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You think they care that much about an illiquid market like the miners? They got bigger fish to fry. But it's easy to sell this one is a 50 bagger in waiting. Like $200 Silver.Well not necessarily but I think it matters, a lot. If you really think that the miners are underperforming because its not a real gold rally that will soon fail, then you'd sell gold.
But perhaps they are underperforming just because sentiment is just terrible. Everyone sees the past little history and projects that into the near future. Ok, that means you are getting a good deal but it will take time to get rid of the negativity.
Or, and this seems more likely. The DS have amped up their manipulations, creating more fake shares and surprising the prices even more. This will create a huge potential force to create a very fast snap back (sling-shot) like rally.
You think they care that much about an illiquid market like the miners? They got bigger fish to fry. But it's easy to sell this one is a 50 bagger in waiting. Like $200 Silver.
Once Terronera comes on-line q4 next year things should improve greatly. They took on a lot of debt to make this happen but the balance sheet can handle it. Thats with lower silver prices as well. Prices will go higher in the coming years and when terronera comes online they say their production costs will be greatly reduced. I think they are also using their own cash on this project but once operational the new mine should provide another 55 mil a year in cashflow at todays prices.EXK new 52 week lows. Silver sucks.
At the same time, McIntyre also noted that along with the Fed's aggressive rate hikes, it has reduced its balance sheet, significantly reducing M2 money supply, the amount of money held by the public.
"Because the supply of money is decreasing, asset values are inherently decreasing. You now need more assets to support your credit requirements at higher levels. This is the last thing you absolutely want because it can quickly spiral out of control," he said. "I think this is why investors are turning to gold because they see a stable asset. There is only one safe-haven asset out there if you don't just want U.S. government bonds: that is gold."
They did OK up until late 2020.I think someone forgot to tell the miners that the bull market started. The miners:gold ratio should be rocketing higher.
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VooDoo, something about your post keeps ringing in my brain. Have we seen capitulation in the miners? I haven't researched the volumes traded yet but until we see no buying and panic selling, I don't believe the bottom is in.They just started like a month or two ago... Except for our already discussed poor, poor mining stocks.
You're literally the one person that taught me patience! I'm still making shit decisions, but on a much longer time scale now.Goodbye I'm out.
Like the kiddies say. Psyche.Market tries to leave as many people at home as possible when they do take off. If we are loosing lots of old-timers than I'm feeling better.
The ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas continues to prompt hedge funds to exit their short bets in the gold market, with some starting to take new bullish positions, according to the latest data from the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.