Known propaganda regurgitation is a waste of everyone's time.
That. is. awesome.
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Known propaganda regurgitation is a waste of everyone's time.
He still showed that there never existed any credible evidence of Trump colluding with Russia/Putin. He also showed that the FBI used falsified data to get FISA court warrants.You’re so blinded by TDS that you can’t see that Durham was hired to set the trap only! Jeff Sessions will make the kill shot as a private citizen lawyer in his juristiction! It has to be this way! A government prosecutor can’t do that !
Peter Strzok, former FBI agent
And all BS. And after all these years you still can't stop posting about it even though you admit it's a psyOP. The irony is that conservatives who claim to be anti pedophile run to a pedophile website to get the latest news. I remember early on I tracked down some website that supposedly had Q info and turns out the Clintons started that website in the 90's. Something like that. Cant remember exactly. When I pointed this out people back then still couldn't accept it for what it was. Disinfo.doubtful.
The information Q unveiled was massive.
Or, maybe trump is just not who everyone thinks he is. Sometimes people need to be shown so here ya go.Gee, drag shit out of history why don'tcha?
Trump probably did have a lot of respect for them... until he didn't?
Or, if he did perhaps he was holding his cards close to his vest at the political poker table?
A nice payoff for his hard work.Took a while but Peter got some bucks.
Former FBI official Peter Strzok reaches $1.2 million settlement with Justice Dept over Trump-related texts
Former FBI special agent Peter Strzok reached a $1.2 million settlement with DOJ over claims that it violated his privacy in releasing text messages with another former employee regarding Donald Trump.www.cbsnews.com
Even in light of all that, and I acknowledge that you have some legitimate points, we are still better off for him having been potus.Or, maybe trump is just not who everyone thinks he is. Sometimes people need to be shown so here ya go.
Trump ran on several promises in 2016
Close the borders and send the illegals home and Mexico would pay for the wall. . End DACA.
Billions of US taxpayer dollars wasted on a 1/2 Assed attempt to build a wall that didn't even attempt to stop the flow of illegals and the massive amounts of drugs entering the country. DACA still intact.
Drain the swamp. That was a huge one.
Not one swamp critter in jail and very few if any removed from positions. In fact just about every important position that he filled, he filled with swamp creatures. Q called them white hats. LOL. He complained about his White House counsel not allowing him to do certain things and never removed even one of them. When taking a case to the SC, it was filed wrong and rather than refile the case properly it just got let go. (I forget the issue)
Lock Hillary up.
The Clintons are basically good people. Thats what he says after he was in office.
The FBI that coluded against him, all still in tact when he left office. Proposed to build them a new FBI headquarters for a billion dollars but never got the funding for it.
The spy agencies that also coluded against him. 80 billion dollar increase in their budgets.
Did he put a stop to the UNpatriot act? Nope, just allowed it to go on. Biggest FU to America since the federal reserve act.
About 18 months into his presidency I posted on GIM that he was finished. No one wanted to hear that but the fact is I thought the CIA got to him. He obviously knew who killed JFK since he has unlimited access to that. Remember he was going to bring all that to light as well. Never happened.
The list goes on and on but at some point you have to step back and wonder which side he is working for. We have him at Chelsea Clintons wedding, again at the video posted here introducing those great people and a statement after the election saying he was going after them because they are basically good people.
A lifelong democrat who was a mega donor to the Clintons and others then suddenly turns republican to run for President.
Accomplishments are, got rid of the fine for not having Obamacare. (Oh there's another one. He was going to do away with Obamacare and make health care affordable again. That didn't happen )
Put one ok people on the SC and at least 1 not so OK person. Kavanaugh or however you spell his name. Helped write the Patriot act while working for Bush.
Before the election he complained that the left was going to steal it with mail in ballots. Then they did. He never even tried to get rid of mail in ballots or stop illegals from voting in the elections. Surely his newly appointed SC justices would have fast tracked a case as serious as election integrity.
I think you can see a pattern here.
So now what? Go out and vote again like that is going to make a difference? I might be getting ahead of myself here since Trump may be in Rikers in September. Between that and the massive media blitz to elect the most unelectable person in the history of or nation, I'd say we all better get used to the cackling BJ queen as the next leader of the unfree world. Full blown communist is right around the corner. But who knows, maybe people will like it better than what we have now. Elected officials will continue to get rich off the backs of the slaves and no one will revolt out of fear. Seems to work fine in China, Cuba, and Russia. If you want to see how much people will tolerate, go to Cuba. Love the country and the people but man the politicians have run that place into the ground. They have had some help from the US after the missile crisis but Castro also said he would be willing to sacrifice his country to take down the US.
But hey, get out there and vote!!.
Even in light of all that, and I acknowledge that you have some legitimate points, we are still better off for him having been potus.
Seriously, we are better off having had Trump as potus.
Had the hag gotten those SC picks, none of the recent rulings that were good, would have happened.