Ground Beetle
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Putin is going to end up being the good guy when this is over.
some folks think Putin is already the good guy in this situation
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Putin is going to end up being the good guy when this is over.
another take
American journalist speaks out against the U.S. policy in Ukraine and they don't like it!
Syriana Analysis
Brian from Thailand analyzes
What (more reasonable) Western Analysts Say Comes Next for Ukraine
Some Western analysts have been providing a more accurate picture of the conflict in Ukraine than the general barrage of Western war propaganda. They seem to agree that:
- There is no path for Ukraine to win militarily;
- Russia is nowhere near as incompetent and ill-prepared as the Western media suggests;
- Russia is not seizing territory because it is waging a war of attrition;
- Ukrainian territorial gains may have appeared “spectacular” but came at the cost of huge losses in men and equipment;
- Russia is bolstering both its manpower and defensive positions;
- The loss of Kharkov and Kherson city has actually left Russia in a more advantageous position, more troops on a shorter line of contact;
- Russian forces fighting in Bakhmut seek to grind Ukrainian forces down, not capture the city from them.