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Gonna get ugly when the public finally wakes up.
ALERT! OCC Data Shows 1st Drop In Silver/Gold Derivatives in Years! JPM & BofA Dump $38B! (Bix Weir)
It would be great if Bix was credible... but alas!
However, never discount what the drunk on the corner is telling you... often he isn't wrong!
Such a complex world of Loonies!
Gillette for the win. Never cut myself ever.
get on my tits.
He is a Democrat no less! IR cams usually scan the crowd, not focused on one person....
It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner.
If I was a wagering enthusiast, I would bet this guy was paid to set her up.
She’s coming off a divorce, and she’s vulnerable. This guy comes into her life, charms her, seduces her and then probably gets her liquored up and takes her out in public. Stage set.
He then instigates her by fondling her in a theater that just happens to have night vision cameras right on them. Then the whole incident is released to the public in what looks like high-definition video in an attempt to harm her reputation.
This is all way too convenient. Whether her date was a part of it or not, this seems like a well-coordinated setup. These types of tactics and traps are used all the time, and I would know.
It turns out Lauren Boebert's mystery man is a Democrat bar owner.
Gold prices remain firmly stuck in neutral as the tug-of-war between the Federal Reserve’s hawkish monetary policy bias and the risk of a potential recession continues to dominate the marketplace.
Silver - Approaching an MA squeeze? ...
Short fest? Corporate buy back black out.
However, the market knows this is coming, so no surprises.
Is this guy ever right about anything?