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Where are you going? Where?
I'm going with myself from east to south
Where are you going? Where?
I'm going with myself from south to west
Where are you going? Where?
I'm going with myself from west to north
There he comes running
With the flag in his hands
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My land, my land
Where are you going? Where?
I'm going with myself from north to east
Where are you going? Where?
I'm going with myself from east to west
Where are you going? Where?
I'm going alone from land to land.
And nothing and no one
Invites me to stay
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My waves and my shore
A voice out of the light
Falls out off the sky's face
Tears apart the horizon
Where do you go to, here is no space left for you
This is my land
This is my land
This is my land
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My land, my land
Here you are in my land
My waves and my shore
My land
Banished, my land
Banishing, my land
Forgotten, my land
I've got no place to stay
My land
Taylor Swift - You Belong With Me
Back when I was a kid in Joisey they had this show called Zachary.