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Sorry, but that can not legally happen.

To be picked as VP one must meet eligibility requirements of being President, and Obama does not meet those requirements as he has already served the maximum number of terms one can serve as potus.

Legal schmegal
Congress unconstitutionally created that 'law'...

The real truth is the Chair of the (private) Federal Reserve 'serves' for decades and it's advantageous to not have a POTUS be in position for too long.
Congress unconstitutionally created that 'law'...

The real truth is the Chair of the (private) Federal Reserve 'serves' for decades and it's advantageous to not have a POTUS be in position for too long.
View attachment 13304
It's a Constitutional Amendment. It says a person can only serve two terms.
which one?

Congress unconstitutionally created that 'law'...

The real truth is the Chair of the (private) Federal Reserve 'serves' for decades and it's advantageous to not have a POTUS be in position for too long.
View attachment 13304

Kennedy wasn't taken out because of his position on silver, he was topped because he was going to be the agent of disclosure. As for Trump and crypto... just no.

And yes I know that isn't your graphic GH
which one?

That one was added tp prevent another FDR, with his four terms.
they pointed out EVERY vulnerability and then decided to take advantage of them!

^^^ that vid demonstrates that dems think it only permissible for them to complain about election vulnerabilities.
Biden said he fully supports Kamala Harris. She has some good stuff to run on, especially Roe. She could base a good portion of her campaign on Roe, and the rest on all the crazy shit that comes outta Trump's mouth. Put everything he says all over the place. Could be an easy win if she's the one the Ds back.

With Kamala Harris, Democrats would bet against US history of sexism, racism​

(Reuters) - The Democratic party will be taking a historic gamble if it turns to Vice President Kamala Harris to become its presidential candidate, betting that a Black woman can overcome racism, sexism and her own missteps as a politician to defeat Republican Donald Trump

In more than two centuries of democracy, American voters have elected only one Black president and never a woman, a record that makes even some Black voters wonder if Harris can crash through the hardest ceiling in U.S. politics.

"Will her race and gender be an issue? Absolutely," said LaTosha Brown, a political strategist and co-founder of the Black Voters Matter Fund.

Harris would face other big challenges: if promoted to the top of the ticket, she would have barely three months to campaign and unite the party and donors behind her.


She has some good stuff to run on, especially Roe.
Knee pads? Can one run on knee pads??

Roe is a non issue.

I haven't heard one complaint from any woman who wants to abort their offspring about 'getting' serviced.

All Trump did was remove it from the Federal and send it to the States, where it should have been all along.

Same thing with the Federal Dept of Education. That needs dismantling as well.

The only thing knee pads has going for her is she'd be the 1st woman POTUS... that's not much of a platform...

word salad - you'll be dumber after listening to it....

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Kamala Harris: A Stronger Candidate Against Trump? | WSJ​

Could Vice President Kamala Harris beat Donald Trump? WSJ asks a democratic strategist, a political scientist and a pollster what her potential pros and cons are going up against the former president.

Kackles? Really?

Now that's worth an lol.


If people didn't want a hag for potus, they sure won't want a kackling one either.
She is the perfect useful idiot to dispose of in an election they can't win. No intelligent candidate would want to run against the near-martyr Trump.
Remember, Joe is not 'running' for POTUS, he's just treading water until the DNC can nominate someone they believe can beat Trump.

That means, thank God, Kamalama won't be meme worthy for the next election, because they certainly are NOT going to nominate her for the run.
There. I fixed your post for ya.

Try to get it right, next time. Lol
Obama won.
Biden won.
Ya just never know.................

Time will tell.
She is the perfect useful idiot to dispose of in an election they can't win. No intelligent candidate would want to run against the near-martyr Trump.

The Dems would be nuts for trying shenanigans with Biden at the helm, they'd be certifiable if they did it with BJ Harris as their guy.

My money is still on martial law...
You really mean voting machines won
And that issue has now been fixed right? How about the millions of illegals that will vote this election? Some obvious flaws in our election laws that I am surprised our founding fathers never addressed.
I think Trump beats Biden by a landslide. If any other candidate can even come close they can get them over the finish line with illegals and dominion software. They did it in 2020 with 0 repercussions and 0 ability to get into the court system. Why would we expect any different this year?

Because pew pew pew 8 days ago.
Because pew pew pew 8 days ago.
Will that be enough to overcome ballot stuffing and illegal aliens? And since illegal are allowed to vote, can we invite Conservative Canadians to come and vote for our team?
Actually why stop at Canada. Put the word out to conservatives all over the world. Register to vote online and request a mail in ballot. We could then get Trump to win by about 2 billion votes.
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Make a martyr of someone and no amount of shenanigans will be able to counter that. Having said that, if they do somehow pull off a win, watch the place erupt within hours.
viva & barnes laying down some truth

Ep. 220: Hillary Running? Trump Assassination Attempt UPDATES! Student Loans; Hunter Biden & MORE!​

What we are about to see is the full court press by the left. Make no mistake, it is coming and it will be like nothing we have ever seen before. I think there is a way to counter it though. The press is already throwing out there that this was a publicity stunt by Trump and he really didn't get shot and yada yada yada.. So they are minimalizing this in the eyes of the left. In the coming weeks we will see the disinformation campaign begin in earnest. It's just now ramping up. I'm already seeing this on social media.

In a way Alex Jones showed us the path. He got sued for 1 billion dollars for not buying the narrative. They have destroyed his business buy going after him for 100 times his actual net worth. He was wrong about Sandy Hook but IMO this was way overblown. However since precedence has been set. Whats the net worth of ABC,CNN, MSBC, NBC etc. Must be 2-3 billion collectively. That means200-300 billion lawsuit is justified according to precedence set in the AJ case. Shut them all down and sue them out of existence for denying the truth. The families that were injured and anyone with PTSD from the event should qualify for the class action suit.

15 Experts Predict What Biden’s Dropout Means for the 2024 Election​

Aweek ago, former President Donald Trump was nearly assassinated. Today, President Joe Biden dropped his reelection bid. To put it mildly, it’s hard to know what might actually happen in this chaotic, historic presidential election year.

But we reached out to a group of top political analysts, thinkers and historians to ask them what they see in their crystal ball and offer their best predictions for American politics over the next four months until Election Day.

Is Vice President Kamala Harris going to quickly consolidate support for the Democratic nomination or will the party fracture? Will an open process strengthen her or weaken her? If she is the nominee, can she beat Trump in a general election? Our experts differed, with some on the left and right bullish about their prospective standard-bearers. Only one group will be right.

Here’s what they said.


He was wrong about Sandy Hook but IMO this was way overblown.
The 'problem' with Sandy Hook is there was no transparency. They 'removed the bodies in the dead of night'?? wtf


Too many inconsistencies with no explanations. Same thing they've repeatedly done.

Watch the assassination intel disappear into a sink hole. Anyone know anything yet?

Biden's so-called 'resignation' buried last weeks news already!

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Jill Biden Drops Out Of Presidential Race

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Jill Biden has formally dropped out of the 2024 presidential race, she announced today at a press conference that was supposed to be for her husband.

"I cannot in good conscience continue," the acting president said as her husband wandered around somewhere backstage.
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