The Hunter B. coverup is getting scary

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Rest assured -- it will end with some violence. Meh. BTDT, got the T-shirt. <-- For most of the baddies in case of violence, it will be their cherries getting busted. BIG diff.
This is an interesting vid......imo. It's about 13 minutes long and looks at the issue a different angle.

Hunter Biden’s Laptop: Everything You Need To Know​

Aug 14, 2023

What if Hunter’s laptop and Jared’s billions are all part of the same story of a handful of petro states trying to end American Democracy?
What if Hunter’s laptop and Jared’s billions are all part of the same story of a handful of petro states trying to end American Democracy?
Then they're insane.

Because without American Constitutional-republicanism, there is no West. European "democracy" is a sham - as we're seeing, with Davos running the London bankers, who're fronting for Globalist oligarchs. Who basically are trying to re-assert European feudal colonialism.

With America a smoking ruin, they will collapse. WITH it, goes the world's appetite for oil - stable, Western government is required for modern industrial life - and with it goes defense of the Saudi kingdom, and other Arab theocracies.

Because they have no industry - not coincidentally, they have no freedom and no Rule of Law. So they will again be property of the English, or the Russians, or, this time, the Chinese.

Haven't seen the video yet.
Whole lot of projection in that video. Projection, assertion, and - assuming the assertions are even partially true - a fair amount of reading of minds.

Bidenians with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's pathetic - someone trying to defend this puddin'-head puppet pResident.
Whole lot of projection in that video. Projection, assertion, and - assuming the assertions are even partially true - a fair amount of reading of minds.

Bidenians with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's pathetic - someone trying to defend this puddin'-head puppet pResident.
Thanks for the review.

Sounds like they are starting to see their sides problems and are making up fantasies to some how tie it to Trump. Lol
Whole lot of projection in that video. Projection, assertion, and - assuming the assertions are even partially true - a fair amount of reading of minds.

Bidenians with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's pathetic - someone trying to defend this puddin'-head puppet pResident.
I watched that satire from beginning to end. It was at the 1:00 mark that my jaw began to drop. This fascist clown dismisses, ignores, elides... He has the slate wiped clean for Hunter with his "parking ticket" level of slight legal errors.

Actual farking quote: "...while he was working at Burisma..."!!

No mention of underage girls (related to Obama) doing him and coke. His stupidity went south from there, reading the minds and plans of the Saudis to come up with his summation.

It takes a special kind of mind to ignore the elephant and concentrate on the little birdie on the elephant's back. A special cRooKeD kiNd of miNd.
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Fox News

Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charge, false statements​

Hunter Biden was indicted Thursday on a federal gun charge out of Special Counsel David Weiss' investigation.

Biden was charged with making a false statement in the purchase of a firearm; false statement related to information required to be kept by a federal firearms licensed dealer; and one count of possession of a firearm by a person who is an unlawful user of or addicted to a controlled substance.

Story & vid:

A pebble begins to roll at the top of the shaky slope.
Over on CFP last night, they noted that the Hunster had suddenly decided a buzz-cut hair style was necessary.

Why? A video clip from The Five on Faux, explained why. He's BEEN under orders to undergo drug testing.

It's easy to show clean in blood if you go 30 days without. But traces in hair, are there forever, as long as the hair that was grown remains while the drugs were consumed.

Anyone involved in drug testing, knows this.
Over on CFP last night, they noted that the Hunster had suddenly decided a buzz-cut hair style was necessary.

Why? A video clip from The Five on Faux, explained why. He's BEEN under orders to undergo drug testing.

It's easy to show clean in blood if you go 30 days without. But traces in hair, are there forever, as long as the hair that was grown remains while the drugs were consumed.

Anyone involved in drug testing, knows this.
Good point.
More sweetheart deals for the 1st crackhead.
....but you or I lie on a federal form and it'd be a whole different story.
A new AP-NORC poll is out and, consistent with earlier polling results, shows that there remains a disconnect between the media coverage and public opinion over the Biden corruption scandal. Despite the continued dismissal or downplaying of the scandal by many in the media, a massive 68 percent of Americans believe that President Biden acted either illegally or unethically in his involvement in his son’s foreign dealings.

The largest group (36%) believe that the president has done something illegal. The second largest group (33%) believed Biden has done something unethical.

Only 30% of American adults believe Biden has “not done anything wrong” as he has repeatedly claimed. It seems like the same 30% has remained supportive on every issue for Biden — the same unchanging support that we have found at the extremes of every poll for both Biden and Trump.

Notably, however, 40% of Democrats now believe Biden has done something illegal or unethical in his handling of his son’s business dealings.

The percentage is overwhelming among Republicans at 96%.

What should worry Biden is that 74% of the key independent vote believes that he has done something illegal or unethical.

"The largest group (36%) believe that the president has done something illegal. The second largest group (33%) believed Biden has done something unethical."

A person would need to have a terminal case of TDS to think anything less.

For years we were repeatedly told he was Putin's puppet without a shred of actual evidence supporting the claim.
.....but for biden we have bank records showing millions in transfers fro Russia, China and Ukraine and the biden's can show no legitimate purpose for them to have been given that money, and won't even look into it.

Had there been bank records of those types of transfers to Trump and his family, we'd have never heard the end of it.
WASHINGTON, Nov 7 (Reuters) - U.S. Special Counsel David Weiss, who is leading the probe into President Joe Biden's son Hunter Biden, will appear on Tuesday for a closed-door interview with the Republican-led House Judiciary Committee, amid an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

They're looking to run down the clock, IMHO.

EVERY bit of sand they can throw into the gears, they will. Probably the hope is that senile Corn Pop will die before it begins.

It's not about this clown. It's about THE PARTY! Dementia-Man isn't making decisions - his hidden puppetmasters are, and will continue to do so with Kameltoe Whoreass. Apparently the Party likes those puppetmasters - even if it's doubtful they have meaningful control, they're probably from Davos or Peking.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Hunter Biden asked a judge on Wednesday to approve subpoenas for documents from Donald Trump and former Justice Department officials, claiming the former president applied political pressure to a criminal investigation of him.

Biden’s attorneys allege there were “certain instances that appear to suggest incessant, improper, and partisan pressure applied” by Trump to his then-Attorney General William Barr and two top deputies, Jeffrey Rosen and Richard Donoghue.

Don't laugh.

If that situation were real, and not staged...I'd bet part of the final haul, that you'd find something of REAL worth under the worn-out socks in the back of the underwear drawer. Or in the cookie jar, under the stale Oreos.

The term is, "hiding it in plain sight." The perps are wasting time forcing the safe open, and finding reading glasses and an old scarf. And then leaving in disgust and anger.

Off-topic, sry. But this may also apply, in the Three Blind Men looking for Huntervidence...

Powderpuff charges that they will let drag out for more than a year before slapping his wrist. The main thing is that this will prevent him from testifying in front of congress. This is nothing but democrats muddying the waters and delaying Hunter's testimony.

House votes today on whether or not to open an impeachment inquiry against Biden today.

Hunter Biden just gave an interview where he said he'd be willing to talk to congress in an open forum not a closed one. Said his father wasn't involved in any of his business dealings.
House votes today on whether or not to open an impeachment inquiry against Biden today.

Listening to this right now. I think a lot of the congress critters are stone insane. Screeching like psychos.

House votes today on whether or not to open an impeachment inquiry against Biden today.

Hunter Biden just gave an interview where he said he'd be willing to talk to congress in an open forum not a closed one. Said his father wasn't involved in any of his business dealings.

What, exactly, was Hunter selling then? Certainly not his "expertise". He has none. He got thrown out of the military for being a crackhead. Are we supposed to believe that he actually deserved to be on the board of a foreign energy company? In what capacity? One million a year salary ($83,300 a month) for what was basically a no-show position? Are the American people really stupid enough to actually believe that?

Why did the wealthiest woman in Russia give him $3.5 million dollars?

How many millions did he actually get from the Chinese and what, exactly, did he perform or give them in return?

Did he pay taxes on all of this?

120 SARS reports and nothing was done? Is that normal?

Here's Jimmy................

Oversight Chairman James Comer’s ‘Legitimate’ Shell Company Was Shut Down—Twice​

As Rep. James Comer (R-KY) plows ahead with his sensationalized impeachment inquiry premised on Hunter Biden’s business dealings, the Oversight Chairman has alleged that Biden’s opaque financial operations merit investigation, and that people who own corporations have a “responsibility” to maintain proper “books and records.”

But a review of dozens of tax, real estate, and business filings in Kentucky and Tennessee indicate that Comer’s own personal “books and records” are opaque at best—and improper at worst.

Those records include the dealings of Comer’s shell company, Farm Team Properties LLC, which the state of Kentucky has dissolved twice for failure to file annual reports—first in 2020, then again in 2022.

More neat stuff about Comer here:

There are two committees meeting today to decide if they are going to charge Hunter Biden with contempt of congress. Well Hunter Biden just walked into one of the committee's hearings. Wonder what's going on?
Watching this on tv. Congress critters are going wild. Interruptions, calls for Hunter B to be arrested, congressional madness. Gotta get a vid. Fun stuff.
Tough choice.

Throw the Huntster under the bus, to save the sinking ship WEFS Biden...or scuttle BOTH of them, and pave the way for pResident X, (TBD) while offering Kameltoe an offer she can't refuse, to disappear forever?
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