Washington is trying to out-california California.
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California doesn't tax any PMs as long as purchase is over $2kIs Costco based in California?
Because the blood-suckers in California, insist that sales tax be paid by all persons or businesses doing business there. Paying sales tax to another state waives California tax liability, but when there is NO tax required from the buyer's state, California must get its tribute.
I'm not a lawyer - I just play one on the internet. But that's what I've been told.
Sinatra's underwear.
such as retirement funds...Bonds are starting to crash... this means HUUUUGE pressure on all kinds of institutions holding bonds.
Foreign drivers tend to drive like they did in their country, but this guy stroked
I wonder how much the trucking industry figures were impacted by the Yellow bankruptcy.
Metals are finished. Buy the dollar. LOL. Seriously though, waiting to see if 20 holds before buying more miners. If not 20 then perhaps 18? Not looking for an exact bottom but close would be nice. You would think any company that uses tons of silver would be buying it up like crazy right about now.Silver Weekly - Incomplete! ---> Cliff hanger, silver done gotta rally to hang onto this!!!!
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One of my best friends works as a diesel mechanic on those big trucks. He just said this weekend that this is the slowest they have been in at least 4 years.I wonder how much the trucking industry figures were impacted by the Yellow bankruptcy.
Wonder what happens if the stock market sells off. Last time it dragged the metals down. What happens when the metals are already beaten down? Some of the miners are already approaching 2020 lows.GDX barely holding onto it's channel.
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Wonder what happens if the stock market sells off.
Yeah, Muj was a class act IMO...I wish Mujahideen would have come over from GIM2.
With Goldhedge dropping in several postings regarding trucking I'd like to hear his thoughts on the subject.
I asked him several times to jump and sadly he declined.