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Watch, silver will plummet 10% tomorrow.
Stochastics on silver have pulled back, and ready to rumble. Doesn't mean they will, but this would be a good time for it to make a move.
Miners to gold ratio is in the dumps, staying at the lows despite the $200 run in gold. Simply awful to look at.
Give this a listen... educational at 1.25x
An in depth look at world energy usage and economic growth across decades. Lots of CHARTS!

Conversations with Dr. Fadi Lama II​

Dr. Fadi Lama presents the energy framework and why the west can't win.
No one knows where the bottoms are for sure and after the pretty much relentless selling in the miners you have to wonder how much tax loss selling can there possibly be to do?
Gold rockets higher, and the miners slowly move higher. Gold gently moves lower, and miners fall off a cliff.
This period is going to go down in the record books as the most awful to be in for the miners.
Gold rockets higher, and the miners slowly move higher. Gold gently moves lower, and miners fall off a cliff.
This period is going to go down in the record books as the most awful to be in for the miners.
This is also going to be known as the Golden Opportunity for buying miners.
I’ve made lots, and lost lots, and all I know is that the longer I procrastinate, the better things look.
Sitting in cash, waiting for the bottom next Spring.
Biden, Powell and Yellen gonna run this fucker into the ground. That’s when we pounce; everything else will lead to capitulation.
It might take that long or we could bottom late this year. Those October bottoms go it looks very bleak short term.

I would have thought the miners would be off more today given the smack down in the metals. HL bounced off the $3.60 level and CDE is yet to take out 2 bucks. SILJ is hanging around the previous bottoms. Might just be junk buyers looking for bargains. Markets closed here Monday I'm just gonna watch this.
Markets are open Monday WTF was I thinking? Interesting spot for Hecla but hammers don't have to work. These stocks barely go up when the metals go up so it would be fitting for them to hold or even go up if the metals sell off some more. Weak close in Silver not a great week. They gotta stop going down before they can go up right? Anyway.

Looking at just GDX, there is absolutely no reason to expect a run higher here. We had a failed breakout.
However, gold in Aussie $ and Euro's is looking positive, and ripe for a turn.
Aussie dollar, gold is looking like it's ready to resume it's run higher here. It has returned to the breakout level in a classic move. Should run higher from here.

Gold in Euros is on a pivot, and the 50-DMA. Should get atleast a bounce here.
Not sure why SPPP/SPPP.TO keeps coming to mind. At these prices, it's definitely oversold. Showing a trend line which corresponds with Jan 2018 high and May 2019 support, which was the flip from bear to bull market. We're only 7% off the Pandemic April 2020 lows. Thoughts?

Tomato tomatoe. US at this time is the biggest market for the mining shares and the only one that matters now.
The stock market is reacting to the realization that the Fed is done raising rates. It's the moment gold has been waiting for, we have been told. But now that the moment is here, gold fails to move higher. Just a couple hiccups higher in a general move down. Pathetic.
I expect some consolidation in the miners after the big runup on Tuesday. Might be a good time to add or initiate using this week's lows as stops.

Some of the Uranium stocks are pushing the highs and I am a little leery of that sector right now. It is being talked up on the go to channel and in Business Insider. Seymour is still positive and has been all along. Still probably best to buy on a sharp decline not up here.

And it's really, REALLY gonna freak when it realizes rates are still going higher.
Certainly looks like an Inverse Head and Shoulder reversal on GDX. Really need to break through $30 with AUTHORITY. Should head to $35 if we can break that level.

And even showing some life against gold, like we actually make money when pulling this from the ground. Some bullish divergences and a bullish engulfing candle.
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Flip a coin or go wid da HVF. Flippin like a 5 dollah ho. They are all wrong so why bother?
Because I'm NOT a random walk down wall street guy and these things are not 50/50 coin flips. They have generally done very well and the longer the time frame the easier it is to be accurate / less manipulated.
Who said anything about random walk? I followed this guy and his calls have been no better than a coin flip. Even the greatest traders of all time and he ain't one of them are wrong a lot. Aden Sisters God they gotta be as old as the hills by now think Gold is now in an A rise. In the long run we're all dead.

Just one data point, but if hedge funds go long on gold ...
Starting to hear Silver Squeeze again. No likee. Stops up tight.
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