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went to Wallyworld (for something else). checked out the ammo, NOTHING on the shelf except many, many boxes and brands of 30-06, for 19.95. I have lots of that cal. Then went to local hardware store (for something else). Every cal in stock, at pre-freakout prices, mostly. Shelves of .223, federal at 23.99 a box. No .22 though. Got my sandpaper and went home.
In Houston they are rationing 9mm and .22 ammo at Academy to one box per customer.
In Houston they are rationing 9mm and .22 ammo at Academy to one box per customer.
Since this is how Academy decided to best serve their customers, rather than government induced rationing, it is completely their right to do so.
Well, things are certainly looking up a bit!
Shot shells have pretty much gone back to normal, they even have 500rd cases back out there (right under the tannerite, lol).
The local store is only restricting 9mm and .22, 2 boxes each instead of 1.
There was actually a fair amount of .45 and .40, mostly HPs though.
.223/5.56 is back on the shelves, however the cheapest stuff was $10.00 still. Looks like people don't really want it for that much (I didn't).
Out of the calibers commonly used in semi-automatic, high-capacity magazine fed centerfire rifles, 7.62x39 is by far the easiest to get from what I have seen. Plenty on the shelves and on the net, Russian steel going for $6/box or a little less if you grab a big case.
5.45x39 can be had on the net for a little over $4/box (as part of a case), but I still have never seen any at a store.
I don't remember what the .308 situation was though, never really considered getting a .308.
Like we like to say around here, BTFD!!!
Wally world had a good stack of 40 & 45, a bit of 223 and a few other rifle calibers (no 308) one box of that TULAmmo crap in 9mm. They would still only let me buy 3 boxes though. Got the last 100 round box of Winchester whitebox, then 2 boxes of Federal 50 rnds/box. All FMJ of course. Out the door w/tax for $71.66 so just under 36 cents a round is not bad, at least now days that is. Also, no .22 to be found, heard of, or even rumors of it being available in our lifetimes.
http://ammoseek.com is neat because it shows you the $/round from a multitude of online dealers for any given caliber. Checked it just now and prices are still crazy. .22lr is listing (not sure if that means in stock) for ~$.13 and up per round. Last time I bought several thousand rounds, it was just under $.03 per round.
Gordon Taylor has been in the business of guns and ammo for decades and says he’s never seen anything that compares to the extreme demand he and other dealers are contending with.
“Gun sales are at an all-time high. They are at an all-time high, everywhere,“ said Taylor.
And it’s been that way for month-after-pandemic-stricken-month - a massive 130 percent increase in year-over-year firearms sales triggered, in part, by social unrest and images of violent protest.
The same crushing demand applying to ammunition as well.
“Fear. It’s fear of the unknown. They are buying it. They don’t know what they are going to do with it, but they are buying it so they have it,” said Taylor.
Fueling the explosion of demand are folks who’ve never owned a firearm before, by one estimate more than 5 million nationwide.
“Most of what we are selling is to first-time buyers,” said Taylor.
“Everybody is getting ready for something, but I don’t think they know what they are getting ready for,” said Taylor.