga continues. I write my mileage down on the calendar every day and yesterday, after walking 4.1 miles at a steady 3.0 mph pace, I added up my May mileage. 81.1 miles for the month of May. I missed a couple of days towards the middle of the month when I was spending hours and hours on my tractor mowing the place. Will try to not miss as much in June.
I'll stick to the gym so I don't have to lug a truck full of stuff to the beach everyday 🤔
I caught a little bit of the World's Strongest Man competition on the TV yesterday while eating lunch. I haven't watched one of those shows in years. I'm always fascinated by them though. The Scottish contestant was 6'3" and weighed in at 348 pounds. He looked like a real life, non-green Incredible Hulk (not as ripped as competition bodybuilders that pose for competitions, but just f'ing huge). The smallest contestent that I saw while watching was an American and he had great technique while competing - he was tearing it up on the log press. Amazing feats of strength and endurance.

Separately, I also enjoying catching a bit of America Ninja Warrior from time to time. It requires a different kind of strength and endurance (and agility) with a real emphasis on core strength and strength to body mass ratio versus bodybuilding or WSM type stuff. Still really amazing when contestants run a course and make it look easy.
Neat read I saw on PCS today.

Inspirational Reads: Henry Rollins, ‘The Iron and Soul,’ 1994​

“And now for something completely different” I’ll be spending a few weeks discussing various writings on lifting weights that have left an imprint on me in many ways. As anyone who has dedicated themselves to the gym for a prolonged period will attest, lifting weights is about so much more than exercise. It is a means of connecting with others, with ourselves, and with our bodies.

Every now and then I’ll come across an article about weight training which resonates with me. Having lifted weights for 15 years I grow tired very quickly of the ‘be a beast’, ‘you’re a warrier’, ‘kill it today’ claptrap that now circulates the internet. Yes it is important to have a Tony Robbins’-esque approach to training but, after a while, this style of writing gets very cliched and boring for me.



X Files Star David Duchovny Shows Off His Gym & Fridge​


You've known the 61-year-old David Duchovny from 'The X-Files' and 'Californication.' Now, Judd Apatow has him playing a new role: a pretentious actor in the new Netflix hit 'The Bubble.' Get an inside look at the actors' fully stocked fridge, his luxury home gym and find out his everyday exercises to get a good sweat in. Plus, he reveals one of his favorite high protein meals (which he learned from TikTok?!).
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