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Inside Ukraine's Frontline Positions: Life On The Kursk Battlefield​


A former US Army sniper has come to help Russia in the war against NATO and the Kiev regime.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH

It's laughable....

Sergey Lavrov on Ukraine negotiations in an interview at the Far East Economic Forum:
The Istanbul principles still stand. President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stated that for talks to happen, Zelensky must first revoke the executive order banning them. The Istanbul Principles ensured Ukraine's non-NATO status, continued non-alignment, and outlined security guarantees to ease Ukraine's concerns. At the same time, Ukraine’s non-accession to NATO is the key security guarantee to Russia. These principles remain valid, and we're ready to return to them, though considering the new reality—over 30 months have passed. President Putin detailed this in his June 14 speech at the Foreign Ministry, where he outlined the path to resolving the situation with Ukraine and the West.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(https://t.me/infodefENGLAND)📱 InfoDefens (https://t.me/InfoDefAll)e (http://cat.general/)


🇺🇦Ukraine became a military death camp under the leadership of an ethnic Jew.

Having deceived the population of an impoverished Eastern European country, globalists promised freedom and a high standard of living through future accession to the Western world. Using social media and endless brainwashing TV technics, they aroused hatred among Ukrainians towards their own past and their natural historical allies, such as Russia and Belarus. After that, globalists supported groups of Ukrainian neo-Nazis on the one hand and Ukrainian oligarchs on the other, who created their capital on corruption and were mostly ethnic Jews.

As a result, a civil war broke out in Ukraine, lasting from 2014 to 2022. In 2022, Ukrainians were faced with a full-scale war against a powerful military force, with no hope of success. Rather than prosperity, democracy, and freedom, the Ukrainian people have got only death, humiliation, and the loss of all civil and human rights, including the right to live.

Since the beginning of the conflict, more than 10 million people have left Ukraine, mostly women and children. This means that millions of Ukrainian families were destroyed. In 2022, many Ukrainian men went to defend their country. Most of them died in a hopeless war. By 2023, there were no more volunteers. The Zelensky regime drove them to war by force. They were subjected to humiliation and lacked necessary training. In fact, they were condemned to death.

The war in Ukraine resembles the Paraguayan War (1864-1870), where over 90% of the male population died in a senseless conflict. However, the difference is that Paraguayans wanted to fight. Ukrainians, on the other hand, were forced by external forces.

Globalists are starting to use similar methods of manipulating public opinion and restricting freedoms in the United States, Europe, and Britain.

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#Zelensky #Ukraine #war #jews

“Without Russian oil, Hungarians will go hungry.” — Péter Szijjártó, Hungarian Foreign Minister

As true as that may be, it's hard to understand why Szijjártó would say it out loud. He couldn't have made the collective West and their Ukrainian puppets any happier.

Politico was so thrilled, they couldn't resist publishing a full article (https://www.politico.eu/article/viktor-orban-russia-hungary-oil-budapest-imports-europe/) on it. Here’s the deciphered gist:

After Ukraine blocked Russia’s LukOil from sending crude oil directly to Hungary via the "Druzhba" pipeline, Hungary is forced to buy the same Russian oil from other EU countries—just at a higher price, thanks to intermediaries. Yes, Russia still makes money, but Hungarians pay more, potentially leading to internal discontent. This discontent could eventually topple Orban. Incidentally, Slovakia, is in the same boat.

Credit where it’s due—Politico is being honest about it.

Obviously, replacing Hungary’s Viktor Orban and Slovakia’s Robert Fico is exactly what the neoliberals want. That’s why Ukraine was directed to block LukOil’s oil in the first place. And voilà, the plan comes full circle.

Once Orban and Fico are out of the way, neoliberals will have free rein over the EU. They could even serve it up on a platter to the United States. And if this sounds like a conspiracy, well—it is!

By the way, someone please explain to the Ukrainians that none of this is for their benefit. They’re just a convenient tool for the neoliberals, who couldn’t care less about Ukraine’s fate.

📱 InfoDefenseENGLISH
(https://t.me/infodefENGLAND)📱 InfoDefens (https://t.me/InfoDefAll)e (http://cat.general/)

this guy gets it:

Today Russia (Moscow area) was attacked by 144 drones by the United States, NATO, Britain, France, Germany, and its allies through its proxy Ukraine.

Russia needs to turn this into a strategic tactical advantage by introducing communication, talking points into diplomatic media and informational theaters of operation By Wednesday.

Russia should respond immediately. In the following ways :

#1. Demand An emergency session of the United Nations discussing how the United States is trying to provoke a war with Russia to cover up its global economic financial collapse, which is occurring and the existential threat the BRICS nations pose to Americas financial enslavement of the world to the US dollar and the United States

2 ) how the regime of Joe Biden is trying to trigger a war with Russia and Iran, and China simultaneously to capture and enslave its own people in America and suspend the election and transform America into a police state

3) and that Europe is about to collapse into anarchy which is exactly what the United States wants and planned to do by destruction of the Nord stream pipeline ; as well as the introduction of global bio weapons from its bio weapons laboratories (planted by Obama-Biden, and managed after the coup d’état in 2014 by Victoria Newland ) in Ukraine that threaten the worlds health with pandemics and billion dollar vaccines part of the financial extortion plan by the United States pharmacological empire (which is also incidentally, transforming the worlds population into mentally retarded populations by over vaccinating and causing terrible side effects ) upon the world.

4) And the United Nations will have to make very real preparations to transfer its New York hq location as result of this collapse of New York under the migrant invasion, which the United States is committing trees against its own people and constitution by opening its borders and allowing foreign invasion.

5) Russia needs to make direct appeals to the United Nations that the American people are being held captive by a rogue and increasingly desperate government regime.

6) The Russian federation invites Americans to leave who share traditional family values of religion, natural marriage, children, and peace and productivity, and the thieves goals, no longer exist in America.

7) the Russian people will never bow down to fascism or lunatic woke agendas that are anti-family and anti-God for those are the only values worth fighting and dying for for which the Russian people government of military are more than prepared while the European and American government are not.

In the Information war you’re either the one with the most compelling voice and irresistible message and Victor and the gladiatorial battle or you’re on the ground, panting and dying from the words, images and ideas of your enemy .


I do.

Ukraine is essentially a giant CIA base, posing as a sovereign nation.

The CIA moved into Ukraine after the fall of the Soviet Union, looking to take advantage of the lawless and destabilized country, using it as an offshore proxy, outside the scope of US oversight.

It began with the Nunn-Lugar Act in 1991, and then carried on into 2005, when then Senators Obama and Lugar visited Ukraine, to inspect the former Soviet bio, chemical, and nuclear facilities (pictured below), and then added Ukraine to the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, and began turning these former Soviet facilities into “defensive research facilities”, which opened the door for US contractors to establish their foothold in Ukraine, and set up their money laundering and racketeering operations, under the guise of “foreign aid”.

Then the CIA funded Nazi militant groups in Ukraine which led to the outbreak of civil war in 2014 in the Donbas. Amidst the chaos, the US State Department, via Victoria Nuland, leveraged the situation to install US-loyal puppets, including the infamous leaked phone call between her and fellow State Department bureaucrat Geoffrey Pyatt, about ensuring “their guy” Yatsenuik, was installed as Prime Minister. The State Department, in tandem with the CIA, covertly took control of Ukraine via Color Revolution in 2014.

Putin recognized this. He knew that the US had destabilized and taken control of Ukraine, and recognized that the US were building a proxy army on his border, by funding, training, and supplying Ukraine with weapons, and trying to bring them into NATO. This was a red line for Putin, as he has said for decades. Russia have been invaded from the West too many times before, and will not tolerate a hostile standing army and long-range missiles on their border. Just like the US didn’t like it when Russia tried to put nukes in Cuba in the 60’s, Russia doesn’t like the US trying to bring armies and weapons to Ukraine.

Essentially, Ukraine is an unofficial US territory and NATO member, and the Deep State do not want to lose out on their cash cow and strategic asset that is Ukraine, hence why they continue to send hundreds of billions of our tax dollars to protect Ukraine’s border. They are using Ukraine as a laundry mat to funnel in hundreds of billions for the war machine, and also covering up their extreme criminality in Ukraine, including crimes against humanity for bioweapon development, human trafficking, drug trafficking, etc. All the things they can’t get away with stateside, they do in Ukraine.

If the public knew the truth about the origins of US involvement in Ukraine, they would NEVER have supported sending a single penny to Ukraine. The narrative that Russia attacked Ukraine in 2022 “unprovoked”, is war propaganda to make it appear Ukraine are the righteous defenders in order to garner your support, when in reality, The US started this conflict, they are the ones who brought war to Putin’s doorstep, and the US are the ones perpetuating the war by continuing to fund and supply Ukraine.

Putin does not want to conquer all of Europe, he just wants NATO off of his border, and justice for US development of weapons of mass destruction in Ukraine, namely, gene-specific biological weapons.

The Cold War never truly ended.

Putin's options for Ukraine missiles response include nuclear test, experts say​

LONDON, Sept 13 (Reuters) - Vladimir Putin's options to retaliate if the West lets Ukraine use its long-range missiles to strike Russia could include striking British military assets near Russia or, in extremis, conducting a nuclear test to show intent, three analysts said.

As East-West tensions over Ukraine enter a new and dangerous phase, British Prime Minister Keir Starmer and U.S. President Joe Biden are holding talks in Washington on Friday on whether to allow Kyiv to use long-range U.S. ATACMS or British Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia.


If they use long range missiles it will be used as cover for a currency reset and government takeover of everything.

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Pro-Ukrainian Map Shows Ukrainian Losses in Kursk

▪️Russia's counter-offensive has significantly reduced Ukraine's area of operation in Kursk (dark red represents territory previously claimed by Ukraine);

▪️Western media has reported on the heavy losses Ukraine has suffered, the difficulties with logistics and communications, as well as difficulties navigating in Russian territory making it likely at least some Ukrainian forces may end up trapped in Kursk;

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Sep 12, 2024

What Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion Tells Us About Putin’s Russia

In early August, the Ukrainian army broke into Russia and, virtually undeterred, rapidly advanced seizing a significant area of the borderline region of Kursk. Given that this was the first foreign invasion of Russia since World War II, Russia’s fierce retaliation should have followed. Instead, Russian authorities pretended that this was nothing but a local crisis and a temporary setback. The reality is more complex and the implications are more serious than the Kremlin would like to admit.

What is Happening in Kursk

On the night of August 6, the Ukrainian Armed Forces crossed the border at Russia’s Kursk region and launched a surprise offensive on several regional towns. Within twenty-four hours the Ukrainian army advanced up to ten kilometers into Russia and reportedly captured the regional center of Sudzha. A month later, not only had they not been stopped by the Russian counteroffensive, but managed to advance further, claiming control of over 1,300 sq km in the Kursk region (other estimates range from 1,150 sq km, according to the Institute of the Study of War, and 480 sq km, according to Russian officials).


⚡📣Russian Special Forces Under Fire On Kursk Frontline - Counter Offensive Battle⚡📣

Russian Forces have made a Counter Offensive attempting to take back the territory that Ukraine forces captured in the invasion or incursion of Kursk region of Russia. In this report I go with Russian "Akhmat" Special Forces assault group On Kursk Frontline to document them capturing or attempting to assault Ukrainian positions. During the trip they came under heavy Rocket attack. You will see that here. The full extended report coming soon

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