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BTW That's a "Great Grey" owl.
That's holy enuf to take to church!Here's a back yard experiment. I fired my 30.06 a coupla times at a pie plate for comparison.
Then I fired my .58 calibre "Big Boar" oink hunting BP rifle (shoots 555gr. conicals). Lookit the holes it makes -- a penny on the left one for reference
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Looks like an egg whip... whip it good!BTW That's a "Great Grey" owl.
This oddity manifested itself to me today and thought it would make for a interesting pic.
View attachment 1711
Goldhedge: "That's holy enuf to take to church!"Here's a back yard experiment. I fired my 30.06 a coupla times at a pie plate for comparison.
Then I fired my .58 calibre "Big Boar" oink hunting BP rifle (shoots 555gr. conicals). Lookit the holes it makes -- a penny on the left one for reference
View attachment 1648
LOL did he have a shoulder anymore?A really little guy at the club wanted to shoot it... I stoked it up hot and he cut loose. Then I asked him: "What is your favorite color?"
TRUTH: He would NOT fire it again.LOL did he have a shoulder anymore?
Lots of bird action goin' on. What's behind the little picket fence, a utility accouterment?
The fence hides those green cable and phone towers. The bushes in front of fence are 16 yrs old and were 'supposed' to fill in and hide them, but after 8 yrs they refused.Lots of bird action goin' on. What's behind the little picket fence, a utility accouterment?
What's the most exotic or rare bird you've seen at/around the feeder?The fence hides those green cable and phoneatound towers. The bushes in front of fence are 16 yrs old and were 'supposed' to fill in and hide them, but after 8 yrs they refused.
Ahh, the elusive Neighborous Felis Catus
Excellent lightingIt's a catastrophe I know....
But the redtail hawk has more success with the pigeons...
View attachment 1772
MAGPIES? I adore magpies. I only saw them oncet when I wuz in England in Wales. They were as friendly as can be. Can't remember the town, but the restaurant/pub was called the Red Lion. And there was a lake submarine ride nearby. Anyway, we were walking along and for the heck of it, I held up a crumpet-looking biscuit thing. One of those big suckers landed on my arm! Gobbled the biscuit until it was gone, with me smiling like I'd just had a fresh lobotomy.The fence hides those green cable and phone towers. The bushes in front of fence are 16 yrs old and were 'supposed' to fill in and hide them, but after 8 yrs they refused.
We get a lot of bird action. There's a suet feeder 1/3 up the pine tree that a flicker pair frequents.
Magpies found out that 'Hey, that's edible!' and raid it often as do crows, squirrels, and scrub jays.
all across America!MAGPIES? I adore magpies. I only saw them oncet when I wuz in England in Wales. They were as friendly as can be. Can't remember the town, but the restaurant/pub was called the Red Lion. And there was a lake submarine ride nearby. Anyway, we were walking along and for the heck of it, I held up a crumpet-looking biscuit thing. One of those big suckers landed on my arm! Gobbled the biscuit until it was gone, with me smiling like I'd just had a fresh lobotomy.
And I cannot find the dang picture (two computers back and gone).
Wait. You're not in England! Where are there magpies other than there?
It's no wonder premiums are so high!All these monster box boating accidents. Such tragedy...!
Sightings of 2 rare owls in Maine may be an omen
Calender man!
Where was the female Bluebird? Do you have any BB boxes on your property?