Anyone tracking poultry? When chicken prices go up what's a good ticker to cap on that?
American Farmer Breaks Down What’s Taking Place In Idaho
In addition to the water shutoff order on a half million acres of farmland impacting farmers and about 6,400 water users. The Government is targeting chicken farms and cattle across the US
“They are coming for this food system and they're coming for the homesteaders”
“Idaho was supposed to be like this big potato, conservative, you know, live that rule life kind of a place. But if you've been following the stuff that's been going on in Idaho lately, something's that the tides are changing in Idaho.
In the last couple of videos, we've been talking about how they've been calling the chickens because of the bird flu. And I want you guys to understand too that they're using the PCR test for that. And I want you to go do your homework on how reliable that test actually is.
Okay, You guys gotta start peeling open this onion:
On May 16th, May 16th, just a short while ago, news surfaced of an outbreak at Hendricks Poultry in Iona County. And the company announced 400 layoffs, and that's 6.5 million poultry likely will be killed to stop the spread in Ionia County alone. Nearly 91 million poultry in the US are affected.
With outbreaks in 48 states as of Friday, according to the Center of Disease Control, additionally 9 states including Michigan have reported outbreaks of the Avian Flu in cattle and with 49 herds across the US are impacted.
Okay, I have more here. Don't go anywhere now. I'm telling you guys, they are coming for this food system and they're coming for the homesteaders.
Please understand me when I'm telling you. The whole deal, they have to control all of the food or it's not gonna work. This is gonna be a kind of a slow fast process. Right, It's not gonna happen like overnight or anything, but they are moving towards that right now at record speed.
And they're gonna use this stuff to get you there through the fear and everything”