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I'm not sure if Kitco is wrong or if thinkorswim isn't updating my platform to the correct contracts but TOS has gold and silver at 2060 and 25.36. kitco is at 2040 and 25
You wanna like Oliver, I've heard all the gurus over the years and he comes off as sincere and sober, projects credibility etc plus he looks like Michael Caine and I'm a Michael Caine respecter.
The problem is like the others he's wrong all the damn time.
Sober? He predicted $200 Silver by the end of this year. That's bat$hit crazy talk.
I forgot the month end close would be before the weekly. Good point. We tested the all-time high overnight but that's not enough. A little bit of consolidation / building pressure here is needed.

We got our month-end close and I gotta say this looks real good. Think it's go time.

Looks really good on the weekly chart as well. $2044 looks like the highest weekly close so as long as we close above that today. Me likey.

Meanwhile the GDX is down with a bunch of long wicks. The naked shorters are in Crtl-P mode.
Doing some chart studies...If silver follows the same trajectory as March-April 2023, it will touch $31 by Jan 1 2024. So, $31 silver in 1 month if it repeats.
"Blended finance"?

sounds like spreading around the risk of a risky investment....


Always be careful what you wish for... Yes, we should be better off. But ending an entire monetary system is gonna be rough for everyone.

Franics pretty much confirms what I was seeing on Friday. Still think he does excellent technical analysis.

Sounds like it's time for some GLD calls. Any other suggestions for the gold market?
As overbought as we are in gold/silver, the Dollar looks like it has further to fall yet before it bounces. Same with 10-year treasury yields. I think we have a green light for more upside yet before we get a pullback in gold.
Still holding my January GDX calls. Feeling like a hot potato right now.
I have scaled out of a couple of slv calls that expire in January and have just become profitable. Never wrong to take some profit off the table.
Some see a $ rally from here which might or might not stall Gold out. Hadik who was originally looking for a Gold top around XMas is now looking for a Gold top somewhere South of $2140 this week. So follow any of these guys at your own peril. Nice double bottom just under $8 now up 20%. Some of the junk like HL and CDE much more than that. The easy money on this rally at least has been made.
Looks to me like someone got pinched in a short squeeze on the open of Asian trading (in gold) last night. Gold seems to be settling back down now.
That could be a breakout and retest. With very high volatility. Which is really also a good sign for gold because unlike most things it tends to go up with increasing volatility. Plus, we would expect high vol from something so suppressed starting to let loose.
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