The Gold Standard

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And I claim first patent on a $100 dollar bill that has "no gold" areas that form lines so the hundred could be "broken" into two fifties, or four twenty-fives, or ten tens, or a hundred singles. <-- Each piece containing exactly the amount of gold to value it perfectly.
$100 dollar bill?
Why $?
Why dollar?

This is gold standard Unca, not fiat standard.
Gold Standard bills are denominated in gold, not in $.

A $100 dollar bill you say?
How about a 100mg gold bill?

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 22.40.58.png

Beautiful, isn't

I've been saying that a long time, now.

The dollar crash, is the end of Big Pharma's power. The end of the Green Raw Deal. The end of government handouts for things that work to DESTROY our economy.

The end of Drag Queen Story Hour. The end of hormonal and surgical mutilation of kids by the thousands. THE END OF SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN PUBLICK SKEULZ.

It reintroduces sanity into our lives. All that's needed, is to cut the control the Swamp crazies have to do all this evil.

Make the Dollar Great Again by Making It a Weight of Gold and Silver.​

Jan 20, 2025 #money #currency #debt

Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan:

Make the Dollar Great Again by Making It a Weight of Gold and

00:00 Introduction
05:00 How the dollar was defined in 1792
12:58 HW Brands's Andrew Jackson - Book Recommendation
18:17 A reading of Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan
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