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A Lawyer has Come Forward: Dominion Voting Machines can Connect to the Internet, Can Change Votes, and Cannot be Audited

• Lawyer John Case, under penalty of perjury, files declaration to CO Judge, stating Dominion Voting machines can connect to the internet, can switch votes, and cannot be audited

Tina Peters is reportedly entangled with subpoenas against Dominion… they are fighting tooth and nail for this information not get out.

Per Court Records Obtained by
on X directly from Tina Peters Trial

"Dominion voting systems (1) are not auditable, as required by federal and state law (2) they can connect to the internet during elections, which violates federal and state law; and (3) they are capable of manipulating ballots and vote tabulations, which violates federal and state law; (4) the software overwrites Windows Operating System log files that are recorded during elections, which are required by federal and state law to be preserved. All these deficiencies make Dominion voting systems illegal to use in Colorado elections."

Joe Biden is now in the terminal stage of his illness.

This is what my medical source in DC has confirmed to me.

I told you all weeks ago he had a medical emergency on Air Force One and that you’d be seeing resignations.

Everything I said is true.

Most people don’t know Air Force One has a full medical emergency triage center on the plane. There’s even an operating room on Air Force One.

Just because people don’t know these things doesn’t mean my reporting was incorrect.

It just means I’m ahead of the curve.

(Remember? Democrats die in office...)
Joe Biden will be remembered as one of the least effective presidents in history that got run out of office because he was so incompetent and incontinent.
The no.1 Depend customer has expired.

Oh fuck, I was making an assumption there, but for the briefest of moments, the NY Times had the headline "Biden dead" on their breaking news side bar.
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Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 5.24.33 PM.png
There will be no elections in the United States in 2024, because America itself will not exist.

Another prediction of Zhirinovsky , which he made shortly before his death

Only think he didn't say is "Malarkey"...

this has to be Ai...

Went out on a limb and said Biden would bow out. He did.

Going out on another limb. If Kamala starts running away in poll numbers, I think Trump will bow out due to a medical condition.
Went out on a limb and said Biden would bow out. He did.

Going out on another limb. If Kamala starts running away in poll numbers, I think Trump will bow out due to a medical condition.
That is a shaky limb... "What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been." Kamala is an idiot and a useful one at that!

The only way her 'numbers' start rising is, like the stock market and the POG, because they're manipulated!
It was officially a coup. Democrats blackmailed the sitting president.


It has now been confirmed, even by the mainstream media, that Joe Biden was blackmailed into dropping out of the race after top Democrats threatened to remove him from office with the 25th Amendment.

The well-orchestrated “palace coup” to stop the faltering president from seeking re-election had been in place for weeks.

Trump knew about it.

Biden's June debate seemed to be a "setup" by Democrats to forcibly replace him with a new candidate.

Nancy Pelosi threatened Biden if he refused to drop out of the race.

Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way. She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.

The hard way appears to have been the 25th Amendment.

Biden's own staff didn't find out he was dropping out until they read his digitally signed letter on X.

Trump tried to warn Joe Biden about the 25th Amendment all day in 2021.

On January 12th, 2021, Trump said: "The 25th Amendment is of zero risk to me but will come back to haunt Biden."
"What Can Be, Unburdened By What Has Been." Kamala is an idiot and a useful one at that!

That"s not idiot talk, it's commie talk.

A lot of what they want to do goes directly against our nations Founding principles. That's what she is saying they want to be unburdened of.

In a political sense, to be unburdoned by what has been, means literally, that "what has been", needs to be changed in order to be able to do what we want to be able to do.
Biden's June debate seemed to be a "setup" by Democrats to forcibly replace him with a new candidate.
Trump shoulda never agreed to the early debate. Shoulda waited until after their joetato was locked in by nomination.
....and THEN expose him in the debate as the drooling dementia patient he is.

We were talking on here that the only reason they agreed to such an early debate, was so they'd have time to replace him if/when he bombed.
.....and we figured he would bomb.

What they are doing, is trying to get someone in, so it might be believable when they cheat again.

If they'd tried it again with joetato, no one would believe the results.

Here is the Democrat election scam broken down:

They create the illusion of support for a candidate by pumping them up in the media apparatus that they fully control.

They use billionaires to launder money to the candidate through straw donors on ActBlue. $3,300 max per person? No problem! Just funnel a billionaire’s $$ through hundreds of thousands of names. Wow look how “popular” they are!

Polling companies work for them so that’s no issue either. Just show the “transformational” candidate with strong numbers based on imaginary data. Now the public believes they “have a chance”.

Then they register 8+ million illegals to vote. They don’t need them to actually cast a ballot and risk getting caught. They just need that name on the voter roll so they can pump out a fake ballot and throw it in a dropbox undetected in a few key swing states.

The Deep State FBI and DOJ won’t even open an investigation so no issue there, and if any judges start getting a little too close to allowing an actual trial showing evidence, that judge gets a very threatening phone call. Then boom, every single case is dismissed on standing - what great luck for them!

Then when they steal it, they ban anyone on social media calling out their scam, put up barbed wire around the Capitol, use thousands of troops to keep the public away, and start new wars across the globe for years on end.

We no longer live in a free country.

We live under a communist regime masquerading as a Constitutional Republic.

Trump is their greatest threat and they just tried to put a bullet in his head.
He looks like Lumiere from Beauty and the Beast. (Or maybe Bob Barker... or Lawrence Welk).

Don't always believe what you hear about people, get to know people for yourself.

Last Thursday, as I awaited hair and makeup before my speech at the Republican National Convention, a man entered the room, and I watched as people begin to excitedly gather around him; I was seated alone at a table in the back, as II was engulfed in nerves and contemplating all the possible mistakes I could make in front of a national audience.

This man made his way to the back of the room, grabbed a bottle of water and asked me was anyone sitting in the empty chair at my table. I told him no and he sat down. He asked me if I was a speaker, and I told him yes. He asked me was I nervous and I replied yes.

Nervous was written all over my face. The man quickly grabbed my hands and begin to pray. After the prayer, he gave me tips on how to speak to the audience and he ensured me that I had this and I was going to be awesome.

After about 15 minutes, I feel comfortable enough to tell the man that my co-worker is a huge fan and would he mind taking a pic. The man looks at me and laughs, he immediately reached for my phone and said we are going to make a video. We made the video, and it was epic.

That man was Tucker Carlson.

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