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Not making an accusation here. Just posting some food for thought.

Trump is Hiding Something w/ Putin, WHAT IS IT?​

Are you really gonna fall this Russia! Russia! Russia! BS, again?!?

Please tell us you're smarter than that.

The Spy War: How the CIA Secretly Helps Ukraine Fight Putin​

Adam Entous and Michael Schwirtz
Sun, February 25, 2024

Nestled in a dense forest, the Ukrainian military base appears abandoned and destroyed, its command center a burned-out husk, a casualty of a Russian missile barrage early in the war.

But that is above ground.

Not far away, a discreet passageway descends to a subterranean bunker where teams of Ukrainian soldiers track Russian spy satellites and eavesdrop on conversations between Russian commanders. On one screen, a red line followed the route of an explosive drone threading through Russian air defenses from a point in central Ukraine to a target in the Russian city of Rostov.

The underground bunker, built to replace the destroyed command center in the months after Russia’s invasion, is a secret nerve center of Ukraine’s military.

There is also one more secret: The base is almost fully financed, and partly equipped, by the CIA.

“One hundred and ten percent,” Gen. Serhii Dvoretskiy, a top intelligence commander, said in an interview at the base.

Now entering the third year of a war that has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives, the intelligence partnership between the United States and Ukraine is a linchpin of Ukraine’s ability to defend itself. The CIA and other U.S. intelligence agencies provide intelligence for targeted missile strikes, track Russian troop movements and help support spy networks.

But the partnership is no wartime creation, nor is Ukraine the only beneficiary.

It took root a decade ago, coming together in fits and starts under three very different U.S. presidents, pushed forward by key individuals who often took daring risks. It has transformed Ukraine, whose intelligence agencies were long seen as thoroughly compromised by Russia, into one of Washington’s most important intelligence partners against the Kremlin today.

The listening post in the Ukrainian forest is part of a CIA-supported network of spy bases constructed in the past eight years that includes 12 secret locations along the Russian border. Before the war, the Ukrainians proved themselves to the Americans by collecting intercepts that helped prove Russia’s involvement in the 2014 downing of a commercial jetliner, Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

Read the rest:

An NYT account of Ukraine's partnership with the CIA ten years since the 2014 Maidan coup underscores that Ukraine played a vital role in generating CIA allegations of "Russian interference" in the 2016 elections.

According to NYT: "The Ukrainians also helped the Americans go after the Russian operatives who meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election."

After Ukrainian intel conducted a deadly operation in Crimea in August 2016, Obama officials wanted to shut down the CIA program in Ukraine. But then-CIA chief John Brennan "persuaded them that doing so would be self-defeating, given the relationship was starting to produce intelligence on the Russians as the C.I.A. was investigating Russian election meddling."

After Trump took office, the CIA used the "Russian interference" allegations to expand its operations in Ukraine. This is because "whatever Mr. Trump said and did, his administration often went in the other direction." Indeed, Trump "had put Russia hawks in key positions, including Mike Pompeo as C.I.A. director and John Bolton as national security adviser."

As a result: "Preventing Russia from interfering in future U.S. elections was a top C.I.A. priority during this period, and Ukrainian and American intelligence officers joined forces to probe the computer systems of Russia’s intelligence agencies to identify operatives trying to manipulate voters."

The NYT omits that Ukrainians collaborated with the DNC to interfere in the 2016 election against Trump, including by leaking allegations about Paul Manafort. (…) (…)

Sounds to me like Ukraine and the CIA projected their own 2016 election interference onto Trump and Russia. And I wonder if this is what Trump was referring to in his July 2019 call with Zelensky.


'I Don't Want That Pipeline Operational': GOP Sen. Presses Witness On Nord Stream 2​


NATO and Ukraine : Unspoken Facts - Peak Prosperity​

Seemed fitting to pull this section out with NATOs very recent announcement pertaining to the Ukraine.In this 13-minute segment, we uncover the layers of the Ukraine crisis, challenging the prevailing narratives and shedding light on the lesser-known aspects of the situation, including the roles and influences of NATO. We believe in looking beyond the headlines to offer our audience a more comprehensive understanding of global events.

West’s attempts to ban cooperation with Russia ineffective

The top Russian diplomat pointed out that "the destructive policy course of Western elites toward Russia’s isolation, including in the global information and cultural space," "has completely failed".

"These days, it is clear to all sober-minded people that attempts by Western capitals to ban cooperation with Russia are not stopping anyone besides their instigators, and you have contributed to this as well," Lavrov told the congress attendees.

The top Russian diplomat pointed out that "the destructive policy course of Western elites toward Russia’s isolation, including in the global information and cultural space," in general, the policy to cancel everything Russia-related in one way or another, "has completely failed."
⚡📣BREAKING: WAR CRIMES OF AVDEEVKA: I met with Avdeevka Residents and they exposed many war crimes committed by the Ukraine forces during the battle where Russia captured the city. As these people state, the Ukraine forces used resident as human shields, targeted civilians and even performed mass execution's. They all said how they have been waiting for Russian forces to come help them.⚡📣
This is a wake up call... @ 1.75X

Dean Henderson - The Agenda Behind It All​

Dean joins me to talk about:
Censorship - disinformation - all the intel agencies plus FBI, CIA, Mi6
Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, Taiwan, and everywhere else there is US soft power - all coordinated for years plus Navalny as a CIA tool...
What's their agenda
Are NATO soldiers already fighting in Ukraine?

Sputnik correspondent Russell Bentley (@TXDPR) explains that “professional killers” from NATO militaries have been operating in Ukraine since 2015, often under the guise of mercenaries.

“These are the guys that run the complex equipment. Ukrainian soldiers aren't the ones shooting the HIMARS. Ukrainian pilots won't be the ones flying F-16s here. So, the professionals have always been here, but they've kept a low profile.”

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Battle of Donbass: Where will the next big showdown take place?

Following the fall of Avdeyevka, Russian forces have begun moving ahead towards the Slavyansk-Kramatorsk defensive line, the last major Ukrainian fortification in the Donbass. Sputnik correspondent Russell Bentley (@TXDPR) breaks it down.

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NATO’s Steadfast Defender exercises: A precursor to war?

Sputnik’s Russell Bentley (@TXDPR) warns that recent Western rhetoric about sending troops to Ukraine is not necessarily a bluff. He notes that NATO has gathering 90,000 troops in Europe as part of the Steadfast Defender exercises, which are scheduled through the end of May.

“But at the end of May, that doesn't mean that they all go home the next day. It means that they're all still here. They're still all in their positions. They still have all their gear and they plan their next move.”

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Lavrov downplays significance of EU conferences on Ukraine in Paris

It is reported that not more than 20 or 30 billion US dollars have been allocated for these purposes since then, while the sums going to Kiev are much bigger.

"The number of Western conferences is obviously growing. They are trying to offset the decreasing interest and dramatic drop in financial capabilities to maintain the Zelensky regime. The French and President [of France Emmanuel] Macron are overly enthusiastic about convening all sorts of events, caring little about their potential outcome. I would not attach too much significance to the conferences organized in Paris," he told a news conference, commenting on a European conference on Ukraine that was held in Paris on February 26.


Luboš Blaha, Vice-Speaker of the Slovak Parliament, reflected on the two-year anniversary of the beginning of Special Military Operation:

Two years ago, we united in the squares, proclaiming: 'Slovakia wants peace.' Today, we reiterate the same sentiment.

Prime Minister Robert Fico has emphasized that Slovakia will refrain from sending weapons to Ukraine, as war is not a solution.

Throughout the Ukraine conflict, opportunities to halt
the war arose repeatedly, but it was the Western powers, not Russia, that obstructed peace efforts. The West's actions, such as NATO expansion into Ukraine and involvement in organizing the Maidan, exacerbated tensions.

Blaha criticized the West's complicity in overlooking atrocities committed by Ukrainian nationalist factions in Donbass and Odessa, where people were burnt alive. He stressed the undesirability of conflict between Slavic nations and condemned American arms manufacturers profiting from the war.

Blaha advocated for peace negotiations and normalization of relations with Russia, rejecting escalation and the advancement towards World War III. He emphasized the importance of remembering Russia's pivotal role in defeating fascism in World War II and cautioned against growing Russophobia in the West, reminiscent of the 1930s and 1940s fascist era.

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Western weapons supplies to Kiev violate international law - top Russian investigator​

According to Alexander Bastrykin, ten years ago, the Ukrainian armed forces did not have the amount of weapons from NATO countries that they have now.

Western countries’ weapons supplies to Ukraine violate international law, Russian Investigative Committee Chairman Alexander Bastrykin said in an interview with TASS.

"Western countries started to exponentially increase the supplies of various weapons, particularly after the start of [Russia’s] special military operation. These activities violate international law," he pointed out.

According to Bastrykin, ten years ago, the Ukrainian armed forces did not have the amount of weapons from NATO countries that they have now.




videos discussed above:

The Ghosts of Jeju

Je Suis Russia

Thirty Seconds to Midnight

Pres. Putin's speech on the eve of the SMO, Feb. 22, 2022

2007 Putin's speech at the Munich Security Conference

Victoria Nuland - Jeffrey Pyatt planning the coup in KIev

Joe Biden's Bribe

Who Are These Russians and Why Do We Hate Them

With all the things this article explains and mentions, it's amazing how it seems to completely ignore everyone's favorite Victoria Nuland - pictured here with her Ukrainian protégé Mykhailo Fedorov.

While the article goes in depth about Ukraine spying on the Russians it fails to mention that Ukraine also has one of the world's largest digital networks to spy on its own citizens.

And the person behind this operation is Ukraine's Minister for Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, apparently reporting directly to Victoria Nuland.

Thus, the Nuland clan is not only overseeing all of the biological activities in Ukraine but also has direct control of all the personal information of almost every single Ukrainian.

So in this article the NYT admits:
Part one
- US was creating an existential strategic threat to Russia in Ukraine.

Part two
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.24.41 AM.png
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.25.31 AM.png
- Ukranians were killing Russian assets despite US forbidding them, thus provoking Putin into the war.

Part three
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.26.50 AM.png
- Ukraine is using CIA equipment to spy on China, possibly provoking them into a war.

Part four
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.27.33 AM.png
- zero evidence of Trump's collusion with Russia and Deep State's agents in Trump administration ignoring the President of the United States and continuing pushing Ukraine and Russia towards war

Part five
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.28.19 AM.png
- Ukrainian propaganda

Part six
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.28.53 AM.png
- MH17 lies

Part seven
Screenshot 2024-03-02 at 9.29.53 AM.png
- Ukraine is a cargo cult

And, that's finally it! Done with this treasure trove of an article. Took me only eight posts!
Would really appreciate your feedback in the comments!

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Pulitzer Prize Winner Savages Trump’s ‘Ulterior Motives’ Surrounding Ukraine, Argues His ‘Loyalties Are Not to The U.S.’​

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and journalist Anne Applebaum joined MSNBC’s Morning Joe on Friday to discuss her recent article detailing why Donald Trump wants Ukraine to “lose” against Russia.

Co-host Mika Brzezinski began the segment by reading from Applebaum’s article in The Atlantic:

Trump surely knows, as everybody does, you write, that you Ukrainians are low on ammunition. He must also know that right now, no one except the U.S. can help. Yet Trump wants Congress to block it. Why? This is the part that nobody understands. Trump wants to remain engaged with the world, but on different terms. If Ukraine is partitioned or if Ukraine loses the war, then Trump could twist that situation to his own advantage.

Once the U.S. is no longer the security guarantor for Europe, and once the U.S. is no longer trusted in Asia, then some nations will begin to hedge to make their own deals with Russia and China. Others will seek their own nuclear shields. The United States will lose the dominant role it has played in the democratic world since 1945. All of this could happen even if Trump doesn’t win the election. He is already dictating U.S. foreign policy, shaping perceptions of America in the world. A member of the German parliament told me in Munich that he fears Europe could someday be competing against three autocracies: Russia, China, and the United States.

“The bottom line is, isn’t this for Putin? Or do you see some other ulterior motive here?” Brzezinski asked.

“So I think it’s really important to distinguish Trump from the isolationists of a previous generation,” Applebaum replied, adding:


Opinion piece that came across my screen. Never cared for Carlson. As usual, take it fwiw and dyodd.

Henry Wallace, Tucker Carlson, and the Return of the Russia Dupe​

For a certain kind of radical social critic, there is an irresistible urge to look abroad for proof that your vision of a better world is possible. This was the story of Henry Wallace, a one-term vice-president under Franklin Roosevelt and briefly the intellectual and emotional leader of the American left. It is also the story of a contemporary, very different kind of social critic: Tucker Carlson, the right-wing commentator and possible future candidate for high office.

Wallace is the subject of journalist Benn Steil’s new biography, The World That Wasn’t: Henry Wallace and the Fate of the American Century. In some obvious ways, Wallace was Carlson’s antithesis: an idealist whose goal was to change the world rather than get rich on television and who never abandoned his lofty view of human nature and possibility.

But Wallace developed a fascination with Soviet communism, both during his time in the Roosevelt administration and after, that has interesting parallels with Carlson’s attachment to Putin-era Russia. While he was not paid or controlled directly by communists, or even a communist himself, Wallace frequently echoed their arguments and excused their crimes; as these excuses made him anathema to his former allies, he drew tighter into the arms of his friends in Moscow.



NATO Committing Suicide? Ceasefire in Gaza? How? | Larry C. Johnson​

Larry C. Johnson is a veteran of the CIA and the State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. He is the founder and managing partner of BERG Associates, which was established in 1998. Larry provided training to the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years. He has been vilified by the right and the left, which means he must be doing something right. You can also follow him on telegram ( ( and

WOTR opinion piece


“It is clear that the main element of any United States policy toward the Soviet Union,” George Kennan wrote in 1947, “must be that of long-term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of Russian expansive tendencies.” When Kennan devised this famous sentence, he did not only have Europe in mind: Asia and the Middle East were catalysts of early Cold War contestation. Soviet expansive tendencies proceeded from the universal sway of communism and from the legacy of the Russian empire, which had been active in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. In 2024, with Russian expansive tendencies once again in evidence, the global thrust of Kennan’s thinking is as salient as his recommendation that U.S. policy cohere around the idea of containment.

Russia’s 2022 invasion of Ukraine was meant to prove that the United States and its allies do not write the rules internationally. To prove this point in Europe, the heart of the liberal international order, is to hasten the advent of a post-Western order globally. Russia has recalibrated its entire foreign policy to fit the needs of a long struggle. Prior to 2022, Russia was already expanding its trade and political relations with non-Western countries and tangling with its Western counterparts in international fora. Since 2022, Russia has dramatically expanded these pre-existing trend lines, while improvising at every turn.

The four pillars of Russia’s global foreign policy are self-preservation, decompartmentalization, fragmentation, and integration. Russia has secured lifelines for its economy and defense enterprises, while navigating to retain its military influence outside of Europe — successfully in Syria and the Sahel and less successfully in the South Caucasus. On a host of policy issues, Russia has abandoned compartmentalization with Western states. Waging a war of narratives, gumming up legacy multilateral institutions, and pushing for the de-dollarization of international finance, a diplomatically hyperactive Russia has sought to fragment the existing international order. Russia has also been integrating partners into clubs that exclude Western states (like the BRICS alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and working with alliances that are openly anti-Western (like the new Alliance of the Sahel States).


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