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Three?I don't know if I've ever seen two of 'em in the same place at the same time...
View attachment 3683
In case you missed it... Costco has 18ft hoses, not 8 ft like 'normal' gas stations. That means, yes, you can fill no matter what side the pump is on.Three?
When I started to go to Costco for gas, rather than wait, I was going to turn around as the fill hose was on the driver side and all those spots were taken if the “flow” direction. The attendant got upset, I guess that is verboten. So now, I do as that photo if other lanes are full, not waiting when other spots are open just to be closer to pump with the fill side.
Filler neck used to be behind the license plate.In case you missed it... Costco has 18ft hoses, not 8 ft like 'normal' gas stations. That means, yes, you can fill no matter what side the pump is on.
All gas stations should do this to alleviate driving around to find 'the' pump that fits your side.
Didn't they stop that secondary to the crash implications?Filler neck used to be behind the license plate.
Aftermarket upgraded from 3 tab shingles to architectural.