Nah, just put him in the insane leftist thread.I'm beginning to think we need a Cramer meme thread.
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Nah, just put him in the insane leftist thread.I'm beginning to think we need a Cramer meme thread.
This is crap that comes from the efficient market theory's. So bad. Markets trade primarily on emotions and those are predictable and do occur in the same patterns.
No kidding, I bought the options from a market maker...
A.) At that moment in time-sure. But this isn't a 3 sec scalp trade so we're good.
B.) Excellent, because it helps my trade (too bad I'm not running Archecos size book) and there would otherwise be no market
C.) The computer has no idea where we will be in a week or two
D.) Sure, I said this is a low probability trade and I don't buy far OTM options often. But that is the right move for this prediction
Stop just looking at math and do a little research. The math is for quant geeks who can't think. Oh, and I'm already up a few % points and about to be quite a bit more when the market opens.
How can you grow up in the USA and completely misunderstand how markets work? This guys is either evil or stupid...
What else are we supposed to do? Panic? Doesn't do any good.
I don't know why you were getting so emotional about this one. All I did was point out that retail accounts have been buying a very high level of puts. You seem to have a problem with that fact. I don't really understand why.
Overtime playing the probabilities wins. Sure you can make big bets every so often that come off but if you make a habit of it you are going to lose.
I will compare the amount of research that I do with you any day of the week!
Look you are clearly overly emotional about this trade and I hope it works out for you but let's just leave it there eh?
I think a bit of it has to do with information overload in this modern age. I suspect most people have a limited ability to filter the information so they just rely on a narrow base of sources. If their media sources don't hype it they don't buy it.
People don't want to know.
I'm not emotional about this... I don't really get very emotional. The underlying level of options trading in general has surged but this mostly background noise in that chart. So retail is still buying lots of puts and lots of calls. That sharp peak is not retail. It also occurred in 2020 and we saw what happened in 2020.
Buying tons of puts can also cause a gamma squeeze just like Call options. So a bunch of puts could also exacerbate a crash as market makers hedge the options that start running in the money. It is not solely a contrary indicator.
I gave the reason and 1.5 hour video of the research and reason here. I have a very specific date for a Crash bottom. I also went and dug out the book and reviewed a couple of the most relevant chapters.
Hearing 3200-3300 a lot on the chat boards.
RE hitting the canvas...
Close to the pre Covid highs too which they should undercut to get everyone really bearish.There is an obvious line there that is @ a 61.8% retracement level. Looks like a monty... we will see.
You usually don't get 2 stock market crashes so close. Maybe never.
Zed - any guesstimates of how markets are gonna deal with Europe freezing, Germany not able to manufacture, presumably a ramping up of sabotage in unpredictable fashion, food shortages run amok, etc...
Whats the 30K ft. view from down under?
Yeah - I have been trying to visualize a plausible scenario for what the next 6-12 months look like and I find I am viewing darker and darker scenarios as time goes by...I think you are seeing that now... none of this is a surprise. So unless we get a shock it will be counterintuitive as markets look further forward. My guess is that they have not worked out that 23 will be worse so there may soon be relief rally's that last quite a bit until that reality sinks in.
Pure guesswork though!
I wouldn't venture a guess. Metals low a buyable one anyway for at least a BMR this week or maybe wait on that a little while longer?