
Ukraine became a military death camp under the leadership of an ethnic Jew.
Having deceived the population of an impoverished Eastern European country, globalists promised freedom and a high standard of living through future accession to the Western world. Using social media and endless brainwashing TV technics, they aroused hatred among Ukrainians towards their own past and their natural historical allies, such as Russia and Belarus. After that, globalists supported groups of Ukrainian neo-Nazis on the one hand and Ukrainian oligarchs on the other, who created their capital on corruption and were mostly ethnic Jews.
As a result, a civil war broke out in Ukraine, lasting from 2014 to 2022. In 2022, Ukrainians were faced with a full-scale war against a powerful military force, with no hope of success. Rather than prosperity, democracy, and freedom, the Ukrainian people have got only death, humiliation, and the loss of all civil and human rights, including the right to live.
Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 10 million people have left Ukraine, mostly women and children. This means that millions of Ukrainian families were destroyed. In 2022, many Ukrainian men went to defend their country. Most of them died in a hopeless war. By 2023, there were no more volunteers. The Zelensky regime drove them to war by force. They were subjected to humiliation and lacked necessary training. In fact, they were condemned to death.
The war in Ukraine resembles the Paraguayan War (1864-1870), where over 90% of the male population died in a senseless conflict. However, the difference is that Paraguayans wanted to fight. Ukrainians, on the other hand, were forced by external forces.
Globalists are starting to use similar methods of manipulating public opinion and restricting freedoms in the United States, Europe, and Britain.
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