Unrest in Israel (Hamas war)

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Keep hearing how the US is running low on weapons. How is this possible with almost a trillion a year in defense spending? Where the fork does all that money go? Even the Pentagon can't seem to find it.
Haven't we already given Ukraine over 100 billion? They need to stop funding their retirement and business start ups with that money.

And my final random thought is I don't Give a flying fork about any other countries borders when we cant secure our own.
Keep hearing how the US is running low on weapons. How is this possible with almost a trillion a year in defense spending? Where the fork does all that money go? Even the Pentagon can't seem to find it.
I assume you are being sarcastic? Lol

Haven't we already given Ukraine over 100 billion?
That was just the downpayment.

They need to stop funding their retirement and business start ups with that money.
That's where at least half the defense money you asked about above, is also going. Ie: the pentagon doesn't want to "find" it, as it was never actually lost. They only told us it was.

And my final random thought is I don't Give a flying fork about any other countries borders when we cant secure our own.
Same here.
I have no idea who this guy is but the timing makes sense here. Clif talked about the next window as the end of October. They've clearly been clawing at the walls to enter a ground invasion.


USS Dwight D. Eisenhower Midway Across Atlantic, En Route to the Middle East​

October 23, 2023 10:27 PM

THE PENTAGON – The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean as it heads to the Middle East, instead of joining the Gerald R. Ford Carrier Strike Group in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the Ike Carrier Strike Group to U.S. Central Command on Sunday, Pentagon Press Secretary Brig. Gen. Pat Ryder told reporters Monday morning.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group, which includes Arleigh Burke-class destroyers USS Gravely (DDG-107) and USS Mason (DDG-87) and Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea (CG-58), deployed Oct. 14, with initial plans to head to the U.S. European Command area of response.


From the link:

Only a few have had the chance to witness the extraordinary actions of the Caracal Battalion during their battle against Hamas terrorists.

Lt.-Col. Or Ben-Yehuda, the commander of this unit, now recounts her experiences in the southern Gaza Strip, where her battalion eliminated approximately 100 terrorists. She also has a clear message for those who question the capabilities of female fighters in the Caracal (Desert Lynx) and Tank Battalion.

As the assault on the Gaza border area began, Ben-Yehuda swiftly moved from the battalion headquarters in Nahal Raviv to a post on the Egyptian border with armored personnel carriers. Rockets were raining down, and warnings arrived regarding potential terrorist infiltration in the Shlomit and Bnei Netzer towns.


How the West is Laundering Lies Through "Experts" to Target Gaza​

- An "expert" from a US government and arms industry-funded think tank (ASPI) has been used to lend credibility to Israel's denial of striking the Al Ahli Hospital in Gaza;
- the "open source" analysis attempted to estimate the number of people who could have fit into the area where there is visible fire damage;
- in reality, blasts from rockets, missiles, and artillery shells cause fragmentation and shrapnel traveling far beyond the blast and capable of causing lethal injuries;
- a hand grenade has a comparable death radius to that laid out in this analysis;
- a hand grenades casualty radius is even larger;
- a rocket or missile would have surely killed far more people in a much wider radius than claimed by this analysis;
- the density of civilians surrounding the hospital is also questioned in the analysis, however footage is easily obtainable from Gaza of similar densities specifically at hospitals;
israel jas a new weapon for this called “sponge bomb”

it doesn’t explode but when deployed in tunnel, it rapidly expands and solidifies into cement sealing openings, trapping Hamas underground

so GPR to characterize the tunnel network and SPONGE BOMB to seal the branches

ready made tombs

Another Caspian Report, start at the 3:30 mark unless you want to listen to his commercial. 17 mins 34 secs.

How Gaza could trigger a regional war​

Oct 27, 2023
Senator Graham upon hearing the news of the US hitting Iranian targets in Syria:

Here we have the "end timers" (and crazies) coming outta the woodwork.

Televangelists Invoke Holy War to Push for Weapons for Israel, Strikes on Iran​

Pastor John Hagee of the Christians United for Israel advocacy group and head of the Cornerstone Church, brought a focused message to his congregation and millions of viewers around the world.

Hagee discussed the horror of the Hamas attacks on Israel, then quickly turned his attention. “The righteous rage of America must be focused on Iran,” he thundered, flanked by Israeli diplomatic officials and joined by several members of Congress, who recorded pretaped messages of support for his cause.

The pastor called for increased military assistance to Israel and said the U.S. should ratchet up sanctions, block oil shipments to Iran, and strike at Iranian ships. “Let me say it to you in plain Texas speech,” Hagee continued, “America should roll up its sleeves and knock the living daylights out of Tehran for what they have done to Israel. Hit them so hard that our enemies will once again fear us.”


Vid from the article:




Palestinian Authorities are "AGAINST HAMAS"! (Special Report)​

I am probably going to lose my 2-week timeshare in Rafah. What a bummer.
Phone and internet blackout in Gaza. The war will not be "televised".


Joel Pollak provides a quick run-down of the origins of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that has erupted into a full-scale war in Gaza following the terrorist attacks by Hamas against Israelis on October 7.

USS Bataan, USS Carter Hall Will Remain in Red Sea​

THE PENTAGON – USS Bataan (LHD-5) and USS Carter Hall (LSD-50) are expected to remain in the Red Sea for an extended period as part of the U.S. naval buildup in the Middle East, two defense officials confirmed to USNI News Monday.

The two ships were previously going to join USS Mesa Verde (LPD-19), the other ship assigned to the Bataan Amphibious Ready Group. Mesa Verde is currently in the Eastern Mediterranean.

Israel planned it in advance! It was their 9/11!

I was right​

So what the f' are they supposed to do?

You got the guys they are trying get who are hiding in a hospital. Just let 'em stay there and keep using it as a base?

If it violates international law to bomb a hospital, it should also violate international law to use a hospital as a military base.
Exactly how is it we know it's a base? Because they said so?

There's a lot more going on (see post 200 above) than they are telling.
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