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Looks like Freedom of Speech to me... only 24 months in jail, yet the Qanon Shaman gets 6?? WTF!From the link:
Prosecutors have revealed that convicted Capitol rioter Larry Brock concocted a bloodthirsty plan to seize power on January 6th, 2021 that involved taking hostages, arresting journalists, and cutting off food and water to cities where Democratic voters lived.
One guy was gonna do all that on January 6th?Larry Brock concocted a bloodthirsty plan to seize power on January 6th, 2021 that involved taking hostages, arresting journalists, and cutting off food and water to cities where Democratic voters lived.
They'd realllllllly appreciate it if everyone would just forget that part of it. Lolwho opened the magnetic doors and waved them in?]
He picked them up? Who put them there to begin with?he picked up a pair of plastic handcuffs and held onto them while in the building.
[this is a crime?]
but what happens when it comes out that Pelosi conspired to interfere with Congress' ability to examine the validity of the election prior to the certification of 'Joe Biden's election' by creating a crisis ala the Jan 6 insurrection (which was designed to give Pelosi the upper hand) by hiding their insurrection on November 3rd?This is different than the Oath Keepers trial where some members were found guilty of seditious conspiracy.
Six affiliates of far-right militia Oath Keepers convicted in connection to Jan. 6 Capitol attack
Four people tied to the Oath Keepers, on trial for their actions related to the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol attack, were found guilty Monday of the most serious charge of conspiring to obstruct the certification of Joe Biden's 2020 election win.
Is it still an 'insurrection' when they planned and implemented it as an entrapment for Trump supporters?
It will propel him into 2024.Wonder what will happen if he actually is indicted?
LOL !! I rarely listen to Cliff. He's spot on here:Rumor has it that it was Cohen who paid Stormy Danials hush money for 'HIS' indiscretions with her and blamed it on Trump!