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I'll bet the US military were running this operation.Ukraine's military intelligence service claims that it has sunk a Russian missile corvette using suicide drone boats, adding to a growing list of high profile casualties for the Black Sea Fleet.
Security consultancy Ambrey counted as many as six sea drones involved in the attack. According to Ukraine's GUR, the drones successfully and repeatedly targeted the missile corvette Ivanovets as it was operating on Lake Donuzlav, a former enclosed freshwater body that has a narrow opening to the Black Sea.
Video: Ukraine Sinks Another Russian Warship Using Drone Boats
Ukraine's military intelligence service claims that it has sunk a Russian missile corvette using suicide drone boats, adding to a growing list of...maritime-executive.com
I'll bet the US military were running this operation
Most, if not all of the rocket launchers the US sent to Ukraine have been destroyed.What the U.S.-Supplied GLSDB Could Mean for the War in Ukraine | WSJ Equipped
They have no power.why are these small NATO countries so desparate to see a full on WW3 with Russia ?
They can already see that NATO is getting roundly beaten in Ukraine ( if they stray a small distance from the mainstream media )