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Off the coast of Cuba, a pair of falcons followed us for maybe 2 hours playing in and around the ship. At one point one had a fish and was enjoying lunch while still catching a draft...View attachment 1153View attachment 1154
Giving @EricTheCat a run for his money with those shots.... particularly that action shot.

Looking at the silhouette of the Falconiform eating it's prey, it looks like it should be standing on the ground if that makes any sense. Neat picture.
Giving @EricTheCat a run for his money with those shots.... particularly that action shot.

Looking at the silhouette of the Falconiform eating it's prey, it looks like it should be standing on the ground if that makes any sense. Neat picture.
Naw misty, Eric and TomD are galaxies beyond where I am... I'm more like the digital version of an old Rollie

View over coffee this am... cafe britt is goooodUntitled - 1 of 1 (1).jpeg
Took a night hike up and down the river tonight. Saw a nice meteorite while staring right in that area of the sky.

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View attachment 1389
Awesome. Not to sound too picky, what you saw was a meteor.

One of the more confusing terms. If you see it streak in the sky, it was a meteor. If parts of it make it to the ground those parts are meteorites.

There are a few active meteor showers right now including the Orionids which peak over the next day or so. It's actually why I am awake right now. Hoping to catch a few meteor pics.

Awesome. Not to sound too picky, what you saw was a meteor.

One of the more confusing terms. If you see it streak in the sky, it was a meteor. If parts of it make it to the ground those parts are meteorites.

There are a few active meteor showers right now including the Orionids which peak over the next day or so. It's actually why I am awake right now. Hoping to catch a few meteor pics.

I pondered that while posting. Thank you for the correction. 🪐✨
Awesome. Not to sound too picky, what you saw was a meteor.

One of the more confusing terms. If you see it streak in the sky, it was a meteor. If parts of it make it to the ground those parts are meteorites.

There are a few active meteor showers right now including the Orionids which peak over the next day or so. It's actually why I am awake right now. Hoping to catch a few meteor pics.

I just love the color of them. The one I saw also appeared to move like a curve ball or knuckle ball. Straight streak until halfway through it's burn out seemed to zag a bit to one side.
Just left my summer place this is my view out the window. Will be returning in a couple weeks to with fight the damn beavers some more. So far I’ve only been able to trap one of them. If I can’t chase them off they will flood my neighbors property again like they did last year.
Well I thought I knew how to post a picture. it’s a really pretty 3 acre pond.
That monitor lizard eats like a pig.
Someone was monitoring that monitor! Holy smokes! Urp!
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