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Thanks for finding the thread reader app for this.I'm not sure she is finished posting but The Thread Reader App should pull in any new tweets when you load it later on.
I like the thread reader app because it updates when more tweets have been posted to a thread. She did post more. The last one at 2:27pm (tweet #46 in the thread). I updated the number of tweets to 47 in my post above (#128).Thanks for finding the thread reader app for this.
From the 'Careful what you wish for' department...?(he) strikes you as (he) cries out in pain. this is (communist) 101. try to play the victim after getting caught
(CNN)Twitter's former head of trust and safety has fled his home due to an escalation in threats resulting from Elon Musk's campaign of criticism against him, a person familiar with the matter told CNN on Monday.
Yoel Roth, who resigned from the social media company in November, has in recent weeks faced a storm of attacks and threats of violence following the release of the so-called "Twitter Files" — internal Twitter communications that new owner Musk has released through journalists including Matt Taibbi and Bari Weiss.
Roth's position involved him working on sensitive issues including the suspension of then-President Donald Trump's account in 2021.
They must not want the truth to get out?(communists) at Penn try to hide (yoel's) pedophilia-promoting phd thesis
Yoel Roth's ‘Gay Data’ dissertation ‘mistakenly’ blocked from UPenn website after Elon Musk’s tweet
The University of Pennsylvania temporarily blocked a doctoral dissertation about Grindr from ex-Twitter head Yoel Roth after Twitter CEO Elon Musk criticized it.www.foxnews.com
Yoel Roth's ‘Gay Data’ dissertation ‘mistakenly’ blocked from UPenn website after Elon Musk’s tweet
The University of Pennsylvania temporarily blocked a doctoral dissertation from Twitter’s former head of safety, Yoel Roth, after new Twitter CEO Elon Musk tweeted about it.
On Saturday afternoon, Musk tweeted about Roth’s 2016 dissertation at the University of Pennsylvania, titled, "Gay Data," which suggested ways to improve the LGBTQ dating app Grindr. Musk highlighted Roth’s argument on Page 248, in which Roth suggested that sites like Grindr should consider "crafting safety strategies that can accommodate a wide variety of use cases," including for young adults.
"Looks like Yoel is arguing in favor of children being able to access adult Internet services in his PhD thesis," Musk tweeted.