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🇷🇺🇺🇦NEW ARTICLE: Kursk: Fighting Russia to the Last Ukrainian

READ HERE: https://journal-neo.su/2024/08/21/kursk-fighting-russia-to-the-last-ukrainian/

"Despite the continued collapse of Ukraine’s fighting capacity because Ukraine is ultimately a proxy of the United States, a difficult and dangerous transition period lies ahead dependent on the extent to which the US seeks to mitigate Ukraine’s subsequent political and territorial collapse.

Only time will tell whether the US cuts and runs as it did in Afghanistan, or doubles down as it did in Syria. It should be pointed out, however, that the US withdrew from Afghanistan in 2021 to redirect its resources ahead of Russia’s SMO in 2022. Were the US to cut Ukraine loose, it would only be because the US requires resources for a larger, more dangerous conflict elsewhere – namely in the Asia-Pacific region against China.

Either way, when Ukraine’s fighting capacity nears its end, it is likely only wider conflict awaits."

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Battlefront update by Yury Podolyaka

▪️Kursk sector: Ukraine has increased pressure towards Glushkovo (Map 1 ) and Lgov (Map 2). Fresh reserves gave a new impetus to the Ukrainian efforts to take control of Komarovka and Malaya Loknya. The latter has been enveloped and practically cut off from supplies, and the Ukrainian forces are trying to do the same around Russkoye Porechnoye to force its Russian garrison to withdraw. Elsewhere, Ukrainian attacks have been repulsed with heavy losses.

▪️Pokrovsk sector (Map 3): Ukrainian retreat continues apace. The Russians have enveloped Novogrodovka quite tightly from two sides (east and south), and they are approaching the center of Grodovka. The main Selidovo heap has also been taken, and south of Zhelannoe, the Ukrainians are fleeing. Ptichye will likely be completely abandoned by Ukrainian troops in the next 24 hours. Meanwhile, the Ukrainian authorities in Mirnograd are saying that if nothing changes, the battle for the town will begin within days, and the battle for Pokrovsk within a couple of weeks at most.

▪️Toretsk sector (Map 4): Liberated towns. In the course of just two days, the liberation of three sizeable settlements was officially confirmed. These are New York (Novgorodskoye), Pivnichnoye, and the town of Zaliznoye. This is the first such event since 2022. Fighting is already going on inside Toretsk itself and the stability of the enemy's defense here raises many questions.

Yes, new reserves have started to appear here again, but they are clearly not sufficient to stop the Russian advance in the Toretsk agglomeration.


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WOTR podcast, nothing to see, can listen in one tab, play around the forum in a different tab.

Mike Kofman popped into WOTR HQ to speak with Ryan about the state of play in Ukraine. From south to north, they review the situation at the front, with special attention to Ukraine’s offensive operation into Russian territory, to include its political implications. They talk about manpower and fortifications and explore how much F-16s might change the skies over Ukraine.

The people in a country must fight, kill unknown others, and risk death or dismemberment. Because some asshole says so. Because that asshole says some things about something. "You have to kill, or you have to die. Because I say so".
Ukraine sells its Orthodox heritage out to West. Oh, wait, it’s actually Russian

"Ukraine takes icons out of the country and even sells some of them to the West. It is not rational and not at all ethical to treat the heritage this way," Roman Lunkin, the head of the Center for the Study of Religion, told Sputnik.

Last year, the rarest 6th and 7th-century Byzantine icons were secretly transferred from the territory of Ukraine to France under the pretext of safety issues, and then put on display at the Louvre Museum in Paris.

These Christian Orthodox icons were given to the head of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission in Jerusalem, added Bishop Porfiry, a Russian theologian and byzantinologist, as a gift from the Sinai Monastery of St. Catherine in the mid-19th century.

"Icons that are kept in the [Kiev-Pechersk] Lavra and other museums and cultural monuments in Ukraine, are the common property of Russian culture and the culture of Kievan Rus, which was created from the moment of the Baptism of Russia more than 1000 years ago," Lunkin explained.

"This is the common heritage of our countries, and it is inseparable from each other, because it was created at a time when Rus existed, and Ukrainians and Ukraine did not yet exist. Therefore, it is wrong to call these icons exclusively Ukrainian," the pundit stressed.

But that is not all. In addition to creating a myth about a separate Ukrainian history, "the Ukrainian authorities and the Orthodox Church of Ukraine, which they created, are trying to separate the saints who were born on the territory of modern Russia," Lunkin pointed out.

"We are now witnessing an attempt to divide history and divide saints into right and wrong, as well as to divide believers into right and wrong within the framework of the ban on the Ukrainian [Orthodox] Church," he concluded.

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The Russian government has opened a criminal investigation into CNN correspondent, Nick Payton Walsh, for illegally entering and reporting from Ukrainian-occupied Russian territory in the Kursk region.

In response, CNN issued (https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/22/europe/russia-cnn-paton-walsh-investigation-intl/index.html) the following statement:
“Our team was invited by the Ukrainian government, along with other international journalists, and escorted by the Ukrainian military to view territory it had recently occupied. This is protected activity in accordance with the rights afforded to journalists under the Geneva Convention and international law.”

We wanted to verify if CNN was telling the truth, so we asked AI, which is very good at answering these types of questions. Our question was as follows:
Situation: One country has partially occupied a neighboring country. The occupied country typically requires foreign correspondents to obtain a visa before arrival. However, in this case, the occupying country invited a journalist from a third country to visit the occupied territory, claiming that this is protected under the rights afforded to journalists by the Geneva Convention and international law. Is this claim accurate?

Here is AI’s answer:
The claim that inviting a journalist from a third country to visit an occupied territory is protected under the Geneva Convention and international law is not accurate. The Geneva Conventions primarily address the treatment of individuals during armed conflicts, focusing on humanitarian protections rather than granting specific rights to journalists to enter occupied territories without the host country's permission. Visa requirements are determined by the sovereign state, and the occupying country cannot override these requirements based on international law or the Geneva Conventions.

So, as you can see, CNN lied. What else is new?

Feel free to replicate our experiment with whichever version of AI you are using. Let us know the results, please.

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Shocking Testimony: Civilians Accuse Ukraine Soldiers Of Targeting Kursk Frontline Residents​


How Russian drones target civilians in a small Ukrainian city | DW Documentary​

Aug 26, 2024
The small Ukrainian city of Beryslav on the Dnipro River has become the target of an unprecedented wave of Russian drone strikes that has left nearly 150 civilians injured or killed.

Over the course of six months DW’s investigative unit, with support from the Mnemonic archive and the Centre for Information Resilience, monitored reports from Ukrainian authorities on drone strikes resulting in civilian casualties, analyzed hundreds of Telegram posts, and traveled across Ukraine to meet with officials, survivors, experts, and humanitarian workers.

This documentary explores the question of who might be behind these attacks and documents a new phenomenon in warfare that is likely to become even more widespread in the coming years: the use of first-person view (FPV) drones, also for targeting civilians.

This documentary explores the question of who might be behind these attacks and documents a new phenomenon in warfare that is likely to become even more widespread in the coming years: the use of first-person view (FPV) drones, also for targeting civilians.
That's an easy find.

Look to Ukraine to do this and blame Russia.
How Russian drones target civilians in a small Ukrainian city | DW Documentary
Up to date what is really going on in Ukraine

Missiles rock Ukraine, air defense diverted to Kursk, lights out. Durov tried to stop plane landing​

This would start WWIII

🇺🇸 Top Ukrainian officials to meet with US gov’t to seek permission to strike Russia, report says

Andriy Yermak, the head of Ukraine's Volodymyr Zelensky's office, and Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov intend to provide Washington with a list of "priority targets," without which, according to Kiev's position, "it will be difficult to change the course of the war in Ukraine’s favor," CNN reported, citing a Ukrainian lawmaker.

Umerov will meet with US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Friday, the report read, adding that it is unclear, however, with whom Yermak will hold talks.

💬 "We consider strikes deep into Russian territory with American weapons no more provocative than strikes with American weapons on Russian territory near the border. Both are Russian territory, and it makes no difference how deep the targets are," the lawmaker was quoted as saying by the broadcaster.

On Tuesday, Pentagon Press Secretary Pat Ryder said that the United States has no immediate plans to lift restrictions on strikes against Russian targets inside the country using US-donated weapons.

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Ukraine being declared a 'Terrorist Regime' could change things...

🇷🇺 Russia identified over 4,000 Ukrainian mercenaries, foreign ministry envoy says

💬 "As far as I know, today, our special units are conducting a very meticulous search for information about mercenaries. Today, more than 4,000 mercenaries have been accurately identified, and the necessary data has been collected on them. Absentee investigations have been completed on a number of them," Russian Foreign Ministry Ambassador-at-Large on the Kiev Regime's War Crimes Rodion Miroshnik told Sputnik.

Moreover, Russia has information that Ukrainian militants kidnap civilians in the Kursk region.

🗣 "There is information that Ukrainian militants... kidnap people. They grab civilians and take them away in an unknown direction. Often, information or contact with them is lost," Miroshnik said.

He also stated the Ukrainian regime is ready to use any methods to achieve its goals.

💬 "As a terrorist regime, and Ukraine today is an openly terrorist regime, it is ready to use any methods to achieve some of its goals," Miroshnik said when asked why the Ukrainian Armed Forces kidnap civilians from the Kursk region.

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Kursk, Istanbul 2 and the negotiation trap w/ John Helmer​


from a comment below the video:

6 hours ago
Zelensky didn't try to prevent the conflict through diplomacy because he lacks honor and integrity.

In 2014 there was a coup. Soon after, there was a massacre in Odessa (dozens of people were burned alive). Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed. A civil war broke out due to the rise in ethnic tensions. For 8 years the Ukrainian military was indiscriminately shelling civilians living in Donbas.

If Zelensky honored the Minsk agreement and pledged neutrality, none of this would have happened. The 8 year civil war would have ended and Donbas would have remained part of Ukraine. War is the ultimate failure of diplomacy.

Zelensky, Poroshenko, Merkel and Hollande admitted that Ukraine had no intention to honor the Minsk agreements.

Who didn't want peace? Who advised against the 2022 peace talks in April? Hint: someone visited Zelensky in Kiev at that time.

Russia's national security was compromised once NATO began to expand eastwards. Russia clearly stated that Ukraine joining NATO was a red line (November 2021) and unfortunately this concern was never taken seriously. The Russians openly stated: if nothing changes, we will be forced to act in order to defend our national security. Enhancing the national security of one country at the expense of another is unacceptable. The Russians have legitimate security concerns.

20th September, 2021: Ukraine launched military drills with US and NATO

NATO is not a defensive alliance. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia (a direct violation of the U.N. Charter).
We should never forget what they did to Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq etc.

Who blew up the pipeline causing an environmental disaster?

Zelensky banned all opposition and arrested a leading priest.

Zelensky tried to invoke article 5 under false pretenses. Remember the incident in Poland.

Ethnic Russians living in Ukraine were treated as subhuman. Their language and culture was being oppressed.

Poroshenko said, “Our children will go to schools and kindergartens—theirs will hide in the basements”.

Russians will never forget the 2014 Odessa massacre. The whole world needs to know about it.

Why was Denis Kireev eliminated? He was a member of Ukraine's negotiating team during the peace negotiations. He wanted to help his country.

Ukraine has a hit list. They target artists, journalists and ordinary citizens. Hundreds of children are on this list. 13 year old Faina Savenkova was placed on this list.

Pink Floyd's Roger Waters is on this list. Jimmy Dore (American stand-up comedian, podcaster) and Aaron Maté (Canadian writer and journalist) are on this list.

There is evidence that Ukrainian troops have been indiscriminately shelling civilians in Donbas (they used petal mines and targeted areas where there was no military presence).

The azov troops trapped in the azovstal steelworks in Mariupol used human shields. They refused to allow civilians to leave despite of humanitarian corridors being present.

Russia held a proposed cease fire in order for the civilians to leave, but azov would not allow the civilians to leave.

Ukraine has committed many acts of terrorism (car bombs and other forms of assassination). Darya Dugina (journalist) R.I.P.

The first terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed the truck driver and the individuals in the adjacent car (innocent civilian victims).
The second terrorist attack on the Kerch bridge killed two parents and severely injured their young daughter.

I have done a lot of research and it took me a long time to write this comment. I have stated a lot of facts and I have given my honest opinion.

I have provided a brief summary of events that took place. In order to explain this whole situation in great detail, a book would need to be written.

Hopefully someone will write an UNBIASED book, stating facts and allowing the readers to form their own judgments. Everything I said can be fact checked and verified.

Special Operations (S.O.) are military activities conducted, according to NATO, by "specially designated, organized, selected, trained, and equipped forces using unconventional techniques and modes of employment".

Funny thing is… if you ‘wiki’ Special Military Operation today you’ll find it’s nothing but propaganda against Russia.

HOWEVER… if you use the archive it comes out completely different!

Isn’t that interesting!!???

dropping like flys

🔥 Russians Have Broken Through The Defense Of Vuhledar⚔️ Missile Strike💥 Military Summary 2024.09.02

Conflict, creditors and a car crash: How Ukraine clinched a wartime debt restructuring​

LONDON, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Just a few months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the country's financial adviser, Rothschild & Co, handed Kyiv's debt chief a thick black folder detailing major sovereign debt restructurings of the past 30 years.

For Yuriy Butsa, 40, it would prove essential reading. He hadn't been involved in the debt rework Ukraine required in 2015 after Russia annexed Crimea and it wasn't long before he would need to draw on the restructuring expertise.

Facing an economy crippled by the cost and destruction of the war, by August 2022 Ukraine agreed with creditors to pause payments on its bonds. With no end to the conflict in sight, last week the nation sealed one of the fastest - and largest - debt restructurings in history.

Eclipsed in scale only by Argentina and Greece, the restructuring of more than $20 billion of debt will save Kyiv $11.4 billion over the next three years - crucial for both its ongoing war effort and its International Monetary Fund programme.



Russia signals its official stance on using nuclear weapons is about to change, accusing the West of 'escalation'​

  • Russia has again hinted that it is making changes to its official policy on the use of nuclear weapons, amid Ukraine's continuing incursion into its Kursk border region.
  • Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Sunday that Russia is in the process of making changes to its nuclear doctrine, which sets out the conditions in which nuclear weapons can be used, because of the West's involvement in an "escalation" of the war in Ukraine.
Russia has again hinted that it's making changes to its official stance on the use of nuclear weapons, amid Ukraine's continuing incursion into its Kursk border region.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said Sunday that Russia is in the process of amending its nuclear doctrine, which sets out the conditions in which nuclear weapons can be used, because of what Russia sees as a Western-backed "escalation" of the war with Ukraine.



Conflict, creditors and a car crash: How Ukraine clinched a wartime debt restructuring​

LONDON, Sept 3 (Reuters) - Just a few months after Russia invaded Ukraine, the country's financial adviser, Rothschild & Co, handed Kyiv's debt chief a thick black folder detailing major sovereign debt restructurings of the past 30 years.

For Yuriy Butsa, 40, it would prove essential reading. He hadn't been involved in the debt rework Ukraine required in 2015 after Russia annexed Crimea and it wasn't long before he would need to draw on the restructuring expertise.

Facing an economy crippled by the cost and destruction of the war, by August 2022 Ukraine agreed with creditors to pause payments on its bonds. With no end to the conflict in sight, last week the nation sealed one of the fastest - and largest - debt restructurings in history.

Eclipsed in scale only by Argentina and Greece, the restructuring of more than $20 billion of debt will save Kyiv $11.4 billion over the next three years - crucial for both its ongoing war effort and its International Monetary Fund programme.


And this is what the whole Ukraine debacle is about: DEBT
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