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Screenshot 2024-08-07 at 1.20.28 PM.png

Members of Congress have been bolting for the exits for some time now.

What have they been trying to get ahead of by leaving?

What is currently being exposed about the DC Blackmail Portal? How all new members of Congress are targeted for black mail compromise operations by intelligence agencies making use of sex trafficking rings they own?

Who has been replacing these outgoing members of Congress?

What deals were made in secret?

How did they never see it coming?

Despite all appearances, how did the GOP-controlled have EVERY SINGLE REPUBLICAN MEMBER vote to proceed with the impeachment of Joe Biden?

Why are both Joe Biden and Alejandro Mayorkas both about to be impeached and have trials to remove them from office, despite all expectations that this would NEVER HAPPEN?

How is it even possible that Julian Assange is coming to America?

What 'House of Cards' is about to collapse?
Sure, 1984 was written 40 years ago. Or we could venture into the more adventurous and say the bible was written 2,000 years ago.
watch - if Biden truly was the POTUS... why are planes moving about when he lands??

You are watching a movie!

There is so much more going on behind the scenes....

Yet Facebook/Meta stock has been around highs all year long. Should not be possible with that much stock being dumped. But we know that is just as Fake as Fakebook and everything else.
QAnon "Patriot Reporter" Claims Newspaper Libeled Him by Saying He Had Admitted to "Sexual Relationship" with 15-Year-Old - But he loses: "As a result of Godlewski's guilty plea to 'inappropriate text [m]essages' and 'contact' ..., as set forth in the Affidavit of Probable Cause quoting the offending text messages admitting and memorializing a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old minor, Godlewski is collaterally estopped from denying his participation in [the] sexual relationship ...."

QAnon "Patriot Reporter" Claims Newspaper Libeled Him by Saying He Had Admitted to "Sexual Relationship" with 15-Year-Old - But he loses: "As a result of Godlewski's guilty plea to 'inappropriate text [m]essages' and 'contact' ..., as set forth in the Affidavit of Probable Cause quoting the offending text messages admitting and memorializing a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old minor, Godlewski is collaterally estopped from denying his participation in [the] sexual relationship ...."


first paragraph:

"A self-proclaimed "patriot reporter," who claims to be "one of the highest Anons" in the QAnon movement and to earn $5,000,000.00 per month from his QAnon broadcasts on social media, has instituted this litigation advancing claims for defamation and false light invasion of privacy against a newspaper and its op-ed columnist based upon an article that they published on February 14, 2021."

This ^ is so much BS it's laughable. There is no "Highest Anon". The whole point of 'anonymous' is there is no "organization"!

$5M a month? LOL.

Never mind that any time... ANY TIME they say "QAnon" it's total bullshit.
Sounds like a warning to me....

A "Legal Warning"...

"Depravity of Justice" = DOJ

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It's the same thing he did on January 6th, but most folks don't understand what he was saying.

Media says he was telling his supporters to "go home in peace", but the reality is he was telling ALL the rioters (including the deep state actors) to "go home in peace". That they continued rioting was a direct violation of a lawful order.

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Q uestion -

If the above assertions are accurate, why did the military allow T to get almost killed recently ?
Q uestion -

If the above assertions are accurate, why did the military allow T to get almost killed recently ?
Perhaps they weren't in the loop? Most everyone had no clue the Deep State actors were 'kerning' letters in Comey's name using 'r' and 'n' instead of 'm' which made it nearly impossible to search his name in the database!

OR that the DS actors were using gaming to communicate (kind of like using DM's here) behind the scenes,

OR that they had one gmail account where they'd com each other in an email that never got sent to anyone! A 'backchannel' if you will...

It's knowledge like this that was exposed by 'Q' (the conspiracy theory) that lets you know there was "something" about 'Q' that never was seen or heard of before. Pretty creative subterfuge IMO.

Well I can answer that one. He wasn't almost killed. That was theater. I just haven't figured out all of the who, what, and why.
If you follow "RattleTrap 177" on Telegram he mentioned this from the gitgo... "You're watching a movie."

He posted that picture of Trump on the deck next to the podium immediately after the shooting and pointed out his right hand (which is clearly visible in the pic) has no blood on it. He had to have had blood on it right after touching his ear.

It still doesn't explain the perp getting blasted nor the fire fighter having his gray matter splattered. IF they indeed got pew pewed.
Well I can answer that one. He wasn't almost killed. That was theater. I just haven't figured out all of the who, what, and why.

It still doesn't explain the perp getting blasted nor the fire fighter having his gray matter splattered. IF they indeed got pew pewed.

Been following the thread but haven't commented since my first few posts. Interesting (to me) how all sorts of stuff has come out but no real proof to back anything up. I'm talking about government stuff. I'm still under the assumption that a lone nut job just decided to do something crazy and almost managed to pull it off due to a comedy of errors, so-to-speak. Due to a set of circumstances that just happened to click together, he was able to weasel his crazy ass into a position where he was able to get some shots off.

Could be dead wrong but I've yet to see anything to change my mind. As to why he did it............who knows why crazy people do anything they do.
Audio recorded an agreed number of shots fired .
I’m guessing the investigation has identified all the impact locations and the bullet trajectories
Which suggests the military, who presumably (based on the Q statements) would be in charge of keeping T safe, had to have tightly organised those shots to ensure none actually hit T , as I really can’t consider the possibility that the ear injury would have been allowed by team T if they organised the shooting.
It’s one hell of a stretch to consider it was choreographed……. Hence my question.

And yes, if you accept those ideas that tho whole of reality is just a platform game being played out by a higher consciousness, then Trumps statement that it’s all just an illusion projecting onto 3D reality, is valid . 😳

And the lack of blood on the hand that touched the ear immediately after the shot that possibly went through the ear, there could easily be a delay before blood actually got to the injury site in the tip of an ear, it’s not exactly an area where much blood moves normally..
Could be dead wrong but I've yet to see anything to change my mind.
Check out the 'Trump assassination' thread. Dr. Chris Martensen covers a lot of data. You're behind the curve so you have to play 'catch up', that is if you really want to understand what happened and when. JeffOstroff also covers it from an engineering standpoint. Both are worthy of viewing.

Chris said from the beginning that there were more than one shooter. Turns out actually, there were three!

Crooks, the local SWAT popo who shot from the ground - hitting the butt of Crooks rifle, and then the CIA sniper.

That the media didn't continually cover the episode is telling us something. Martensen covered it in depth so it wouldn't be 'memory holed' (which is exactly what the MSM did with it.)
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