Censored words

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I updated the forum guidelines this morning with a note about being respectful to everyone in the community. Further to that point, I also started filling out the forum software's censored words list. I added a bunch of epithets/slurs to the list. Any matches against the list are going to be replaced with the following text:

<redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>

If you see that in your post, you are most likely* not abiding the forum guidelines here. Please be a good guest in my home so we can all enjoy the party. Thanks.

* It's possible that there could be an unexpected false positive match, so please let me know if the system flagged something legitimate by mistake.
More censorship? Since the GIM2 migration, I've banned one individual who literally begged me to ban him and the number of posts that I've deleted can be counted on one hand (and I've always followed up with the author to discuss why). I've engaged in discussions on ... hot topics ... with folks who, IMO, were not engaging honestly. Did I censor any of them? No.

What's happening here is exactly what I stated. Be respectful to people in my home and there is no problem.
You guys remember the "great upheaval" on gim? One of the major causes was a handful of members going into thread after thread and basically spreading their opinions about certain races, religions, colors and creeds they didn't care too much for. Ended up with people launching personal attacks against each other and management, people getting banned and a large group getting together and migrating to gold silver chat.

Here you have a forum owner who literally welcomed you with open arms and has gone outta his way to accommodate you and make you feel welcome. It is his house............ergo his rules.

Had gim had similar rules in place the "great upheaval" wouldn't have happened. While you may try to use freedom of speech as some sort of excuse for inappropriate behavior it isn't any excuse at all. With freedom of speech comes a responsibility that you do not use that freedom to spread hate and screw with other people.

You guys have an opportunity to stay together and have some fun. I hope you don't ruin it. Look at this place as a new beginning. Show some respect (and kindness) for your host and your fellow members. It won't cost you one cent and goes a long way.

Funny thing happened at gold silver chat, After about a year the migrants turned against each other, launching personal attacks against each other and making the forum a place where regular peeps wouldn't want to hang out. And one by one the migrants found their way back to gim.

I'd hate to see that happen here and I don't think the site owner will allow it. And don't forget..............gim ain't gonna be around much longer. C'mon guys...................use your heads.

Think I'll go post a tune or 2.
I don't really know about all that stuff and I have been on GIM since 2005. I'm just tired of people talking about censoring without posting a list of what is being censored.

I don't really know about all that stuff and I have been on GIM since 2005.

Happened around 10 - 12 years ago. Hyperkitty went nuts...........posting math from mars and Katy Perry songs in thread after thread. Several other members going into thread after thread spreading their opinions on who was responsible for the worlds ills. It drove a few peeps nuts.

Good times.........................lol.

The stuff that happened at gold silver chat was like the internet version of the lord of the flies. First to fall was Gomez. Then came several others. It was kind of interesting to watch. Been a student of human behavior since I was a kid.
That's all good and well. But does anyone care to post the list of censored words? Or is that asking for too much forthrightness?

HyperTiger was actually one of my favorite posters of all time. I didn't realize he was booted. What a shame. I thought he/she quit.
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That's all good and well. But does anyone care to post the list of censored words? Or is that asking for too much forthrightness?

HyperTiger was actually one of my favorite posters of all time. I didn't realize he was booted. What a shame. I thought he/she quit.

Can't speak as to what's censored as I really don't know. Just use some discretion is all I have right now.

As to the kitty - he still blogs occasionally. You can find him here:

Well, shitdamnhellpissfartpoop.

The ascesis requirement will most ricky-tick be observed by me. I am not pococurantish, but I truly have come to a quatervois:

I am retardataire because while I am not saponaceous, just simply unaware of the specific words or rodomontade that could cause termination of my ubiation.
That did make me chuckle ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

All this wordsmithing coming down the road is certain to leave some dangling participles.
Did I censor any of them? No.
That's not exactly truthful.
You move some posts you dislike (or disagree with or don't believe to be true or something) to a forum that nobody can see unless they are logged in. You are preventing an untold number of possible visitors from seeing that info just because you deem it shouldn't be accessible. I don't know if you are afraid or embarrassed for family/friends to see it or what. Regardless, you are doing the same thing Twitter and other places are guilty of when they suppress or otherwise prevent people from seeing certain information.
^^^^ Not speaking for Bug but just about every forum like this has a member's only section. GIM has the "cigar room" and a couple of others. Just a way of keeping controversial topics out of public view so as not to scare away any prospective members or attracting any unwanted attention from the gov or any special interest groups.

Earlier I was cursing around the interwebs and came across a forum that actually has a "cigar room (members only)" section. I could see they were discussing "banned words." That had me laughing hysterically.

Really not a big deal........imo.

Edited for spelling.
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"Censorship is always cause for celebration. It is always an opportunity because it reveals fear of reform. It means that the power position is so weak that you have got to care what people think." - Julian Assange

"Censorship of anything, at any time, in any place, on whatever pretense, has always been and always will be the last resort of the boob and the bigot." - Eugene O'Neill

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This is a case of the situation having no completely correct solution.

I find the censoring of non-outrageous expletives ridiculous. I can type "fuuck" just fine. I can buy a T-shirt with that on it. Nigras in Chi-congo casually and frequently refer to each other in public with the ridiculously forbidden-to-whites "N-word". Absurd one-way nonsene. They can say "<redacted - see forum guidelines on epithets>" on TV with no problem <-- Note: Hon-ky has been redacted. Even though it is a legitimate West African word meaning "red ears". I can type hon-ky, red-neck, polar bear, snowflake, and any other anti-white derogation I choose without redacted censorship. SO FAR.

And frankly, I do not mind in the slightest being a hon-ky. Not one whit more than a Chicagoan being LOVINGLY told "you're my nigra". <-- So that censorship/redacting action is self-defined as silly and unnecessary.

Absurd on the face of it.

On the other hand, anyone who is not yet aware of Big Gummint Eyes and Power must be in a cocoon. Our friendly NSA tracks every syllable posted -- this one included. Algorithms will cause unwanted attention from the fascists in charge of our present intrusive government... this could result in a very negative effect on the health of the site. <-- Pay attention all: We are NOT in Kansas anymore, Toto.

The absurdity does not start here. It is just reflected here (and most other fora) with silly, fearful censoring.

I genuinely can see some care should be taken. (Care I would take, if I were crazy enough to run this place).

My position on this is that the "some care" is a slippery slope that must be watched very carefully, lest it degrade into a clone of that totally progressive website (cannot think of the name**) that ONLY allows lockstep prog posts.

**Thought of it: Democratic Underground

So the Scylla and Charybdis: Unbridled yuck-slinging "freedom" (with concomitant evil govt triggering) on one side, versus the shameful communist lockstep sickness like Democratic Underground where dissension of the mildest sort is banned.

I wouldn't want, or take, that job of trying to find a path through all that schit, zhit, she-it, etc ad nauseam.

A final thought: Can anyone beside yer Ole Unca see the scary parallel to Winston Smith in 1984?

It is staring you right in the face:

The term "Newspeak" referred to the changing of the language by the government to where it eventually became impossible to speak ill of Big Brother -- because the words no longer existed to do so... they had been eliminated just like **** and ***** and ****** and so on.

1984. Big Brother.

Like we useta say: There It Is.
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This is a case of the situation having no completely correct solution.
The correct solution is for guests in my house to treat everyone else (in my house) with respect. Just because you personally don't find a particular slur/epithet objectionable doesn't mean that no one will or should find it objectionable. If you know the word is commonly used as a slur/epithet, then don't fucking* use it here. This isn't rocket science. If you (everyone you, not @Unca Walt you) want to play games circumventing the forum software to post misspellings of slurs/epithets because you just really need to insult/be rude to people, I will have no problem escorting you out the door. If you can't be an adult in polite company and extend a modicum of respect to people, you don't belong at my party.

* I never said you couldn't curse here - that's not what this is about.
^^^^ Not speaking for Bug but just about every forum like this has a member's only section. GIM has the "cigar room" and a couple of others.
Understood. But the Politics forum was never hidden. Yet here the Politics forum is hidden. Conveniently that hides all posts in the Vaccine thread.
Just saying.
Yet here the Politics forum is hidden.

That one I have no clue what to say.

Edit: Could it be that some of the stuff in certain threads might seem a bit crazy to regular folks who may get most of their news from local sources vs the interwebs?

Looking through the Ukraine, Q and election threads I come across posts that literally make me laugh hysterically. They don't offend me in any-way-shape or form. But they could offend some people, and some might think the place is an internet insane asylum.

Me? I'm going to be honest....the crazy is entertainment. Looking through the last few pages of the Ukraine thread there are some pics that as soon as I see them I laugh. Now think about a regular Joe or Janet stumbling into one of those threads and getting a load of the crazy for the first time. What would they think?


BTW............keep the pics coming. They're great.
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I do not mind in the slightest being a hon-ky.
How 'bout a cracka'? lol


Edited to add: speaking of those honker folks, I found myself with one of 'em behind me in traffic the other day. lol
Edited again to further add: all he succeeded in doing, was to be informed of where he could shove his horn. lol
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How 'bout a cracka'? lol

View attachment 5180

Edited to add: speaking of those honker folks, I found myself with one of 'em behind me in traffic the other day. lol
Edited again to further add: all he succeeded in doing, was to be informed of where he could shove his horn. lol

My #2 son, Puck (now age 58), likes to tell the story of an occurrence that took place when he was 8 years old:

We were leaving a Publix parking lot. A car was ahead of us at the exit. A frail old woman with a walker was crossing on the sidewalk in front of the car of the guy in front of us. She was doing her best, but the sumbitch was blowing his horn in staccato blasts at her from 5 feet away.

I am a rather big sumbitch, and I have my own rules of what is right. This guy was not right. He had the old lady shaking and in tears with his rattitude. So I got out of my car, walked up to his.

I reached in past his startled face, turned his car off, and took his keys. Turned and threw them 40 yards across the Publix parking lot.

Helped the elderly lady across the exit. With a shaky voice, she said, "God bless you, sir." I walked back to my car, drove around the rat bastage who sat there like there was a cobra next to him in his car, and went home. It is my belief the SOB never did that crap again the rest of his days.

Puck still loves to tell the story a half-century later.
Helping an elderly person in need is good karma.
I came home one day, and Herself said: "OK, what lady in distress did you rescue today?"

I had come home with my kid mohair and silk suit soaked. I had to jump in and save a lady floating away in her sinking Volkwagen <-- The road was flooded, and her car just began to float and go with the current into a canal.
a random religious quote

Proverbs 27:2 Context​

1Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth. 2Let another man praise thee, and not thine own mouth; a stranger, and not thine own lips. 3A stone is heavy, and the sand weighty; but a fool's wrath is heavier than them both. 4Wrath is cruel, and anger isoutrageous; but who is able to stand before envy? 5Open rebuke is better than secret love.

Proverbs 27:2​

If you feel you must follow the OT, then you may NOT wear wool and linen at the same time. Nor can you eat lobster, clams, crabs, or scallops. Or ham. Do any of these, and you are toast.

On toppa that, Bathhouse Barry is in trubble Big Time with Gawd:

Leviticus 20:13 "If a man also lieth with a man as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death."

Then there are a lotsa folks here who are most ricky-tick in the stank for their High School nookie. Lookit:

Deuteronomy 22:13 "A marriage shall be considered valid only if the woman is a virgin. If the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed."

Leviticus 20:9 "For anyone who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death." EEK EEK.

I tend to avoid using the OT for my ethics. There is one that really gets me: You can sell rotten meat to gentiles at the city gates, but not to jews. <-- TINS
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some advice is timeless OT or NT

a lot of it is useless

common sense

91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.

Proverbs 3:5-6

King James Version

5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.
6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Proverbs 6:6​

“Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:”

King James Version (KJV)

all good advice
there was a place on G2 called cigar lounge where we weren't censored that much.

It's dissapointing that there are so many snowflakes that are offended by racial slurs today. people need to grow a thicker skin I believe. Occasionally, those words are useful in conveining ignorance of the writter or intense feelings which is valid- who has the right to ban such speech? a forum owner, the government, your neighbor?

Any censorship on this forum is obviously the owners perogative. Unfortunately, it may limit intellectually stimulating conversation and participation.

Cheers all.
To be or not to be, offended, that is. What exactly does being "offended" even mean, and exactly what damage has been done? I would hate to never have had my delicate sensibilities challenged. I would say being "offended" regularly actually does more good than harm.
Can you imagine being so weak and insecure that mere words can offend you? I cannot. But I swear that today's liberal democrats are so miserable that they literally wake up every morning just looking for the next thing that will "offend" them. Hell of a way to go through life, but I guess once you have been indoctrinated into the left's Marxist philosophies, being miserable is about the only thing you have to look forward to.
You guys remember Melbo? Member of GIM1 & 2? I'm sure some of you remember the guy. Well he started his own forum (survival monkey) a good while back. It's a pretty big forum now and does have some rules. Here's two:

1. No personal attacks or insults. No posts whose intent is to inflame or otherwise provoke anger from another member (Flaming). We don’t mind if you disagree with another member of the board, we just ask that you keep it civil. We understand that in the heat of the moment we all get a little hot. Just try to remember that there is a good possibility somebody’s kid is going to be watching over their parent’s shoulder. We’re adults here so let’s try and act like it.

2. No posting of racial, sexual, political or religious slurs. Civil debate on these issues is accepted. Malicious comments on or about them is not. This includes using slurs in your username, title, avatar, and signature line. We are visited by people from different countries, race, religion, males, and females; The staff members reserve the right to edit the above items and remove a members ability to edit them should they refuse to do so when asked.

Have you ever been to survival boards? Here's a couple of their rules:

2. We expect our members to treat each other respectfully on SurvivalistBoards.com. Although ideas and opinions may be challenged, name-calling, personal attacks, or other inappropriate behavior will not be allowed and may cause your account to be banned. Harassment is not tolerated in this community.
  • 2b. Civility is mandatory and expected. This includes discussions between members but also applies to public or political figures.

  • 2c. Trolling behavior is not allowed on SurvivalistBoards.com. This includes deliberately posting inflammatory, irrelevant, or highly offensive comments to disrupt the community or harass another member.

3. Discriminatory remarks of any sort will not be tolerated. This includes degrading or offensive comments about an individual or group based on race, color, ethnicity, sex, sexuality, age, nationality, religious affiliation, or any other basis.


Not putting anyone down. But no matter where you go there are rules we all have to abide by. Really not a big deal. You're in someone's home, business or forum it's their rules. Your home, business or forum - it's your rules.

Now just for a laugh:

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