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Ever wonder how much money would have flowed into gold and silver if it weren't for bitcoin?
Is it possible that bitcoin was created as part of the manipulation?

I don't think it started that way but it certainly took away from gold and silver when they should have been the focus. Now, I think Bitcoin is absolutely controlled and manipulated. Every time the markets start to wobble and they need liquidity Boom Bitcoin magically explodes by thousands, ya sure that's totally normal.
"Someone blew up an H bomb today, but it wasn't anybody I knew." Moody Blues

Liking Uraniums and the miners with a stop under yesterday's lows.

iShares Russell 2000 ETF is testing the 2022 lows. And has a look that it might like to break down below them.

[Weekly chart shown.]

Could be a problem...?

The fed gov doesn't have a problem. People who pay taxes do. Ultimately it is them who will have to pay.
Who do they screw 1st? The welfare recipients? probably not. More than likely they get rid of SS 1st. Nothing but a special tax anyway and everyone will keep on paying and finally the lier in DC will admit the truth. Supreme Court has already made that ruling.
After they stop paying out SS benefits then they will go after welfare peeps. Just in those 2 items there's 2 trillion a year. Anyone still working can also pay a lot more in taxes. Up to 100% of their income. Wouldn't be popular but 90% has been done before. Back in the 50's I think it was. Thats when people still knew that income wasn't what you were paid but what you earned on capital. Few had to pay that 90% tax and that's why it is seldom mentioned. However today they could say there is precedence for a tax rate that high because they did it before.
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More support for "higher for longer".
A decent proxy for the silver miners just looks terrible to me. I see the chart and I see the support nearby but you have to wonder what is going to make these stocks rally and stay up. The world is burning and Gold still trades a hundo below the August 2020 top. Silver forget I think at this point it might be trading more like an industrial metal. Maybe we need to wait till next year for a good bottom I have no clue. At this point I would rather be on the sidelines and miss a rally than get my head handed to me buying in size here. So there's your buy signal.
... The world is burning and Gold still trades a hundo below the August 2020 top. ...
A good part of that is strong dollar related. Gold is trading at new all time highs in many non-USD currencies.
A good part of that is strong dollar related. Gold is trading at new all time highs in many non-USD currencies.
Same thing last go around during the '00's. The Dollar is the one we need to see break out decisively.
Doom! ...

More Doom!

Lancers, I share your sentiment. But let’s run the current situation through Occam’s Razor.
Gold and silver markets are manipulated lower.
This creates financial hardship for miners.
Financial hardship is not profitable.
People don’t invest in non-profitable stocks.

So in other words, I firmly believe the precious metal markets are a proxy by which mining stocks will be intentionally crashed in the future.
The manipulators know that current prices barely keep the lights on in small and mid-cap miners. Should a recession, depression, war or other force majeure occur, the impending commodity crash will turn most miners into penny-stock.

Rothschild rule number one, buy when there’s blood in the streets.
Personally, I’m sitting in cash until we get this WW3 bullshit underway. And so are the big boys. . .
Who knows? I always thought there was a slight chance they would nationalize the mines. But what you say is possible.
Here is an easier way, or maybe not easier but far more likely to survive in both circumstances. I own a lot of miners right now. But a crash certainly is possible. However, there is No way in hell I want to be left behind if PM's get revalued essentially overnight. So hedge with puts / shorts in other areas of the market. I have some SPY puts, XHB put spread, RCL puts etc. Perhaps even some SLV puts if you really think they can crash silver to even the crypto guys dream of $6.
Low odds on an overnite revaluation. I don't need to always be in. It costs nothing to get in and out these days. 40 years ago it cost $35 bucks a turn back in the day a few hundred. In the meantime it seems like dead money.
Markets could be closed, exchanges shut down, power out, ie... Just as much risk there as some temporary paper loses to me. However, I am losing time and some money on longer term call options. I am more than willing to pay that price.
Markets could be closed, exchanges shut down, power out, ie... Just as much risk there as some temporary paper loses to me. However, I am losing time and some money on longer term call options. I am more than willing to pay that price.

I wish you luck but I can't place a bet on something with outsized odds like that.
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