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I've got a short 1200klm (745m) drive tomorrow, ozstralia, long way between drinks!
Enjoy the ride. I thought that little AI chat you had was interesting. Almost seemed like the bot was going out of it's way to dent gold manipulation.

Didn't Shakespeare weight in at some point about something, commenting that 'Methinks he doth protest too much'?... just sayin'.

These are the droids the Fed is looking for. More fuel for market speculation that the Fed will pause rate hikes...
Somewhere we were talking about money market funds that people are runing into. Looks like the FED might rug pull those and brokers via the Reverse Repo funds.

It's good for the Fed. Not so great for us Plebes. Recession and rising unemployment means disinflation inbound which also means a halt to rate hikes and eventually another round of QE to start the engine again. Gotta keep the ball moving in the rails in the grand game of Fiat shoot the moon.

Big Banks $600 Billion Secret and Why More Banks Could Fail If Rates Rise​

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Both data points should support a Fed pause on rate hikes.
Irrational exhuberance warning:

Puts on ?

I'm not real sure where he got that data. It said the OEX which looked like the S&P 100 but I couldn't find much volume there. Could have been a glitch in Trading View but it seems Awfully suspicious in timing and could be they are trying to hide them.
Via Weekend Trend Trader rules, Hecla will be sold at Monday's open for a loss of 0.16% or about flat.

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22 million in gold robbed from airport in Canada. How is that possible? Airports are supposed to be secure and you would think a shipment of gold would have some security attached to it.
22 million in gold robbed from airport in Canada. How is that possible? Airports are supposed to be secure and you would think a shipment of gold would have some security attached to it.
Toronto’s Pearson airport is one of the worst in the world. Militant unions, horrible management, most delays and cancellations in Canada. Lost and confiscated luggage being sold to charities. Everybody a spook or turban.
My bet is that customs will be found guilty of running drugs through there at some point. The gold theft doesn’t surprise me at all.
Dollar sinking and markets all going green:
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