John Durham's Investigation is Finished. And a whole lot of folks are headed to prison

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So this story starts (correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think I am) with Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation and then Rosenstein the acting AG ended up having to appoint Mueller as special counsel and the Qvidians said it was Trump playing chess, Trust Sessions, Trust the plan, White hats in control, this will all backfire at the Clintons? And then finally Sessions had Huber look into Clinton and the FBI after Trump and Repugs complained this Russian stuff was a witch hunt and Qvidians got excited said things like over the target, arrests coming, they have it all, be patient? And then Trump fires Sessions and hires Barr and the Qvidians think the storm has arrived when Barr hires Durham? 4 years later JayDubya posts a thread where Durham says it's over no criminal charges yeah Trump got rolled but no big deal too bad? That's where we are at correct?
So this story starts (correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think I am) with Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation and then Rosenstein the acting AG ended up having to appoint Mueller as special counsel and the Qvidians said it was Trump playing chess, Trust Sessions, Trust the plan, White hats in control, this will all backfire at the Clintons? And then finally Sessions had Huber look into Clinton and the FBI after Trump and Repugs complained this Russian stuff was a witch hunt and Qvidians got excited said things like over the target, arrests coming, they have it all, be patient? And then Trump fires Sessions and hires Barr and the Qvidians think the storm has arrived when Barr hires Durham? 4 years later JayDubya posts a thread where Durham says it's over no criminal charges yeah Trump got rolled but no big deal too bad? That's where we are at correct?

You skipped like the first half of the story on why/how Russiagate even started. not to mention 50 years of work to get to this point.

Wait a month and we will talk.
What happens if the DOJ charges Trump and others with Jan 6th by the end of the month?

You mean the DOJ that is going to have no more money and likely mostly going to jail? I'll bet they get laughed at, at best.

We all know Jan 6 was a joke Show Trial and no one cares what they try anymore.
Here's an op-ed piece that's pretty good in my opinion. In the end it says what I've said before.......the Durham report is a nothing burger with talking points on the side. Does contain a lot of truth.

From the link:

Defending Donald Trump was always awkward.

So many incidents unfolded in a familiar pattern. Somebody would accuse the ex-president of something bad. The ex-president’s supporters would spring into action to deny the charge—only to be undercut when Trump pivoted, admitted everything, and even bragged about it.

You skipped like the first half of the story on why/how Russiagate even started. not to mention 50 years of work to get to this point.

Wait a month and we will talk.
Skipped that on purpose, the story starts in Brighton Beach, get reading son.

For anyone interested, this is a link to some very interesting stuff about Trump, Brighton Beach and a lot more. Contains working links to even more interesting info. If you've got the time I recommend it no matter what flavor your politics are.

Lots of points being made and lots of people should be in jail or hung for treason. Sadly we are talking about DC where no one ever gets tried for any wrong doing.
Watergate was a petty crime compared to all of this shit and all of this shit was bought and paid for with our tax dollars. Yet all of these people will retire very comfortably with gov pensions paid for by you and I and a few book deals on the side.
Hell they cant even bring the Biden crime syndicate down and that guy probably doesn't even know he's president 1/2 the time.

I think it's great that everyone is so optimistic but at some point you have to look at all of the facts presented and become realistic.
If we all think the government is broke and the Dollar dying.... how are these people going to retire comfortably on government pensions?
If we all think the government is broke and the Dollar dying.... how are these people going to retire comfortably on government pensions?
Not all of us think the dollar is dying. :). Even if the gov defaulted on the debt, the dollar would still be around but credit would dry up so in that scenario, cash is king. There just isn't a replacement for it right now. A CBDC doesn't solve the insolvency problem unless the Gov decides to steal every penny they can through that system in which case people will revolt. I have yet to hear of a good replacement for the dollar. So, in my mind, the dollar is here to stay awhile longer. At least another decade and maybe longer.
So to your point, I guess if the dollar does goes away in a decade then retirement for Gov employees will be harder but whatever replaces the dollar will also fund their retirement. It's not like the gov is going to say, sorry, no retirement for you. No one would work for the fed gov then. (Not a bad scenario though. )
Not all of us think the dollar is dying. :). Even if the gov defaulted on the debt, the dollar would still be around but credit would dry up so in that scenario, cash is king. There just isn't a replacement for it right now. A CBDC doesn't solve the insolvency problem unless the Gov decides to steal every penny they can through that system in which case people will revolt. I have yet to hear of a good replacement for the dollar. So, in my mind, the dollar is here to stay awhile longer. At least another decade and maybe longer.
So to your point, I guess if the dollar does goes away in a decade then retirement for Gov employees will be harder but whatever replaces the dollar will also fund their retirement. It's not like the gov is going to say, sorry, no retirement for you. No one would work for the fed gov then. (Not a bad scenario though. )

That's Exactly what governments will do... Even if they survive they WILL renege on any and all promises.

For anyone interested, this is a link to some very interesting stuff about Trump, Brighton Beach and a lot more. Contains working links to even more interesting info. If you've got the time I recommend it no matter what flavor your politics are.

searcher I will say this and you will probably disagree but I had no problem with the people Manafort and Flynn were talking to at the time, they were Russian/ Ukrainians who were looking to do business with Russia have a Ukraine that was politically friendly with Russia as opposed to Zelensky who sucks as you well know. The supposed polling information Manafort gave the supposed Russian/Ukranian spy that started this all was all available on the internet no secret information was exposed.

For anyone interested, this is a link to some very interesting stuff about Trump, Brighton Beach and a lot more. Contains working links to even more interesting info. If you've got the time I recommend it no matter what flavor your politics are.

Plus I see no link, it's my old browser doesn't do things like twitter, youtube.
searcher I will say this and you will probably disagree but I had no problem with the people Manafort and Flynn were talking to at the time, they were Russian/ Ukrainians who were looking to do business with Russia have a Ukraine that was politically friendly with Russia as opposed to Zelensky who sucks as you well know. The supposed polling information Manafort gave the supposed Russian/Ukranian spy that started this all was all available on the internet no secret information was exposed.

The article goes back to 1974 and is basically a history of the Brighton Beach crowd along with a who's who in that "group" and Trump's involvement with them and some other stuff. I probably posted something similar in Lechner Land around 2015. I have a sneaking suspicion you probably know most of it so you're not missing anything.

I kinda read a lot of stuff like it. Better than tv.
The article goes back to 1974 and is basically a history of the Brighton Beach crowd along with a who's who in that "group" and Trump's involvement with them and some other stuff. I probably posted something similar in Lechner Land around 2015. I have a sneaking suspicion you probably know most of it so you're not missing anything.

I kinda read a lot of stuff like it. Better than tv.

You want me to take a link from a company started by the anti-Christ seriously?
The article goes back to 1974 and is basically a history of the Brighton Beach crowd along with a who's who in that "group" and Trump's involvement with them and some other stuff. I probably posted something similar in Lechner Land around 2015. I have a sneaking suspicion you probably know most of it so you're not missing anything.

I kinda read a lot of stuff like it. Better than tv.
Was able to see the article using my wife’s I pad. good stuff searcher! Call me crazy but I like Trump’s criminal backers more than the Clintons criminal backers by far. Hands down.
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Not all of us think the dollar is dying. :). Even if the gov defaulted on the debt, the dollar would still be around but credit would dry up so in that scenario, cash is king. There just isn't a replacement for it right now.
Same thing that Bill Holter has been saying.

"What happens when credit dries up? EVERYTHING runs on credit!"

The dollar will be around a long time even if they have to print more and more of it....

In Defense of John Durham​

Did He Make the Best of the Bad Hand He Was Dealt?​

MAY 20, 2023

I’m that guy.

The guy that spent over 3 years telling people Special Counsel John Durham was still coming, he wasn’t finished yet, and when rumors began swirling around three months ago based on anonymous sources familiar with the matter telling the New York Times that Durham had wrapped up his 4 year investigation of the SpyGate scandal and would soon be issuing his final report?

I’m that guy that spent those last 3 months telling people Durham very likely hadn’t ended his investigation and very likely was NOT working on his final report. Because I had learned during the 22 months of the Robert Mueller Special Counsel you can’t trust anonymous sources leaking to the Fake News Media.

All I can say now is that that seemed like the wisest course of action at the time. 9 times out of 10 anonymous sources familiar with the matter leaking from behind a curtain to the Fake News who are telling Fake News reporters something they would WANT very much to hear due to their confirmation biases are launching a fake narrative for their own reasons.

Fake News Media has been eagerly waiting ever since the 2020 election was ‘successfully’ rigged for Joe Biden to hear that the Durham SCO had ended.

So yeah, it turns out the NYT’s story from three months ago is the 1 out of 10 cases where the rumors were true. Well…doom on me.

Brian Cates? That's the guy who trusted Sessions and called Rosenstein a hero. He sucked from the beginning, he's a Qvidian of the first order, almost like a Paul the apostle Qvidian tier bullshitter.
And that's a problem?
Found his Rosenstein article, he's pushing shemitah tier bullcrap so be warned.

"There’s no doubt, is there? There isn’t even a hint of a grey area here.

And I’m going to be proven right. Rosenstein is the biggest hero in this unfolding drama we’ve been watching for the past two years inside the Department of Justice.

And you can quote me on that."

This Qvidian has been wrong since day 1. Remember when the Qvidians were saying the Trump and Sessions feud was 4d chess? Yeah this was the guy. LOL!

That all remains to be seen. The movie isn't half way over and you're predicting the outcome??

"The wheels of justice turn slowly, but grind exceedingly fine."

Just look at the poll that says 62%? of the people think there was election fraud... 4 years ago, nay 2 years ago that wasn't the case at all.

The people are waking up to a new reality.
I've enjoyed reading this classic tale of mystery and political intrigue. I truly believe that no matter how this mystery unfolds I honestly don't believe that any will be falling on their sword in the end. Anyone who should fall on their sword will be asked to pay the ultimate political price but they won't. If you are a democratic believer you'll always believe and support that this is all republican kabuki theater that will never be believed by the general public. If you are a republican believer you'll always believe and support that this is all democratic kabuki theater that will never be believed by the general public.

The only thing that will be ruined will be the political reputations of a few big players but not the people who are actually behind this. Any present or former member of the FBI and other "intelligence" agencies will only be out their jobs but that will be replaced by another federal job. I do believe that the public has a short memory of characters but not the central theme of what happened. This whole dirty process was really coup against the United States. This will not change the attitude of Trump haters but only enhance their belief that Trump was somehow involved and needs a more public flogging. I'm still waiting for some sort of shoe to fall on Clinton.

However as we all know the big horses will not be prosecuted. I still hope that something will happen to a lot of other elected officials. But I believe that I am hoping in vain. As I have mentioned to my family, I believe that the present manifestation of the Democratic Party constitues a clear and present danger to our belief and value system.
The first step in change is realizing the need for change.

Folks 'dis' Q, but rewind to 2015 and understand how far the people have come since.

No, not ALL people, but enough people brought up on "Truth, Justice, and the American way" are waking up. They're SEEING the ruse.
Q actually said that people need to 'SEE' it to believe it (or words to that.) Q 'followers' were given a sneak preview which is why the MSM and government neocons came down so fast and hard against a 'conspiracy'. Look at the MSM viewership numbers for example? Remember when Trump said "YOU are FAKE NEWS!" First time I heard that I was thinking 'What is he saying that for?' Now everyone can SEE it.

Take the trans BS they're attempting to shove down our throats. The young are easily manipulated because they really have no concept of struggle regarding family, job, bills etc. All these 'children' getting top and bottom surgeries?? That will come to haunt them when they realize it was all an irreversible lie. That won't happen until society kicks their 'fantasy' in the teeth. Think of the life they'll be living, sadly stuck in their immature decisions for the rest of their lives blaming society for their foolishness.

How many kids who rebelled and gauged their ear lobes still have them compared to the rest of society? Shit jobs and money is in their future. How many of those have coughed up $2K to reverse that decision while they became lawyers, doctors etc? Truck drivers, mechanics, tat artists... the 'fringe' not so much.

Q was and still is a military PsyOp IMO. Much like the one the CIA and FBI have been running since JFK. Only this time it wasn't to obfuscate. It was to 'WAKE UP' the people. In fact, Q woke up the whole world! Anons were world wide - something deniers seem to forget. It wasn't just an American/USA phenomenon.
I have a close friend who insists that he is up on some tidbits but insists that he doesn't need to be informed on all aspects of this coup. I'm afraid that he is the type who plays the part of an ostrich very well. He believes that the government (all) is there to protect and serve all individuals. I really think that he is overdue for a rude awakening in the future.

I on the other hand do not believe that fools are always protected. However, I may be mistaken on that. I'm always open to new ideas to see if my beliefs and values can be tested and will hopefully will not to be found wanting. I may have to fiddle with them and tweak them, but in the end I believe that they are sound and not foolish.
Q was and still is a military PsyOp IMO

I think this also. But have no clue as to which military. Did read something a while back that said it resembles something the Soviets did a good while back but they admitted they had no clue who was really behind it.

On the other hand....................could be a couple of peeps having a major laugh. Who knows..............:dontknow:
Praying Medic is someone to follow. He's not into hyperbole.

This is a primer to understand Q posts.


John Durham said exactly what Trumpworld didn't want to hear​

33m ago

There was a lot of time spent in the weeds during Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing with special counsel John Durham. Lawmakers burned hours trying to spin, parse and unpack the dense, 300-page report he issued last month into the origins of the FBI’s 2016 investigation of former President Donald Trump. Names that nobody who hasn’t been glued to the coverage of the Russia probe and its aftermath would recognize got thrown around to a degree that at several points even I was left wondering, “Who?”

It wasn’t the most riveting of hearings, but here’s the bottom line: John Durham found nothing to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. At no point in his testimony did he take the bait from Republicans to give credence to Trump’s “Russia hoax” rhetoric. If anything, Durham went out of the way to praise his predecessor — even if his grasp on what Mueller found proved to be a bit shaky.


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