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This bears exploring. All the conspiracy types - who in fact are often at least partially correct, these days - all point to how SOME houses burned and OTHERS did not.
Not the material, but how it was used/built/designed.Most of the world builds out of concrete. Only the Americans get cheap ass wood homes and think they are great.
If this is true wtf.................
... I suspect many are going to take the insurance money and move to another state. Whats the land value on a charred piece of dirt that no one wants to rebuild on?
Multiple backups is the rule!If this is true wtf.................
If social media aint lying to me, something like 80% of more of these homes (even the millionaire mansions), don't have fire coverage. Insurance companies dropped the policies months ago (see OP of this thread).
Also, Cali law gives land owners only 2 years to rebuild if they want to keep their grandfathered (homestead limited?) property tax rates. After two years, property tax rates lose grandfathered status. Build or sell, landowners are doubly screwed.
Already one group has filed suit against California Edison.There's big bucks at stake here, so I would imagine there will be a lot of lawyers looking for any angle to grab a pound of flesh.
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