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The Ukraine war is a hit!Ukrainian Captain Refuses to Sail Home to Avoid Getting Drafted
A Ukrainian state-owned ship is stuck at the port of Burgas, Bulgaria because the captain refused to return to Ukrainian waters, according to local me...maritime-executive.com
In Ukrainian jail...Speaking of Ukrime where's Gonzalo Lira?
I guessed that. So Scott Ritter's assessment of Lira being a Ukranian asset is bull$hit? I watch all of the usual stuff on YT Nixon Berletic The Duran all of that and there is something strange about Ritter. At least to me. Supposedly there were some charges against him years ago for some weird crap.In Ukrainian jail...
Putin has cancer and will live only for 6 months. Russia is running out of ammo. Russia is losing the war. Putin will step down...Exclusive: Russia's Putin to stay in power past 2024, sources say
Vladimir Putin has decided to run in the March presidential election, a move that will keep him in power until least 2030.www.reuters.com