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That dude.means business
I'm surprised he is still alive and has a youtube channel chock full of this sort of craziness.... and that's his wife still!I wanna see the rest of that video. You know he was killed shortly after.
It was a horrible accident. Those sidecuts didn't fit well.
Not everything that glitters is gold.JD I sent that "insider trading" financial advice to all my male relatives already.
Quoted 4 Truth
Don't worry, he's just checking on you. We have some deceased cats that do the same. At first, I thought I was crazy but then our live cats tried playing with them. You're ok.This hit home. We lost our dog not too long ago, I see his shadow from time to time out of the corner of my eye.
View attachment 2838
Thank you brosil.Don't worry, he's just checking on you. We have some deceased cats that do the same. At first, I thought I was crazy but then our live cats tried playing with them. You're ok.