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This is a short article from 2019 I found interesting. It's an opinion piece so take it fwiw and dyodd.

What happens to Russia happens to the world.

BRICS is leaving the dollar. The dollar is toast.

We're begging China to buy our debt so we can make weapons to attack China....

China is saying Bù.
Want to be an Expat?

#braiden_news №1356

📢 The list has been published of foreign States implementing policies that impose destructive neoliberal ideological attitudes that contradict traditional Russian spiritual and moral values.

Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 17.09.2024 № 2560-r

Foreigners wishing to move to the Russian Federation because of the destructive policies of their states are granted the right to apply for temporary residence permits without a quota and without a Russian language exam.

This list includes the following countries 👇

1. Australia
2. Austria
3. Albania
4. Andorra
5. Bahamas
6. Belgium
7. Great Britain
8. Germany
9. Greece
10. Denmark
11. Ireland
12. Iceland
13. Spain
14. Canada
15. Italy
16. Cyprus
17. Latvia
18. Lithuania
19. Liechtenstein
20. Luxembourg
21. Malta
22. Micronesia
23. Monaco
25. Netherlands
26. New Zealand
27. Norway
28. Poland
29. Portugal
30. Republic of Korea
31. Romania
32. San Marino
33. Northern Macedonia
34. Singapore
35. Slovenia
36. USA
37. Taiwan
38. Ukraine
39. Finland
40. France
41. Croatia
43. Czech Republic
44. Switzerland
45. Sweden
46. Estonia
47. Japan

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BRICS is leaving the dollar. The dollar is toast.

I follow the news about BRICS to a certain degree. Some of it doesn't add up. Will have to see how things play out over time.

What happens to Russia happens to the world.

The article you quoted was from 2019. If you go back in time (pre Putin) there was a point where we could have brought Russia into NATO. Maybe the time will come again.........I don't know.

But had it happened that would have been a good thing. I've thought that for years. And had it happened there would have been no attack on Ukraine. In fact, I think we could have done so good things concerning world peace and feeding people. But it didn't happen and now there's a holy mess in Europe. Hopefully it will end soon.

A 750 kiloton nuclear bomb explodes in London... just a computer simulation for now.​


Russian civilians go through a nightmare at the hands of Ukraine soldiers​

This is one of the more difcult reports that I have made. I am in Kursk talking to the people who have managed to escape the Ukraine advance on Kursk and are now refugees in their own country. Although I have seen and heard a lot in the last 15 months reporting from this conflict zone, the stories I heard shocked even me. I really didn't think Ukraine army would go to such extremes in the treatment of civilians who there only crime was to live where they live. Subscribe @CafeRevolution for exclusive eyewitness reports fro the Ukraine/Russia frontline.
Zelensky is an illegitimate president of Ukraine....

❗️Zelensky said he was disappointed because the Russians "didn't come running" to the summit at the West's call

The Ukrainian leader believes that his "victory plan" will strengthen Kyiv's position and "force" Russia to take part in peace talks. He admitted that the plan was developed with the expectation of support from US President Joe Biden.

According to Zelensky, after the peace summit, the West saw that Russia does not intend to participate in the negotiations. According to the Ukrainian leader, Kyiv's partners expressed hope for the appearance of the Russian Federation at the second peace summit.

"Our Western partners said, 'We'll invite the Russians to a second summit, and they'll come running.' Well, now we have a second summit planned, and it doesn't look like they'll come running," Zelensky said in an interview with The New Yorker.


Vincenzo De Luca, member of the Democratic Party of Italy and President of the Campania Campania:

Was it really necessary after the fall of the Berlin Wall to expand NATO along Russia's entire western border? Did you really think there would be no reaction? When Soviet missiles appeared in Cuba, the U.S. set up a naval blockade, and rightly so.

Instead of keeping Russia chained to Europe, we gave away the largest reservoir of raw materials to China. How can you be that stupid? You can't wage open war without saying what the objective is. What is the objective? Victory over Russia? Then you're crazy because you're leading us to nuclear war! Is that clear or not?

Today there are no more conditions for peace! On October 28, 2022, they have not yet occupied all these areas of Ukraine. There could have been a ceasefire. There can be no peace today. The ultimate goal is a ceasefire, but for now let's stop the carnage. Then let's see if we can get China, India, third world countries involved. Let's see if we can create the conditions for peace.

If we keep going the way we are, where the hell will we arrive?

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
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🛫 Two Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers carried out a scheduled flight over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea near the west coast of Alaska

The flight lasted more than 11 hours. Fighter escort was provided by Su-35 and Su-30SM crews.

All flights were conducted in strict compliance with international airspace rules, the Russian Ministry of Defense noted.

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Two Russian Tu-95MS strategic bombers carried out a scheduled flight over the neutral waters of the Bering Sea near the west coast of Alaska
The flight lasted more than 11 hours. Fighter escort was provided by Su-35 and Su-30SM crews.
All flights were conducted in strict compliance with international airspace rules, the Russian Ministry of Defense noted.
That is interesting. Bombers carry what? Oh, these are "strategic bombers"?! What is the difference between a "bomber" and a "strategic bomber"? I am thinking about this...

Exclusive: Russia has secret war drones project in China, intel sources say​

  • Russia establishes drone factory in China, sources tells Reuters
  • Russian arms firm develops UAVs for use in Ukraine, they say
  • China-made drones have been delivered to Russia - sources, docs
  • Chinese government says it is not aware of such a project
Sept 25 (Reuters) - Russia has established a weapons programme in China to develop and produce long-range attack drones for use in the war against Ukraine, according to two sources from a European intelligence agency and documents reviewed by Reuters.

IEMZ Kupol, a subsidiary of Russian state-owned weapons company Almaz-Antey, has developed and flight-tested a new drone model called Garpiya-3 (G3) in China with the help of local specialists, according to one of the documents, a report that Kupol sent to the Russian defense ministry earlier this year outlining its work.



Here's a bit more:


🇷🇺🇺🇦Russian Forces Enter Vugledar

The heavily fortified city of Vugledar has now been semi-encircled with Russian forces entering the outskirts of the city.

The 2 maps show the city on September 1, 2024 and as of September 25, 2024.

This is another indication of Ukraine's slowly collapsing fighting capacity and its inability to hold even the most heavily fortified positions along the line of contact.

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During the conference on Kursk, there was brutal testimony about the Ukrainian military killing civilians just for fun. Including a man and his pregnant wife. This is not new, we saw this during the brutality after the Maidan, where the people of the Donbass were subject to such torture for eight long years.Until they were liberated by the Russian military.

⚡️ Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview ( for a documentary titled "The UN from the 20th to the 21st Century" (Moscow, September 25, 2024)

Key points:

• Less than a year after the victorious powers established the UN based on the noble principles formulated in its charter, it became clear that the West, acting contrary to these principles, intended to launch a war against the Soviet Union, and not merely a cold war but an all-out war. These plans hatched by the then "Anglo-Saxons" [nations of the Anglosphere led by the US & UK] have long become public knowledge.

• Once NATO was created, the Soviet Union circulated a large document which demonstrated the detrimental effect of that and the danger of building walls between the East and the West, especially in Europe, and called for respecting the #UNCharter and for working towards this. Our call was not heeded.

✊ However, we kept fighting for justice and the implementation of the principle of sovereign equality of nations. Decolonisation was a bright stage and a major embodiment of that principle. The Soviet Union was the main initiator of the 1960 Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples. Following its adoption, the number of UN states increased by 80-90 members.

• They tell us that the main goal today is to ensure the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is a misleading interpretation of the UN Charter, where the right of nations to self-determination is put before territorial integrity.

• Even before demanding respect for territorial integrity, the UN Charter demands respect for human rights without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion <…> Now that Zelensky’s Nazi regime, which the West nurtured, has banned both the language and religious rights of a large number of its own population, the West has put away the banners it was waving for decades.

❗️The top priority now is to ensure the achievement of the initial goals and principles of the UN Charter in their entirety and as a whole, rather than selectively or occasionally.

• The reform of the UN Security Council is not a one-off event. It’s a process which has been ongoing since the time the United Nations came into being <...> Nevertheless, it relies on principles that must be preserved at all costs. The main principle is that the Security Council reform should be based on a broad-based agreement among states. It does not say “consensus,” but it does state “broad-based agreement among states.”

🌍 🇮🇳🇧🇷 We have invariably supported the legitimate aspirations of India and Brazil to secure permanent seats in the Security Council. However, African aspirations must be met as well. Africa has common collective positions, which we respect. And we would have like that.

• Our position implies providing additional seats for Asia, Africa, and Latin America. We are open to some of these seats being permanent, but we need to achieve general agreement before we can move forward. It is a complicated process. I don’t see any chance for bringing this process to a swift and expedited completion any time soon.

• Since the UN was created, there has never been a time, a region, or a situation that involved the United States in one way or another, where the country would actually respect that principle. Every time, everywhere they acted as a hegemon, or like a "bull in a china shop".

• When they wanted to punish Russia, the West abandoned all the principles which it was feeding to us and which it declared sacred. The same is happening to the principles of the UN Charter. The West is trampling and destroying them without a moment’s hesitation.

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#UNGA79 #UNCharterIsOurRules

Russia and China are moving on without the US

🇷🇺🇨🇳 Russia boosts aluminum supplies to China to record $2.3Bln

Russia increased aluminum supplies to China by 1.4 times to a record $2.3 billion in January-August, a Sputnik analysis of official figures showed on Tuesday.

In 2019, China’s aluminum imports from Russia amounted to only $60.6 million.

Sales of copper, the second main metal in Russian exports, remained at the same level - $1.7 billion, but nickel supplies decreased to $518 million from $709 million.

At the same time, Russia reduced its iron and steel supplies to China by a third to $286.7 million, while simultaneously increasing exports of products from these metals by 1.8 times to $274 million.

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good speech

Russian FM Lavrov Blasts At UNGA! Says West & Israel Will Be Punished If Break Laws!​

The magazine that contributed THIS to the dialog about the nation's future.


Such a beautiful, elegant, war-infatuated True Leader.
Sometimes The New Yorker has some good stuff, sometimes they don't. Just have to dyodd with anything political.
and rely on indy sources instead

For laughs I've looked up different sources that have been posted here. Craziest one was in the covid thread. It was about a kid who had some long blood clot due to covid shot. Went to site the post came from and saw it was all about negative effects of the covid shots. Tried to find site owner to see who he was. In the end all I came up with was a vid that was literally laughing at anyone who watched it. Started laughing at myself for wasting my time and told myself to stick with sources I know.
On September 30, 1941, during the Great Patriotic War, the Battle of Moscow began.

In September 1941, the German command started preparing an operation to capture Moscow. The plan was to encircle and destroy the main Soviet forces defending the capital in the areas of Bryansk and Vyazma, then bypass Moscow from the north and south.

On September 30, 1941, the battle for the capital began. Soviet forces repelled the advance of the German Army Group "Center" on the western strategic front, defending Moscow and the Central Industrial Region, then launched a counterattack and initiated a general offensive across all major strategic directions.

Forces from the Kalinin, Western, Reserve, Bryansk, the left wing of the Northwestern, and the right wing of the Southwestern Fronts, as well as air defense troops and the Air Force, participated in the battle.

The Soviet forces totaled 1.25 million soldiers, 7.6 thousand artillery pieces and mortars, 990 tanks, and 677 aircraft. The German Army Group "Center" consisted of 1.8 million soldiers, over 14,000 artillery pieces and mortars, 1.7 thousand tanks, and 1,390 aircraft.

The Soviet forces inflicted the first major defeat on the enemy during the Great Patriotic War, thwarting their "blitzkrieg" plans. The enemy was pushed back westward by 150-400 kilometers, liberating the Moscow and Tula regions, as well as many areas of the Kalinin and Smolensk regions.

During the Battle of Moscow, the German forces lost over 500,000 men killed, wounded, or missing, along with 1,300 tanks, 2,500 artillery pieces, and other equipment.

For their valor and courage in the defense of Moscow, about 40 units were granted the title of Guards, 36,000 Soviet soldiers were awarded orders and medals, and 110 were named Heroes of the Soviet Union. Over 1 million defenders of the city were awarded the "For the Defense of Moscow" medal, established in 1944.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(📱 InfoDefens ( (http://cat.general/)
More than 60 Europeans have applied to Russian embassies over the past month to obtain a residence permit. Like the 17 Britons , they were interested in the new decree on ideological asylum to people "who share traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

Among them are 34 citizens of the United Kingdom - they applied for Russian residence permits at the Consulate General in Edinburgh and the Embassy in London. All said that they were tired of the liberal agenda and therefore wanted to live in Russia. The number of applications to the Russian Embassy in the UK increased by 226%.

There are about 30 Italians with them. They have the same reasons - an unpleasant summons. They asked for a residence permit at our embassy in Rome. It is expected that the number of Italian citizens who want to move to Russia will grow. The government recently published a list of countries that "impose destructive and neoliberal ideological attitudes."

It includes: Australia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Denmark, Ireland, Spain, Canada, Latvia, Lithuania, Monaco, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, South Korea, the USA, Taiwan, Ukraine, Finland, France, Croatia, Montenegro, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Sweden, Estonia, Japan and others. Citizens of these countries can now arrange to move to Russia if they want to settle here.

How Russia's Economy Neutralised Western Sanctions: A Comprehensive Overview

Despite unprecedented sanctions imposed by Western nations, the Russian economy has demonstrated remarkable resilience and adaptability. Initially expected to suffer catastrophic declines, Russia's strategic economic response has mitigated many of the predicted impacts, with some sectors even thriving in adversity. Here are key factors behind this resilience:

1. Energy Exports Pivot to New Markets
A crucial pillar of Russia's economy is energy exports, particularly oil and gas. While European buyers reduced their reliance on Russian energy, Moscow swiftly redirected its exports to Asia, notably China and India. In 2023, Russian crude oil exports to India skyrocketed, replacing traditional markets in Europe. Energy export revenues, despite price caps, continued to provide critical foreign exchange inflows, stabilizing the ruble and supporting government spending .

2. Currency Control Measures
Following the sanctions, Russia implemented strict capital controls to prevent a mass exodus of foreign currency. Measures included mandating exporters to convert a portion of their foreign earnings into rubles and restricting the transfer of foreign currency out of the country. These interventions shored up the ruble, which had initially plunged in value but has since recovered significantly .

3. Domestic Production and Import Substitution
With access to many Western products restricted, Russia intensified efforts toward domestic production and import substitution. Key sectors, including agriculture and manufacturing, benefitted from state support and investment. For example, agricultural production has seen growth, with Russia maintaining its position as a leading wheat exporter . Domestic manufacturing, while not fully compensating for lost imports, has adapted by sourcing components from friendly nations and building internal capacities.

4. Strategic Partnerships with Non-Western Nations
Russia’s growing economic ties with China, India, Turkey, and several Middle Eastern countries have proven crucial. Trade volumes with China have surged, as have financial and technological collaborations. This "pivot to the East" strategy has softened the blow from lost Western trade and investment, ensuring Russia retains access to global markets, albeit restructured .

5. Strong Fiscal Management and Reserves
Russia entered the sanction regime with substantial foreign reserves (over $600 billion). Despite the freezing of a portion of these reserves by Western countries, Russia's fiscal management has been robust. It continues to finance its budget effectively, utilizing domestic borrowing and gold reserves, ensuring minimal disruptions to state obligations and social spending .

While challenges remain, including inflationary pressures and technological isolation, Russia’s economic structure has shown significant adaptability. The shift in global alliances, the bolstering of domestic industries, and effective policy interventions highlight how Russia has successfully navigated the immediate fallout of Western sanctions.


1. [IMF Report on Russia's Capital Control Measures, 2023]
2. [World Bank: Russian Agricultural Sector Performance, 2022]
3. [Trade Relations Between Russia and China, 2023]
4. [Rosstat Economic Data, 2023]
5. [Oil Export Statistics: India and Russia, 2023]
6. [European Energy Import Substitution Report, 2023]
7. [Russian Central Bank Data on Foreign Reserves, 2023]
Sounds like something outta Top Gun

Russia saved the world from the 3rd Reich...

81 years since the Russian victory over Nazi Germany in the Battle of Kursk.​

81 years ago, the Red Army defeated the Nazis in the Battle of Kursk. The losses were enormous - more than 250,000 soldiers died. We are proud of the feat of the Soviet people at the Arc of Fire.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(📱 InfoDefens ( (http://cat.general/)

🇷🇺🌍 "Colonialism lives and flourishes in new, modern forms", Russian diplomat calls for its eradication

The process of decolonization not only freed peoples of Africa, Asia, Latin America and Oceania from oppression, but also strengthened the UN itself, Pyotr Ilyichev, Russia's First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN, said at the meeting of the Fourth Committee of the 79th session of the UN General Assembly.

He also emphasized that the 1960 UN Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, adopted on the USSR's initiative, remains relevant despite its almost 65-year history as 17 territories still lack self-determination.

Ilyichev argued that complete victory over colonialism entails not only formal independence but also overcoming the lasting consequences of centuries of oppression, noting that colonial crimes remain largely unaddressed, with calls for reparations and apologies often ignored.

🗣 "Today, colonialism lives and flourishes in new, modern forms and manifestations, such as unilateral coercive measures, interference in the internal affairs of sovereign states, politicization or simply restriction of humanitarian aid and technical assistance," the Russian diplomat said.

The diplomat stressed the unacceptability of colonialism in all its forms and expressed readiness to seek its complete eradication, speaking of a draft resolution titled "Eradicating colonialism in all its forms and manifestations."

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🗓 On October 6, 1863, in the heat of the American Civil War, Russian squadron commanded by Rear Admiral Stepan Lesovsky arrived in New York and, almost concurrently, a squadron commanded by Rear Admiral Andrey Popov arrived in San Francisco.

Russia was among the few countries that unequivocally supported the North in its war against the South and abolition slavery. The arrival of a Russian naval squadrons was to demonstrate support for Lincoln’s government and to prevent interference in the US affairs by London and Paris that stood with the South and were plotting a military intervention of the United States.

Although Russia maintained armed neutrality, the arrival of the Russian squadrons played an important role in strengthening the international status of the North and contributed to the Union’s success in the Civil War.

⚓️ The Russian Navy’s presence in the US waters demonstrated Russia-US friendship of the time, elevating the two countries’ naval ties to a high level and making them an essential part of the bilateral relations.

In 1866, a US naval squadron paid a friendly visit to Russia to express gratitude to the Emperor for the Russian naval forces’ assistance.

You don't say...?

🇷🇺🇮🇱 Russia at the UN says "it is becoming increasingly clear that Israeli leadership aims to trigger a conflict between Iran and the United States.

🎙Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview ( to Newsweek ( magazine (October 7, 2024)

❓Question: As the Ukraine conflict continues, how different is Russia's position than in 2022 and how are the costs of conflict being weighed against the progress made toward strategic objectives?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Our position is widely known and remains unchanged. Russia is open to a politico-diplomatic settlement that should remove the root causes of the crisis.

It should aim to end the conflict rather than achieve a ceasefire. The West should stop supplying weapons, and Kiev should end the hostilities.

👉 Ukraine should return to its neutral, non-bloc and non-nuclear status, protect the Russian language, and respect the rights and freedoms of its citizens.


On 14 June, Russian President Vladimir Putin listed () prerequisites for the settlement as follows: complete AFU withdrawal from the DPR, LPR, Zaporozhye and Kherson Oblasts; recognition of territorial realities as enshrined in the Russian Constitution; neutral, non-bloc, non-nuclear status for Ukraine; its demilitarization and denazification; securing the rights, freedoms and interests of Russian-speaking citizens; and removal of all sanctions against Russia.

Kiev responded to this statement by an armed incursion into the Kursk Oblast on 6 August. Its patrons – the US and other NATO countries – seek to inflict a «strategic defeat» on Russia. Under the circumstances, we have no choice but to continue our special military operation until the threats posed by Ukraine are removed. <...>

❓Question: How likely do you think it is that a military or diplomatic solution can be achieved, or do you see a greater risk of the conflict spiraling into something even larger with Ukrainian forces receiving more advanced NATO weaponry and entering Russian territory?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Making guesses is not my job. What I want to say is that we have been trying to extinguish this crisis for more than a decade, yet each time we put to paper agreements that suite everyone, Kiev and its masters would backpedal. <...>

At present, as far as we can see, restoring peace is not part of our adversary's plan. Zelensky has not revoked his decree banning negotiations with Moscow. Washington and its NATO allies provide political, military and financial support to Kiev so that the war would go on. They are discussing authorizing the AFU to use Western long-range missiles to strike deep into Russian territory. "Playing with fire" in this way may lead to dangerous consequences. As stated by President Putin, we will take adequate decisions based on our understanding of the threats posed by the West. It is up to you to make conclusions.

❓Question: What concrete plans does Russia have in line with its strategic partnerships with China and other powers to achieve changes in the current world order and how do you expect these ambitions to play out in areas of intense competition and conflict, including the Middle East?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: What we have in mind is that the world order needs be adjusted to the current realities. Today the world is living through the "multipolar moment". Shifting towards the multi-polar world order is a natural part of power rebalancing, which reflects objective changes in the world economy, finance and geopolitics. The West waited longer than the others, yet it has also started to realize that this process is irreversible.


Multipolarity manifests itself in the increasing role of regional associations, such as the #EAEU, #SCO, #ASEAN, #AfricanUnion, #CELAC and others. #BRICS has become a model of multilateral diplomacy. The #UN should remain a forum for aligning the interests of all the countries.

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🎙 Excerpt from Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview ( to Newsweek ( magazine (October 7, 2024)

❓Question: What impact do you expect the US presidential election to have on Russia-US relations if Donald Trump wins or if Kamala Harris wins and how is Russia preparing for either scenario?

💬 Sergey Lavrov: Generally speaking, the outcome of this election makes no difference to us, as the two parties have reached a consensus as to countering Russia. In case there are political changes in the United States and new proposals to us, we will be ready to consider them and decide whether they meet our interests. At all events, we will promote Russia's interests decisively, especially as far as its national security is concerned.

On the whole, it would be natural for the White House resident, no matter who they are, to mind their domestic business, rather than looking for adventures tens of thousands miles away from American coasts. I am confident that US electors think the same.

Read in full (
Russia at the UN says "it is becoming increasingly clear that Israeli leadership aims to trigger a conflict between Iran and the United States.
Somehow I doubt that the crazed warmongers, eager for nuclear conflict with Russia, ready to go Total War with China over Taiwan...somehow I don't think they need much triggering.

And I doubt Israel is the instigator. Willing partner, yes. Complicit, yes. But we didn't need Israel to make arses of ourselves in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Moar-War morons can't WAIT for more Endless War...
Continuois war is not good for anybody. Nobody ever really wins a war.
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