Trump Assassination Attempts

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Covers the shooting in depth

Biden CANCELS Speech, Tests Positive For COVID Warns HE MAY RESIGN w/Riley Gaines | Timcast IRL​


Mass psychogenic illness (TDS)​

also called mass sociogenic illness, mass psychogenic disorder, epidemic hysteria or mass hysteria, involves the spread of illness symptoms through a population where there is no infectious agent responsible for contagion.[1] It is the rapid spread of illness signs and symptoms affecting members of a cohesive group, originating from a nervous system disturbance involving excitation, loss, or alteration of function, whereby physical complaints that are exhibited unconsciously have no corresponding organic causes that are known.[2]
this story gets stranger with every day!

JUST IN: The viral USSS sn*per team is *not* the pair that took out Thomas Matthew Crooks at the Trump rally.

According to USSS spokesman Anthony Guglielmi, there were four total counter-sn*per teams watching over the event.

The development is odd because it suggests that multiple teams appeared to be looking at or toward Crooks who somehow managed to get off a clear shot on Trump.

Out of the four counter-sn*per teams, two were USSS, and two were local teams.

A "local marksman" also engaged but was not the one to fire the fatal shot.

I'm just wondering how there seemed to be multiple sn*per teams looking at Crooks yet he was able to get a perfect shot on Trump.
As to the media stuff.........Right now there are 3 media camps
What about the Trump is hitler talk from biden and the dems? Their insistence that Trump is an existential threat to the nation? The demonization of him as a foreign agent working for our enemy?
.....and most of the media repeated it and insisted it was all true.

Or are we supposed to just forget about all that?
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#BREAKING! Report says two Pittsburgh motorcycle unit supervisors at the deadly rally, that HELPED TRUMP and people in the stands, were just transferred out of their unit because “they never got permission to assist Trump.”!!

“Sources told 11 Investigates the bureau claimed they never got permission to assist Trump…

A Pittsburgh police spokesperson sent a statement to 11 Investigates.

“This was an administrative decision made by the Chief. Per the FOP [union] contract, I am unable to speak to the reasons behind the move as it involves personnel,” said spokesperson Cara Cruz.”


If these guys didn't fire the counter shot then maybe the alleged shooter didn't take the original one.

A 20 year old takes a successful shot at a POTUS from 495 feet with no spotter; under duress and with no time to settle down to take aim?


very good questions

Questions I would like answered sooner than later

- Why was there a massive stock short in Truth Social right before the assassination attempt?
-Why was MSM covering his rally with ultra high shutter speed cameras? And is it normal for them to have the high quality cameras during rallies?
If it’s not normal, who gave the order to make sure to capture every second at 1/8000 speed being reported?

- Why did the parents call in on their own son who was 20 and supposedly visited the range regularly?
-Why did they have a description of him 3 hours before and nothing was done
- Why did Jill Biden’s good friend, pull the A list security from Trump right before the rally with a “credible threat” of an assassination from Iran?
- How was this kid completely online scrubbed before this? Zero online activity? Really?
- Why did the Secret Service have the main vantage point for a sniper completely open for over an hour, minimum?
-Why did security spot him at 5:51pm, and confirmed at 5:53pm and allow Trump on stage at 6:00pm, just to be shot at 6:11pm?
-Why were so many Trump supporters at the rally aware of his presence?
- How was the kid able to scope out the area an hour before, and return with a ladder and a rifle, completely undeterred?
- Why were there bystanders and Trump supporters able to snap photos of the shooter before Secret Service could take him down?
- Why were they able to take him down virtually instantly AFTER he got 8 shots off? What exactly was the hesitation before he shot?
- Why has there only been praise from the Biden regime for how good Secret Service did when they allowed the former President to get shot?
- Why isn’t every single person in charge of that security detail in a holding cell while every bit of their life gets investigated?
-Why are we automatically assuming this WASN’T an inside job?

- Why isn’t every America First congressman and senator demanding investigations and actively pursuing them for EVERYONE involved. EVERYONE.

I believe we witnessed a miracle on July 13th. Divine intervention caused Trump to turn his head 15-20 degrees at the exact moment needed to save his life.

Miracles don’t happen everyday, and shouldn’t be expected. The burden now falls on us to prevent this from happening again. We get one do over. This is it. Last chance.

If we don’t get to the bottom of this IMMEDIATELY, they WILL go after Trump again, and if we do nothing….. well I wouldn’t rely on another miracle to save him.

It’s up to us.

Demand answers, from YOUR representatives.
Call them.
Tweet at them.

Reach out to large influencers, get their attention, have them push these questions, and also demand answers.

Do NOT let this fade away like the Epstein death….

This is an all hands on deck situation. Your country needs you. Last chance

In 1963, they had full narrative control.

Every mistake that was made in the op to kill Kennedy that day, they were able to quickly clean it up - including Oswald getting away and arrested, something that wasn't supposed to happen. They cleaned that up by having Jack Ruby shoot Oswald in the Dallas PD basement.

The Warren Commission then became the 'official narrative' and any challenge to it was instantly dismissed via Fake News as bad 'conspiracy theories'.

And that was the status quo for over 59 years.

Now, after this latest assassination attempt on a President, a hell of a lot more things went wrong for them than in Dealey Plaza in November of 1963.

For one thing, the real shooter MISSED. Because Trump moved his head during the crucial slow squeeze of the rifle trigger.

And the New Oswald they put into place so they could instantly kill him and claim he was the 'Lone Gunman', they're frantically trying to clean up how he got onto the roof, how everybody on security that day knew there was a threat, and nothing was done until AFTER he'd supposedly gotten into position and fired on President Trump.

Trust me on this: they really REALLY miss that full narrative control they used to have.

They miss it.

They really do.

They can't control the public's PERCEPTION of the failed assassination of the past and future President.

Their inability to put out unchallenged official narratives is causing ALL KINDS of serious problems for them when it comes to getting the public to quickly move on and drop the issue.

As the cover stories fall apart, they are having to double down by telling even more fantastic lies. Lies about 'sloped roofs' and now it was the local PD that was in charge of securing that building. Those lies are quickly falling apart, forcing them to give ground even as they launch even more desperate lies.

And that's a beautiful thing.

It means they are finished.

If they've lost that amazing ability to cast delusionary 'spells' that most of the public will accept, it's only a matter of time until checkmate.

You know it's coming, right?
Water tower shooter??

long thread unrolled
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Thomas Crooks was eliminated by snipers 26 SECONDS after he shot and wounded former President Donald Trump.

The U.S. Secret Service knew Crooks was on the roof 20 MINUTES before the assassination attempt.

The closest Secret Service counter-sniper team was potentially obstructed from taking the k*ll shot on Crooks. It was positioned approximately 430 feet from the shooter.

The second Secret Service team is reported to have k*lled the gunman. It was located approximately 570 feet away.

Crooks had been on Secret Service radar for 40 MINUTES before the assassination attempt.

A local counter-assault team was stationed inside the building where Crooks made his assassination attempt from the rooftop.

No one had warned Trump or removed him from the stage.
Came across my news feed. Posting as food for thought. Hope it hasn't been posted before. DYODD

Matthew Murphy, ret. Green Beret Special Forces Sniper speaks out.​

To err is human, to forgive is divine
Except the false attacks on him were not merely an "error". They were intentional and known to be in error when they were done.

Everyone from Obama on down KNEW that the allegations in the Steele Dossier were false, yet they acted on them anyways.
...and did so in order to poison peoples minds about the man.

That caused years of turmoil due to half the people falsely believing he was a foreign agent.

That was intentional, therefore not a mere error that could be forgiven.

It was a criminal act intended to influence an election.

You would not like, or agree with, anything I have to say about this.
I know, because you support the demonization of the man using false data intended to influence an election.
^^^ fuck that! They need to be made to eat that shit.

Had things gone the other way, they'd be sitting quiet as they collect the benjamins.
The plot thickens...

NEWS: Fox has learned that Senators were told in the all-member briefing today that Thomas Crooks wrote on a gaming platform called ‘Steam’, “July 13 will be my premiere, watch as it unfolds”

When investigators reviewed the laptop, they found a few searches in July of: Trump, Biden, when is DNC convention, and July 13 Trump rally

Investigators have found no evidence of a particular ideology, which the FBI believes is notable, and nobody in interviews reported Crooks discussing politics.

Suspect has two cell phones, primary phone was recovered from the scene along with a remote transmitter (detonator). Secondary cell phone was found at the home, it had only 27 contacts and the FBI is in the process of tracking down and interviewing those people.
if you can believe

BREAKING: Secret Service reveals Trump shooter hid weapon ahead of rally | LiveNOW FOX​

Politico has come up with a theory about the Trump assassination attempt: It was Iran!

This article serves several useful purposes. First, it refocuses public attention. Second, if there is no further attempt on Trump's life, they can claim that U.S. intelligence agencies thwarted it. Finally, if one day Trump is killed, Iran is to blame, not the deep state.

This, of course, ignores the fact that Iran has never organized the killings of leaders of other countries (unlike the U.S.) and has no proven connection to the assassination attempt on Trump.


(📱 InfoDefens ( (http://cat.general/)


4 Different Calibers by Derek Johnson (RattleTrap1776) - July 18, 2024​


Audio Analysis Is 100% Clear Trump& Crowd Were Shot At By Two Separate People - Peak Prosperity​


New Footage of Trump’s Shooter and Blackrock’s Jew CEO Goes Viral​

So we have Is-Ra-Hell directly implicated. How about an FBI director commuting treason on video. It's a lady of course but I haven't verified. That would be too dumb to even think it was a good idea.

2nd floor window was open

BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt​

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