Russian MFA Spox Maria Zakharova:
The latest from the loonie multiverse / alternate reality: the US Embassy in Russia dug up a State Department video from two years ago, presenting it as new while most likely writing off budget funds for it.
In this video, Julie (Julianne) Smith, the US Ambassador to NATO, recounts “why NATO & Russia relations have soured.” From the creators of "NATO wanted to be friends"
Facts are as follows
The Ambassador started with trump cards: “After the Berlin Wall fell, NATO tried to extend a hand, and reach out and work with Russia.“
In real life, it was NATO that cynically disregarded the promises
made in 1990 by West German Chancellor Genscher and US Secretary of State Baker not to expand the Alliance’s defence zone towards Russia, famously known as “not an inch eastward.” We have discussed this issue
Perhaps it was the desire to be buddies (NOT)

that drove the North Atlantic alliance to fiercely expand eastwards, increasing its presence and bringing its military infrastructure closer to our borders. Ultimately, there were five (!) waves of expansion, with the sixth unfolding before our very eyes.
The true nature of NATO was revealed in 1999. Just two weeks after the first wave of expansion, NATO launched an attack on Yugoslavia, blatantly violating fundamental principles of international law enshrined in the UN Charter. For 78 days, the USA & its allies ruthlessly bombed cities, including Belgrade, targeting civilian infrastructure and causing the deaths of women, children and the elderly. It was during this time that the West destroyed the foundation of European security. Do you not recall those events, Julie?
The accusation vs Russia for “what it did in Georgia in 2008” is the epitome of cynicism. Are they suggesting that it wasn’t the reckless actions of tie-chewing Saakashvili, goaded by Western powers, who launched a vicious attack, killing civilians and Russian peacekeepers? An independent commission helmed by Heidi Tagliavini of Switzerland reached an unequivocal conclusion — the Saakashvili regime committed an unprovoked act of aggression. Every student knows that. Oh and btw, US State Secretary Condoleezza Rice visited Tbilisi just before, in July of that year...
Also omitted: 2008 NATO summit in Bucharest, where the Alliance announced its doors open for Ukraine & Georgia.
Julie also blurted out something about “Russia’s aggression in Ukraine in 2014.” Just recently we had the 10-year anniversary of the anti-constitutional coup in Kiev. We would advise US diplomats to jog their memory: timeline
(video (
& synopsis of the role played by the West
They might consider consulting the departing Victoria “F*ck the EU” Nuland on the details.
The Ambassador mentioned the lack of Russia's Mission to NATO, neglecting the fact that the work of our mission was suspended in 2021 AFTER the Alliance recalled the accreditation
of 8 staff members with 0 reasoning, and prohibited Russian diplomats from visiting NATO HQ, limiting any contacts. Read

MFA statement
By the way, going back to the notion of “making friends,” President Vladimir Putin said in an interview
with Tucker Carlson that the issue of Russia’s accession to NATO was raised during talks with the US president. Back then we were told it was impossible at the time. Now we know why
NATO leaders and member countries no longer conceal their true intentions. They openly declare that inflicting “a strategic defeat” on Russia is their primary objective. They provide the Kiev regime with intelligence & lethal weapons, effectively participating
in the conflict in Ukraine that they themselves instigated.
We suggest the State Department add a laugh track voiceover to their recycled fairy tales of a video, especially in parts where NATO “extended a hand but the relationship soured.” Otherwise, too boring to watch.
On the other hand, we eagerly anticipate when C-Street produces videos about their aggression in Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan.