Where he failed was in US policy for real Americans. Higher debt
Any potus woulda left office with higher debt. That was baked into the system decades ago.
Takes credit for and still pushes the vaccines.
I don't like 'em and didn't take one, but a lotta peeps I know did.
....but I don't anyone around me dropping dead from causes I would attribute to it.
I have known of eleven people who have died in the past three and a half years, but five were extended family passing of old age, one was cirrosis of the liver from heavy drinking, one oldish one that was overweight and in generally poor health, one was a heart attack pre-vaccine being available, two were during and attributed to wuflu (also pre vax) another heart attack but I'm pretty sure he didn't take the vax either, and one who died of cancer he already had prior to all the wuflu/vax bs.
Were any of those due to the shot? If it had anything to do with any of 'em, I have no way of proving it. Could it have helped speed along one or two of 'ems demise? Who knows? I suppose it is possible.
Failed to drain the swamp
He can't fire other politicians. Draining swamp means the people have to quit supporting the swamp critters. He did say that "we" are gonna drain the swamp. (While addressing a crowd)
failed to put even 1 person from the swamp behind bars.
They'd have impeached him again, had he actually tried.
They impeached him for just having merely asked if there was anything to the biden allegations.
Regular folks do not like loud moth bombastic bullies. Thats fair and I agree
"Regular" folks are mostly idiots that know more about what's on TV tonight, than they do about how the local dog catcher operates, let alone how the fed.gov works. We got SC justices that know less about the Constitution than you do, and that's not hyperbole. It's documented.
Sadly a rigged justice system prevents any looks into the truth.
No one was willing to risk the woke mob pouring down upon themselves and their families, if they had taken an honest look at it.
....and yea, they're a buncha pussies for it, too.
Regular folks believe that a woman's health concerns are between her and her doctor. Nothing has changed in that regard. It's just been removed from the federal level and sent back to the states where it rightly belongs.
Liberals and most dems are mentally incapable of comprehending such a concept.
They see the States as political subdivisions of the all mighty federal government that they see as akin to their mommy and daddy when they were 9 years old.
Most of the people alive today shouldn't celebrate the 4th of July, as what it represents no longer truly exists.
July 4th 1776 is when We The People gained the Right of Kings. How many reading feel like they have anything even close to that today?
The People let that be taken from them 91 years ago.
What they really should be celebrating, is the start of the nanny State our gov has become.
Regular folks are tired of being called names that don't apply to them and are only used as tools to divide all Americans
Especially when coming from the idiot that campaigned by claiming he was gonna be a uniter of the American people. What fucking joke.
Regular folks want the truth reported by the media, not government propaganda. O
These days "regular" folks are unable to tell the difference.
Higher prices and those were coming regardless of who is residing in the WH
Yep, inflation marches on no matter who the potus is. Same as the nat. debt. Might be higher or lower with some, but it's always there.
What really needs to happen going forward is a renewal for team America. one team where there is no sides other than the people versus big government. Big government should become little government and that alone would begin to fix our issues in this country. Sadly both teams fail to realize that simple fact.
That would take a real uniter, not the fake one that (supposedly) 81 million Americans were duped by, or some uniting event.