Trump Indictments (NY, GA, Jan 6, etc.)

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Do you think you got through?
The fact that these charges are being bought at all makes your country look like a tin pot dictatorship, or maybe China. Nothing looks good about this at all.
"Everyone looks good." <-- How can a sentient being accept that position as even possible, much less OK?

I am thunderstruck. LOOK AROUND.
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You don't say huh Bill. There are SOOOO many whistleblowers on SOOOOO many different fronts right now that you'd have to be a stick in the mud to not see something happening here.

Hunter's business partner Devon flips on him
Vaccine whistelblowers a plenty
Bill Hwang likely flipped and naming names on the Naked Short Sellers
Whistleblowers like this on the election frauds.
The fact that these charges are being bought at all makes your country look like a tin pot dictatorship, or maybe China. Nothing looks good about this at all.
No disagreement here.

It's a new one on us as well. We're just as surprised... BUT what it does show 'We The People' is how corrupt the D party con is. It is wide and deep.

Trump is taking on all the slings and arrows and exposing the neocons in the process for all to see.

He IS the master marketer. The more they indict him the more aware everyone becomes.

They really are that stupid!
And while the Just Us Dept persues all the above with ferocious vigor, somehow... somehow only we here get to see this information (not available to FBI/etc)

House GOP release bank records on Hunter Biden payments from Russian, Kazakh oligarchs, total clears $20M (While Joe was veep.)

Nothing to see here. But that time Trump wore white after Labor Day... <-- We're ON it!!


Which countries weren't paying these grifters?
Why hasn't this traitor and grifter been hanged, yet?

It's becoming increasingly obvious that the nation is in the hands of hostile revolutionaries. Like punks everywhere, for all times, they're now flaunting it.

Just as they're taunting Russia to nuke us. Hell, they want THAT, too - they somehow don't think they'll be hurt as the Deplorables are irradiated into vapor.

ONLY forcible, extralegal acts, are going to save this society. I don't say "nation" - that's gone; that's done. We've fallen.

By putting these rotters into pit graves, we can save the society the nation was based on. Or save some of it, in some areas.
I haven't actually watched this video but the title is extremely accurate. We are witnessing the collapse of these 3 Cities empire. (DC, London, and the Vatican).

Let's begin to even this out a tad toward the sanity side:

"Rep. James Comer says that Joe & Hunter Biden will be subpoenaed to come before his committee “This was always gonna end with the Biden’s coming in front of the committee. We are going to subpoena the family.” This investigation is well done by Comer. There’s no escape. – The Storm Has Arrived"

"Our Chinese bribed President of the United States is doing all he can to topple the nation, with open borders, and pro-Chinese policies designed to bankrupt the US, infest our nation with Chinese drugs, and allow Chinese soldiers to continue to come across the ‘secure’ southern border, being stationed all over America and ready to attack at will."
28 U.S. Code § 144 - Bias or prejudice of judgeWhenever a party to any proceeding in a district court makes and files a timely and sufficient affidavit that the judge before whom the matter is pending has a personal bias or prejudice either against him or in favor of any adverse party, such judge shall proceed no further therein, but another judge shall be assigned to hear such proceeding.

The affidavit shall state the facts and the reasons for the belief that bias or prejudice exists, and shall be filed not less than ten days before the beginning of the term at which the proceeding is to be heard, or good cause shall be shown for failure to file it within such time. A party may file only one such affidavit in any case. It shall be accompanied by a certificate of counsel of record stating that it is made in good faith.


Live updates: Trump, 18 others charged in sweeping indictment in Georgia election probe​

After a two-and-a-half-year probe, a Fulton County grand jury has handed up an indictment related to efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, according to multiple sources.

If former President Donald Trump is charged, it would mark the fourth indictment of the former president, who already faces federal charges in the special counsel's Jan. 6 and classified documents probes, as well as the Manhattan DA's hush money case. Prior to Trump, no former or current president had ever been indicted.

From the link:

Trump is facing 13 felony charges, including conspiracy to commit forgery, filing false documents, Solicitation of Violation of Oath by Public Officer, and violating the Georgia Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act.

Other defendants named in the 98-page indictment, which was unsealed on Monday evening, include: former White House chief of Staff Mark Meadows and several members of Trump’s former legal team, including Rudy Giuliani, John Eastman, Jenna Ellis, and Sidney Powell.

Other Trump allies charged in the investigation include pro-Trump lawyer Kenneth Chesebro, former DOJ official Jeffrey Clark, Trump campaign official Mike Roman, lawyer Robert Cheeley, Georgia GOP chair and fake elector David Shafer, fake elector Shawn Still, pastor Stephen Lee, Black Voices for Trump leader Harrison Floyd, publicist Trevian Kutti, lawyer Ray Smith, and three officials connected to the Coffee County voting-systems breach: Cathy Latham, Scott Hall and Misty Hampton.

All the defendants have until Friday to turn themselves in.

Edit: This puts the felony charges Trump is facing at 91 by my count. Once again, a plea deal is the smartest move he can make.

Edit #2: All defendants have until August 25th to turn themselves in. Two Fridays from today.
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Here's one for the lefties to choke on:

The cabal/left (Gawd! I would hate it if that properly described me!) is so determined to Banana Republic Trump that they stupidly published the Grand Jury Indictment...

...BEFORE the Grand Jury issued the indictment.

GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy joined the huge chorus of those calling on Trump to move to have the charges dismissed.

“Immediately file a motion to dismiss for a constitutional due process violation for publicly issuing an indictment before the grand jury had actually signed one,” Ramaswamy said.

“He should make a strong argument on these grounds and it would send a powerful message to the ever-expansive prosecutorial police state.

"Prosecutors should not be deciding U.S. presidential elections, and if they’re so overzealous that they commit constitutional violations, then the cases should be thrown out and they should be held accountable.”
MOAR for the un/mis-informed who claim no voter fraud in 2020:

An explosive confirmation from Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel, confirmed an initial report from The Gateway Pundit that previously uncovered thousands of potentially fraudulent ballot registrations were handed over to the Muskegon, Michigan, city clerk in 2020.

According to their report, Muskegon police noted that an unnamed woman dumped “8,000 – 10,000 completed voter registration applications,” according to Muskegon City Clerk Meisch.

According to The Detroit News, Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel’s office confirmed in a statement that thousands of voter registrations had been submitted by a singular individual in the days leading up to the 2020 presidential election.

But that is not really voter fraud: Per Atty Gen Dana Nessel.
"Never forget - President Trump was leading Biden by 160,000+ votes on election nightThen a “water pipe burst” forcing GOP poll watchers out of the Atlanta counting center while Democrat criminals pulled out suitcases of ballots & ran them through the machines for hours… Show more

But there is zero evidence of voter fraud. <-- Lib/cabal statement (google it) The above videos never happened and you have no standing so there was no fraud.


They really are panicking MORONS. Gee why could that be?
This is NOT vote fraud.

These are NOT the droids you are looking for.

BREAKING: DA Fani Willis releases Trump’s indictment, Data Integrity Group Trump’s 30,000 votes disappear Simultaneously in Dade County Georgia

Trump 29,391

Joe Biden 17,218

8 minutes later:

Biden 29,391

Clear and exact switch of vote totals between candidates.

Is there anyone stupid or insane enough to still hold the position there was no voter fraud and the statement from the Puppet In Chief is to be ignored at all costs?


"...we have put together, I think, the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics," Biden said during a campaign event.

Fortunately, not a scintilla of wrongdoing has been noticed. (By those on the left.)
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That is how Regards and Commies count.
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