The Gold Standard

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And I claim first patent on a $100 dollar bill that has "no gold" areas that form lines so the hundred could be "broken" into two fifties, or four twenty-fives, or ten tens, or a hundred singles. <-- Each piece containing exactly the amount of gold to value it perfectly.
$100 dollar bill?
Why $?
Why dollar?

This is gold standard Unca, not fiat standard.
Gold Standard bills are denominated in gold, not in $.

A $100 dollar bill you say?
How about a 100mg gold bill?

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 22.40.58.png

Beautiful, isn't

I've been saying that a long time, now.

The dollar crash, is the end of Big Pharma's power. The end of the Green Raw Deal. The end of government handouts for things that work to DESTROY our economy.

The end of Drag Queen Story Hour. The end of hormonal and surgical mutilation of kids by the thousands. THE END OF SEXUALIZATION OF CHILDREN IN PUBLICK SKEULZ.

It reintroduces sanity into our lives. All that's needed, is to cut the control the Swamp crazies have to do all this evil.

Make the Dollar Great Again by Making It a Weight of Gold and Silver.​

Jan 20, 2025 #money #currency #debt

Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan:

Make the Dollar Great Again by Making It a Weight of Gold and

00:00 Introduction
05:00 How the dollar was defined in 1792
12:58 HW Brands's Andrew Jackson - Book Recommendation
18:17 A reading of Gold and Economic Freedom by Alan Greenspan
Trump won't do it.

Trump, like all people who live(d) off financialization (in Trump's case, borrowed money was the bedrock for all major development projects)...he's addicted to cheap money. How many times has he said, he wants lower (even negative) interest rates?

Gold backing won't do it. A gold standard will make money SCARCE.

It would make our economy sound, but only after a massive recession unfolds from the cutting-off of all that CTRL+P money

I don't think Trump has it in him to even understand what the world looks like on the other side of the equation, as a saver or investor looking for safe, solid returns.
You don't hold it, you don't own it.

What's to keep the holders of the gold from "fractional-reserving" the "owners" gold?

I was reading today about Utah's gold backed transactional currency and I thought about our exchange back in December.

The Utah House committee has unanimously passed House Bill 306 (HB306), which aims to establish a gold and silver-backed electronic payment system for state vendors. This innovative system ... would allow the state to make payments using physical gold or silver held in vault facilities within Utah.

If you apply the "If you don't hold it you don't own it" to gold backed digital currencies, you are going to reject initiatives like this one.
I was reading today about Utah's gold backed transactional currency and I thought about our exchange back in December.

The Utah House committee has unanimously passed House Bill 306 (HB306), which aims to establish a gold and silver-backed electronic payment system for state vendors. This innovative system ... would allow the state to make payments using physical gold or silver held in vault facilities within Utah.

If you apply the "If you don't hold it you don't own it" to gold backed digital currencies, you are going to reject initiatives like this one.
It's a step in the right direction.

It's going to require a lot of oversight, however - and rotters may see it as a challenge, as they have with check-kiting, with accounting fraud, with every other half-fast attempt to provide accountability.

Gold is like Truth. Neither need any defenders. Truth stands alone; and gold, once proven, needs only a weight and a count.

Paper "backed" by gold "held in a vault" needs a lot more.
We could return to a gold standard but not for international trade. Only for transactions within the US. This would be deflationary for people living within the US and the dollar could still be used for international transactions.

In order to have a gold standard for international trade the price of gold would need to go to about 125-150k an OZ to cover the debt. We would also need to export more than we import or eventually our gold is all going overseas.

Of course transacting with gold and silver within the US is already possible but not widely accepted.
Hello Unca

The holder of a gold backed paper currency holds in his hands a piece of paper.
The bullion represented by that piece of paper sits in a vault.

The holder of a gold backed digital currency holds an account.
The bullion represented by his digital currencies sits in a vault.

The holder of the gold backed paper currency doesn't hold/touch the gold, because the bullion sits in a vault.
The holder of the gold backed digital currency doesn't hold/touch the gold, because the bullion sits in a vault.

As far as the holding and the touching are concerned, there is no difference between gold backed paper currencies and gold backed digital currencies.

If you reject gold backed digital currencies because "If you don't hold/touch it you don't own it" - like Casey does -, logic requires that for the same reason you reject gold backed paper currencies too.

The difference is that with the gold backed currency, physical gold is payable to the bearer of the gold backed currency, on demand.

That makes it (the gold) be in your hand, not just locked in a far away vault somewhere.

Why can't we have both?
The difference is that with the gold backed currency, physical gold is payable to the bearer of the gold backed currency, on demand.

That makes it (the gold) be in your hand, not just locked in a far away vault somewhere.
If I get you right JK, you are addressing what they call redemption: the option for the currency holder of redeeming the bullion represented by his gold backed currency, i.e. exchanging his gold backed currency for the underlying bullion.

You are right in that the option for redemption is an important criterion in order to discriminate between different gold backed currencies.
I don't know whether these initiatives for gold backed "transactional currencies" promoted by several states allow redemption. I don't even know whether the gold backed US dollar allowed redemption.

This discussion about how to apply the "If you don't touch/hold it, you don't own it" to gold backed currencies started when I mentioned gold backed digital currencies.
There are gold backed digital currencies that allow redemption.

You don't hold it, you don't own it.

What's to keep the holders of the gold from "fractional-reserving" the "owners" gold?
Audits CJ
Independent audits conducted regularly by a company specialized in auditing commodity inventories.
Something like this one

The reason for the existence of fractional reserve in the gold world is lack of audits (think about the gold ETF).
I repeat: not just any kind of audit but independent audits conducted regularly by a company specialized in auditing commodity inventories.

The Trump Admin has instructed the US Treasury with repatriating the US gold reserves held in London (this is the reason for the gold inventories moving from London to NY, not the tariff hoax).
They want to bring home the US gold and then audit it.

Of course they are too smart to let the audit to be conducted by a gov agency.
The audit of the US gold reserves will be conducted by one - maybe more than one - independent companies - probably under the supervision of the US Treasury.

I read that the last audit of the US gold reserves was in 1954. There was another one in the 70es but it was just a show.
I don't know whether, how, by whom and how often the US gold reserves were audited before 1950.
I don't know whether these initiatives for gold backed "transactional currencies" promoted by several states allow redemption.
If not, they ain't really gold backed.

The point is, if the currency being used is redeemable in the gold backing the currency, it's virtually the same thing as the gold itself circulating.

This discussion about how to apply the "If you don't touch/hold it, you don't own it" to gold backed currencies started when I mentioned gold backed digital currencies.
There are gold backed digital currencies that allow redemption.
As long as there is redemption, it's all good. Both physical and digital currency.
The Trump Admin has instructed the US Treasury with repatriating the US gold reserves held in London (this is the reason for the gold inventories moving from London to NY, not the tariff hoax).
They want to bring home the US gold and then audit it.

Of course they are too smart to let the audit to be conducted by a gov agency.
The audit of the US gold reserves will be conducted by one - maybe more than one - independent companies - probably under the supervision of the US Treasury.

I read that the last audit of the US gold reserves was in 1954. There was another one in the 70es but it was just a show.
I don't know whether, how, by whom and how often the US gold reserves were audited before 1950.

So, nobody countered my prediction.
Makes sense then
Link to paper Mario mentioned in the above vid:

Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money
By HON. HOWARD BUFFETT, U. S. Congressman from Nebraska
Reprinted from The Commercial and Financial Chronicle, May 6, 1948

Same paper mentioned again by Mario in today's vid.

Who's Loading Up on All the Physical Gold? Part 2.​

Feb 28, 2025 #dollar #preciousmetals #government

Annual Letter to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders (comment about paper money on page 7:

Human Freedom Rests on Gold redeemable Money, Howard Buffett:


Who Is Loading Up on All the Physical Gold? Part 1.

"Human Freedom Rests on Gold Redeemable Money": Howard Buffett.
Man, I don't know if I'm just being extra stupid today but for some reason I can't make sense of the above chart.
I've tried everything including turning my head sideways and I'm just not getting it.
Can someone explain it as if they're talking to an eighth grader?
Thanks for indulging this old man.
Blue bars are the marked to market value of gold relative to federal debt. Currently, the value of US gold, marked to market, is just 2% of Federal debt.

White line is ratio of federal debt to GDP.

The chart starts circa 1940 and shows how we used to have gold equivalent to 40% of Federal debt (before WWII spending blew out the debt to GDP ratio).

The text in yellow is doing a simple "this is what our current holding of gold would need to be worth to be the equivalent value of X% of Federal debt.

Classically, a gold standard maintains at least 40% gold reserves.
Blue bars are the marked to market value of gold relative to federal debt. Currently, the value of US gold, marked to market, is just 2% of Federal debt.

White line is ratio of federal debt to GDP.

The chart starts circa 1940 and shows how we used to have gold equivalent to 40% of Federal debt (before WWII spending blew out the debt to GDP ratio).

The text in yellow is doing a simple "this is what our current holding of gold would need to be worth to be the equivalent value of X% of Federal debt.

Classically, a gold standard maintains at least 40% gold reserves.
…so there’s a chance?
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