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Getting ready for the blood in the streets...
Federal Reserve is expected to cut rates 25bp tomorrow. I think market expectations for the cut are likely mostly already priced in.

I'm beginning to think that this is the reason Buffet is going to cash. SMCI is going to crash NVDI and the equity markets are going to get ugly...
Astute observation. They know something.

Cash is king for the one-eyed man in a world of blind people.
They are trying to sucker everyone in with this Trump rally. Rugpull around the corner.

I think the FED might actually raise rates or hold steady today. 2-year bonds are calling them out. If they truly follow the bonds then they are going to be behind, in the wrong direction.
Silver dropped slightly in China overnight (trading under $34). Maybe this is why...


Bezos and Buffet - building a cash stash and ready for bloody streets...

Bezos and Buffet - building a cash stash and ready for bloody streets...
Sounds like a lot but it isn't. In fact he could do that every day for about 6 months and still have shares.
I'd be happy if I had a dollar for every share he owns. LOL.
As of March 2024, Bezos owned 937,774,000 shares of Amazon stock, which amounts to a stake of more than 9%
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The latest Kitco News Weekly Gold Survey showed overwhelmingly bearish sentiment from industry experts, while the bullish contingent of retail traders also slipped into the minority for the first time in months.



Silver continues to drift lower in China. I guess they need more stimulus...

Silver bounced up in China from $32.59 the day before...
Target I was looking at was 29.80 on silver. Bounced off 29.75 this morning. If that holds then this selloff may be over. If not then 26 is next target on my radar.
I'm still roughly 65% cash and not planning on jumping into anything long term anytime soon.
Yeah that's a bit curious. I don't remember a whole lot of them dropping margins. I wonder if its hurting the shorts more than any longs. No one to get rinsed out, but the shorts still need that extra margin.
IIRC your not allowed to export metals from China. Why cant we put the same rule in place in the US and have 2 different prices?
So China goes to 50 but the US stays at 30. Better for industry in the US to have access to cheaper inputs. RN I think JPM and GS are the only players that can move metals in enough quantity to make the trade from the west to the east profitable. That would come to an end if a new rule was in place.
Wouldn't it be ridiculously expensive to export to China? Wouldn't shipping costs kill any benefit??
Wouldn't it be ridiculously expensive to export to China? Wouldn't shipping costs kill any benefit??
I would think so with a small spread. If that spread widens to say 10 bucks an oz then on a large enough trade it may be worth it. Load a shipping container for 10k in London and drop it off in China. A million ounces with a 10 dollar spread would be very profitable then.
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