Q Drops

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How many "coincidences" before it becomes mathematical impossibility??

a walk down memory lane where 'Future proves the past'


I continue to be amazed that many of the same people who keep complaining that “no one is waking up” and “no one cares” are also the same people screaming that we will have a “civil war” if the plan is to let the election be stolen again or if Trump gets jailed on the 26th at his sentencing.

This COMPLETELY lacks any basis of logic.

If ya’ll keep saying everyone is asleep and no one cares, exactly WHO is going to start a civil war in either of these scenarios?

🟨 Drop #22

No war. No civil unrest. Clean and swift.

🟨 Drop #43

Resistance will be met with swiftly.

🟨 Drop #1664

There will be no civil war.

It’s all well and good to have opinions, but to think that any keyboard warrior knows more about the DECADES of game theory behind this than the Military is simply not living in reality.


RattleTrap 1776 on Telegram

I’m receiving quite a few messages in regard to some clowns publishing videos about the DoD Directive 5240.1, that “Biden” has weaponized the Military against the people.

First, if someone uses “Biden” in present tense, they’re not smart enough to pour piss from a #5 washtub.

Two, The DASH cap was put on market in April 2023.

That means he’s claiming #47, one year and 7 before November 5.

Which also means, #47, ends January 20, 2028.

Three, we have unique Military and Federal Laws and Orders invoked that make a President a Wartime Commander.

Military Laws are separate from Federal Laws but have a unique and certain way they pair.

With a very vivid and clear blueprint invoked and ongoing since November 8, 2016, that makes President Trump a Wartime Commander.

With daily, weekly, monthly visuals of those unique Laws and Orders invoked for “proof” and “evidence” for all eyes to see.

Four, the DoD Directive 5240.1 references Executive Order 12333.

That’s Reagan’s Executive Order called ‘United States Intelligence Activities’ that addresses Assassinations.

The EO that lists ALL the 3 Letter Agencies.

And what those cannot do to a President such as:

Page 27 and 28, lists…

👉🏻 The Forbiddance of Physical Surveillance

👉🏻 Unconsented Physical Searches

👉🏻 Examination of Federal tax returns

👉🏻 Infiltration or undisclosed participation within the United States in any organization for the purpose of reporting on or influencing its activities or members;

What did President Trump say about Russia Collusion from 2017 to 2020?

Remember who he accused of spying on his campaign?

Remember the “impeaching” over a phone call with Ukraine?

Remember Watergate? Exonerating other Presidents as well?🔥

What 3 letter agency raided Mar-a-lago again?

Who heckled President Trump about his Federal Tax Returns?

All the DemocRat Liberal Swamp.

Who has a “case” filed against President Trump about his Federal Tax Returns? Jack Smith?

President Trump amended a portion of Executive Order 12333 with Executive Order 13913 on April 8, 2020.

That’s immediately after Executive Order 13912 in which he Federalized 1 Million Reserves to Active-Duty that invoked Title 10 Section §12302.

And before Executive Order 13919 in which he Directed the Secretary of Defense equal authority to Federalize that invoked Title 10 Section §12304.

Guess what is in the Law of War Manual?

👉🏻 Executive Order 12333.

That Executive Order 12333 is referenced in the new Supreme Court filing by President Trump versus the United States on March 19, 2024.

The Case is specifically about Assassinations and Military Law.

The Case references 3 Star General Keith Kellogg.

Who wrote the 2017 National Security Strategy?

Who wrote the new America First Strategy?

Who did President Trump say has been with him BEFORE his Presidency?

👉🏻 General Keith Kellogg.

The Case’s KEY reference is Executive Order 12333.

Letter B in the Case:

B. An Executive Order Bars Assassination:

“Executive Order 12333 has been in force since it was signed by President Reagan, and it can be repealed or amended only by a subsequent executive order, which would be published in the Federal Register for all the world to see.”

If the whole world can see it… how come Patriots, more specifically “Patriot Podcasters” cannot?

All the above is public for the whole world to see.

Guess what Executive Order is referenced in the 2016 Unconventional Warfare Guide?

👉🏻 12333

The Diagram I reference with one of the lines being:

‘Assassination, forming favorable public opinion (advocating national cause), creation of distrust of established institutions.’

Did July 13 get the United States attention? ✅

Did July 13 make everyone comment about 3 Letter Agencies? ✅

Who did people start heckling and ridiculing?

👉🏻 United States Secret Service

👉🏻 FBI

Who was in the next week being questioned by Congress?


For all you doubters that there is not devolution in progress...

If you still doubt the Q

Q - The Plan To Save The World, All Parts 1-6, Joe M, Storm Is Upon Us​

Buckle up buttercup! Nothing can stop what is coming!


A couple months ago, Trump was RTing Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming Q memes and now his new right hand man Elon Musk is straight up posting Q memes himself and telling people like Adam Schiff that the Hammer of Justice is coming.

The crazy Q people are starting to look pretty smart, no?

Gosh! Where are all the 'Q' doubters on the board?? Where did they go??

Screenshot 2024-11-22 at 2.06.22 PM.png

Do you believe in coincidence?

Now that Q is reaching the mainstream, it may be a good time to remind you of when Trump said....

"I M Q" ..he told us the whole time.

Sandwiched between 5 and 21 [521] Trump said..

9 years 9=I
13 years 13=M
17 years 17=Q
Lord, I hope so. It would be absolutely grand if Vlad was part of it.
Lord, I hope so. It would be absolutely grand if Vlad was part of it.
I've always thought that he was ever since he handed off the soccer ball to Trump.

There was a lot of symbolism in that act.

When you consider who is pushing for war all the time and the lie that "we're bringing nations 'democracy'" while destroying their culture and then you have BRICS coming together to trade in peace amongst each other...

Trump made peace with Kim after Obama told him NK's were trouble (along with General Flynn and how that all turned out) it's no wonder

Plastic Ono Band - Give Peace A Chance
"IYKYK" stands for "if you know, you know."

I love it when I'm right!


Screenshot 2024-12-01 at 3.55.29 PM.png
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There is a difference between who skim the surface and people who dig into the legal filings of the numerous cases.

Some of you think we will not see any 'return' of John Durham or his report.

Many still think I was wrong about Sessions and Rosenstein.

I was not and I am not.

So, several questions for the surface skimmers who are going to be completely caught surprise at what the Bondi DOJ / Kash FBI starts doing around February of 2025. Let's see who was paying attention and hasn't forgotten.

1. How do you penetrate an ongoing RICO criminal conspiracy involving treason via a recusal of the Trump loyalist Jeff Sessions? Who do you drop into the middle of the ongoing plot that began back in 2015?

2. Who sells himself as the crooked Johnny "I'll Allow It!" as the conspirators around him continue their conspiracy?

3. Who was leading the leak hunting unit that Sessions and Rosenstein formed that had 24 open cases by 2018?

4. Who was leading the grand jury that was subsequently investigating Adam Schiff, Eric Swalwell and 70+ other persons inside/around the US Congress, an investigation that lasted three years?

5. What is the statute of limitations on treason?

6. Just how much of a vindictive son of a bitch is Donald J. Trump? Does he relish revenge?

7. Since you are not really **required** or **compelled** to announce you've appointed a Special Counsel to lead a grand jury to investigate actual treasonous leaking of classified material, how do you know Jack Smith, Robert Hur and ol' Bob Mueller were the ONLY Special Counsels appointed without Senate Confirmation hearings?

8. How do you know Sessions/Rosenstein didn't appoint a Special Counsel who was never publicly declared to BE a Special Counsel? And who's grand jury worked in utter and complete and total silence and secrecy? And we didn't find out about this until that Special Counsel decided not to renew the federal gag order on Apple for a fourth year?


And if you don't know... you will. Just keep watching.

There's a reason there was SEVENTEEN rounds of voting before we got to Speaker Johnson.

The deal has been done.

Even as you're about to undergo 50 days of UniParty shrieking that they'll NEVER EVER ALLOW any of Trump's picks to be confirmed, certainly not the Bondi or Kash picks?

It's irrelevant.

Trump's going to get his recess appointments and he's going to appoint ALL OF THEM for a two year period.

And there won't be a fucking thing Mitch McTurtle can do to stop it. It's right THERE in the US Constitution.

The idea that the SENATE has firm and total control over the Executive Branch's personnel decisions is a fucking LEGAL FICTION that needs to die in a fire.

The Biden administration was stupidly maneuvered in to making the case FOR what Trump is about to do.

And yes, Trump has balls big enough to strike the match. And burn that legal fiction to the ground and then gleefully pee on the ashes.

And he will.

Ain't life grand?
Trump ringing the bell on Wall Street.

does the air 'Q' sign twice...

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You know, I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Elon has been part of Q from the beginning.

There is one Q post that suggests 'people will be surprised to learn who is posting here'.

He's enough of an Autist to pull that off with superior knowledge about many many things!

For all the doubters... Q was a military operation that began over 10 years ago....

Yes, yes it was....

Ever wonder why Y.M.C.A. is the Trump theme song??

From RattleTrap 1776 on Telegram


Now that we’re getting peoples attention…

The correlations and optics are fun.

Now, it’s time to learn the LAWS and ORDERS invoked.

They’re just as fun.

It’s all strategically planned, ALL of it.

👉🏻 ———

👉🏻 45——47

The DASH matters. 🫡🐂🇺🇸
The 'plan' is to remove Biden and put "Change of batter" Kamala in as acting POTUS and VEEP by using the 25th, or have Biden handle some 'red flag' event and fail, therefore he has to go because incompetence.

The Qanon conspiracy strikes again!!

Screenshot 2024-12-20 at 10.26.03 PM.png

RE: the recent election campaign fits this narrative like a glove!

How is this possible??? How did Q know this back in 2020???


This so-called CR bill was a 'set up' by Johnson to expose the RINO's and corrupt D's.

Can you see how Trump and Johnson just played the democrats and the RINOS?

This was the biggest “rug pull” in Congressional history.

The setup:

Johnson negotiates with the democrats for a last minute CR like Congress has done for years now.


Two days before the deadline, Johnson puts out the entire CR so the public can read it.
Instantly anons dig up lots of poison pills within the bill and expose it on X.
These poison pills go viral and then Elon says he’ll fund the primary opponent of anybody that votes for it.

Power back to the people:(Trump’s plan)

The American people are outraged and make it known to their “representatives.”

The bill instantly dies, which shocks the democrats and the media.
(Rug pull)

Something has changed from the past.

The trap:

Then Johnson negotiates a new deal and cuts out all the garbage.
The bill went from 1547 pages to 116.

Then Trump posts his “endorsement” and announces that he wants the debt ceiling raised on Biden’s watch along with this new slimmed down version of the CR.

What happens next?

Democrats abandon the deal and vote it down. And they are angry.
Now a government shutdown looms which is a good thing and they get the blame.

But don’t miss this part of the plan.

After exposing this “scam” that’s been going on for years in Congress to launder our money, Elon then puts out a “picture” for the American people that instantly goes viral.
A “picture” of the two bills sitting side by side on a table.
The 1547 page bill stacked high and the small bill of 116 pages.

This was all planned.
Why was this “picture” so important?
Q told us that you can’t tell the American people, you have to “show” them.

Not only did this picture “cement” the death of the first negotiated bill of 1547 pages or anything like it, but it also set the “standard” going forward.

Because the base CR that Trump approved of is the 116 page bill, now anything “added” to that 116 pages has a spotlight on it.
Every single page above the 116 page CR that Trump has approved, will now be scrutinized and exposed on X by all Americans.


Then Johnson gave the democrats/RINOS an alternative that he knows they hate, but is a PREVIEW of what’s coming in the future.

He offered the option to vote on each item as a single bill, which would kill everything in the first CR too.

Trump has already won.
This was all planned ahead of time.

Trump exposed the scam and will either get the slimmed down version he approves of or get the government shutdown which will help “show” the people just how much of the federal government is non-essential.
Just in time for DOGE to kick in.

More winning!
Some say that Q is a fake, phony, and false conspiracy... except this guy has a 'different' take.... more on the lines of Devolution which suspiciously follows Q to a 'T'...

RattleTrap 1776 on Telegram

"Guys, can we cut it out? Donald Trump is not an idiot. Let me just be very clear. Donald Trump is smarter than me, you, and all of his critics. You know how I know? Because he has the White House, the Senate, the House, the Supreme Court, the popular vote," Jones said.

All Strategically Planned. If it wasn’t, then how come no other time in history, President Reagan as an example, did this not happen?

The SWAMP would have never let it happen.

The global Swamp was THAT enriched and deep.

How people cannot see this is truly astonishing and unbelievable.

A Strategic Operation doesn’t take away from the celebration.

It’s the only reason you can celebrate.

Without the Strategic Operation, the swamp games would have still been ongoing, anyone who says otherwise discredits President Trump.

History shows nobody did 💩

Anyway you slice the cake, it’s going to go right back to Laws and Orders invoked and the Special Operations that can be defined by those.

In 200 years, what took place via those, will still be in the same chronological blueprint.

Again, you can learn it now, or later.

👉🏻 ——

👉🏻 45——47 🫡🐂🇺🇸

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To all the doubters... LOL

It's a real pity we lost @andial

Trump has been the Commander In Chief these last 4 years and this was predicted by Q.

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth. You must SHOW them.

That is exactly what the last four years have been about.

January 5th, 2021

“Donald Trump will continue to be the President of the United States for the next four years.”

"We have clear evidence of a foreign interference, which is all the President's Executive Order describes."

“We are essentially in a National Emergency that the President has already declared."

"The President has the responsibility, the duty, and the authority to act."

"There's something called National Security, and National Security for all intents and purposes is the responsibility of one person, and that's the United States President."
I said this recently that Elon could be 'Q'...

Elon Musk has gone full Anon, changing his name on X to include Anoniverse slang and his profile image to Pepe.

I guess the Q op wasn’t a LARP after all.

Anons knew.


I hope all those crybaby posters who laughed at anyone following the whole 'Q' escapade wet their pants and shit the bed!

The inevitable question: Is Elon the voice of Q?

I have believed for many years that Q is based on an advanced machine learning AI.

The format of the drops points to computer generated information. There is a non-human cadence to the drops, as well as quirky punctuation and an uncanny ability to crunch data and process a nearly unfathomable number of probabilities.

Q also asked a lot of open ended questions. This points to inconclusive self-query strings, where the subject matter is of interest but not enough data is available to answer key questions. Q did not offer nearly as many answers as questions and a directive for Anons and Autists to dig for more information.

Elon may have had a hand in the Q op, but I don’t believe what Q posted originates from a single human mind, or even a team of them.
I reckon Elon was still a darling of the left and Woke when Q was in its heyday
We have watched his awakening and shift away from California but it’s more recent than the Q story .
I said this recently that Elon could be 'Q'...

View attachment 14964
Elon Musk has gone full Anon, changing his name on X to include Anoniverse slang and his profile image to Pepe.

I guess the Q op wasn’t a LARP after all.

Anons knew.

View attachment 14965
View attachment 14966View attachment 14967

I hope all those crybaby posters who laughed at anyone following the whole 'Q' escapade wet their pants and shit the bed!

Hate to end the year on a kinda sour note but...

I still laugh at anyone following the whole "Q" escapade and both my pants and my bed are clean as a whistle.

Every single one of us is entitled to believe anything we want to believe. I mean no malice towards anyone and wish y'all a very happy new year.
I said this recently that Elon could be 'Q'...

View attachment 14964
Elon Musk has gone full Anon, changing his name on X to include Anoniverse slang and his profile image to Pepe.

I guess the Q op wasn’t a LARP after all.

Anons knew.

View attachment 14965
View attachment 14966View attachment 14967

I hope all those crybaby posters who laughed at anyone following the whole 'Q' escapade wet their pants and shit the bed!

That's not a good thing. Elon is not to be trusted. I never will at least. Perhaps he was replaced by an actor but I'm not on board.
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