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The Captain Meets Tommy Emmanuel

Andertons Music Co

Welcome to another episode of The Captain Meets on Andertons TV! This week, our very special guest is the amazing Tommy Emmanuel.

For more information on Tommy Emmanuel please visit https://tommyemmanuel.com

The audio you're hearing from Tommy's guitar is coming entirely from the AER Compact 60 acoustic guitar amplifier which you can find here: http://tinyurl.com/y3ygktlb

Tommy is a great guitarist, but watch him get upstaged by another guitarist, Pedro Javier González.

I think Tommy had a few tokes before this one.
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Dionne Warwick 'Walk On By' really live in 1964. Impeccable!​

Gazely Gaze
Apr 3, 2020

Dionne Warwick sings 'Walk on By'' at age 24 live in an intimate restaurant bar, the '27 Club' in Knokke, Belgium, on New Year's Eve 1964. The Burt Bacharah/Hal David protege on the cusp of fame. The hit single was originally a b-side, recorded on the same day as 'Anyone Who Had a Heart'.
2 mins 50 secs
Been doing a lot of driving lately. Its a 14 hour drive from NM to Omaha and I usually do it non-stop. I listen to lots of music to keep my mind busy.
Here's one of my favorites for driving.....


All About That [Upright] Bass - Meghan Trainor Cover PMJ ft. Kate Davis​

Meghan Trainor reveals story behind 'All About That Bass'​


The Lovin' Spoonful - Summer In The City​

“Summer In The City” by The Lovin’ Spoonful; released in 1966.
2 mins 41 secs

The Lovin' Spoonful /John Sebastian - Summer in the City | The Story Behind The Song | Top2000 agogo​

Nov 24, 2022
John Sebastian, the frontman of the band The Lovin' Spoonful, tells about the song 'Summer in the city'. A short documentary by Top 2000 a gogo from 2016 (Dutch Public Television).
4 mins 42 secs



The Association - Along Comes Mary​


From the Smothers Brothers show. This is already posted but I edited out the tedious intro.
2 mins 53 secs

I saw these guys in Boulder in 1970. They were an awesome band. All classically trained at Juliard.

El Condor Pasa - Lucio Yanel​

music starts at 2:50m
He even gives lessons it seems...

Video Classroom - Lucio Yanel​

Do you want to learn to play milongas, chamames, chacareras and other pampa rhythms? Visit:

Terry Stafford "Suspicion"​

Nov 20, 2012

American Bandstand. March 28, 1964. Nice interview follows the performance.
5 minutes
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