I've been reading and hearing about him since the 1980's. I know who and what he is.
I never expected him to be perfect, but he's better than the pedophile some call potus right now.
You have been fooled by a master manipulator.
And you've been fooled by the hag and a pedophile.
No, I just am able to realize that his policy's as potus was better than the hag's would've been, and what we have now.
....and one issue defines it. Ie: the border. Our pedophile in chief intentionally issued nearly a hundred executive actions that directly led to millions of illegals entering our nation.
.....and then lies by saying he can't change nothing w/o congess acting first. He is a lying piece of shit and is literally destroying the nation.
You simply choose to believe he cares about things you care about. He doesn't.
He gave me more of what I want than the pedophile we got now.
Let's see. 1.4% inflation, 3.7% unemployment, $1.80 gas, no new wars and no threat of war, illegal immigration at record lows, rbeginning of reshoring of mfg'ing jobs, lower taxes, to say just a few things that were much better with him as potus.
The worst thing about his term was the wacko lefts over reaction to the obviously fake (to anyone paying attention, at least) Russia collusion BS that you bought in to. You ate it up hook line and sinker, and without question, while the facts were always available to anyone caring to seek out the truth of the matter.
And if he gets back into office again, he'll do shit to this country you won't believe.
Like what? We were assured back in '16 that he'd start WW3 and crash the economy, but the opposite happened.
We were told that he was gonna round up all the lgbt+ crowd and kill all the illegals like he was Hitler.
In fact, we were told he was Hitler reincarnated.
Let me ask ya, if Trump is Hitler, what is the pedophile who took (proven, btw) at least $24million from China and Russia?
Satan's little helper, perhaps? Any "dad" wanting to shower with his 14yo daughter isn't as good as Hitler was.
....but hey, you vote for whoever you support.
As to me throwing out propaganda - that's laughable. What I post is news and I'm hoping to be the first one on the forum to post that he has been found guilty in the NY hush money trial.
So why does so much of it get proven to have been false? You were all over the Russia collusion bs for years, and that was all proven to have been a ruse stated by the people you supported. You carried water for 'em, and did so while the truth was readily available to anyone who cared about the actual truth of the matter. With a name like
@searcher , I'm amazed you couldn't find it. Or did your irrational rage against another human being blind you to the truth?
One man's propaganda is another man's news.
Maybe to the man, but there is only one actual truth.