Trump Indictments (NY, GA, Jan 6, etc.)

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This one is pretty good. While I have no clue what'll happen in the rest of the trial, I do have a feeling that in the end Trump will be found guilty. If that does happen, I wonder what the RNC will do?

Lawrence: Why Trump's lawyer called him the 'orange turd' during Stormy testimony​

May 9, 2024 #MSNBC #DonaldTrump #StormyDaniels

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell explains how Donald Trump’s lawyer Susan Necheles attempted to mischaracterize Stormy Daniels’ description of Donald Trump as the “orange turd” and how Stormy Daniels saw through this line of questioning.


I think we need a tune for Stormy:


'The most important piece of paper of all': Smoking gun document presented at Trump trial​

May 13, 2024 #DonaldTrump #MichaelCohen #hushmoney

Rachel Maddow shares a document presented as evidence in Donald Trump's New York criminal trial that is a bank record showing the hush money payments to Stormy Daniels, with handwriting on the page by Michael Cohen and former Trump Org CFO Allen Weisselberg outlining how the payments were to be made.


Lawrence: ‘Michael Cohen on the witness stand is like Donald Trump in AA’​

May 13, 2024 #MichaelCohen #DonaldTrump #hushmoney

MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell describes how Michael Cohen was “a different person” than he’s been in the past on the witness stand testifying in Donald Trump’s hush money trial.


Trump blasts his trial judges. Then his fans call for violence​

On a recent Tuesday morning, a visibly frustrated Donald Trump sat through a tense hearing in the first-ever criminal trial of a former American president. During a break, he let rip on his social media platform.

New York Justice Juan Merchan, Trump declared on Truth Social, is a “highly conflicted” overseer of a “kangaroo court.” Trump supporters swiftly replied to his post with a blitz of attacks on Merchan. The comments soon turned ugly. Some called for Merchan and other judges hearing cases against Trump to be killed.

“Treason is a hangable offense,” one wrote.

“They should all be executed,” added another.

The April 23 post by Trump and the menacing responses from his followers illustrate the incendiary impact of his angry and incessant broadsides against the judges handling the criminal and civil suits against him. As his presidential campaign intensifies, Trump has baselessly cast the judges and prosecutors in his trials as corrupt puppets of the Biden administration, bent on torpedoing his White House bid.


One of the sanest vids by the good rev. Actually, I've wondered the same thing.

Why Trump Did Not Make Michael Cohen Chief Of Staff​

May 13, 2024

“Treason is a hangable offense,” one wrote.
That's merely a statement of fact, not a call for violence. Exaggerate much?

If you look up the penalty for having committed treason, is death not one of the punishments one could receive when/if found guilty?
....and if those involved in the attempts to get Trump have not committed treason, why would they be concerned with someone merely stating the penalties for treason?

“They should all be executed,” added another.
If one is found to have committed treason, is that not what they could likely receive?

The ones who should be concerned about such statements, are those who realize that they may have committed treason.

If I stated to you the penalty in Pennsylvania for bank robbery, would you view it with concern? If you had just robbed a bank, you very well might due to the fact that you realize it could apply to you.
However had you not robbed a bank, you wouldn't care about someone stating the penalty for bank robbery, as it absolutely would not apply to you.

None of it is stickin'​

Eight years....none of it is stickin....

DISASTER! Michael Cohen Trump Testimony is a DEBACLE! Time for a Narrative Shift! Viva Frei Vlawg​


'Stunning sight': What Lawrence O'Donnell found 'striking' inside Trump's criminal trial today​

May 21, 2024 #Trump #HushMoney #Trial

Lawrence O’Donnell is outside the courthouse after testimony wrapped today in former President Trump’s hush money trial and shares the latest details.


Defense rests without Trump testifying; focus turns to jury instructions​

NEW YORK — Donald Trump’s defense team rested their case Tuesday without calling him to testify, setting the stage for an afternoon hearing where the judge will hammer out legal instructions for a jury that must issue judgment in the first criminal trial of a former U.S. president.

The judge’s charge is an important but often deathly dull part of any trial. The jury is charged by the judge after the members have heard closing arguments, which are scheduled to begin May 28, after the Memorial Day holiday. When that happens, ornate legal framework will describe the legal parameters for the jury to consider whether prosecutors have met their burden of proof to find Trump guilty.

Like reading furniture assembly instructions written in another language, juries often struggle with the dense terminology of a judge’s charge; it is common during deliberations for panels to ask for specific parts of the charge to be read back to them so they can try to better understand the instructions.


Sending the jurors home for a week, will only serve to taint them.
.....but after Cohen's terrible for the prosecution testimony, I think he's hoping they'll be tainted by friends family and social media.
Sending the jurors home for a week, will only serve to taint them.
.....but after Cohen's terrible for the prosecution testimony, I think he's hoping they'll be tainted by friends family and social media.

Would you care to make a wager?

We could both send @pmbug 50 beans.

If Trump is convicted in the NY hush money case a contribution to the forum of $100 will be made and publicly announced by you in my name.

If Trump is found innocent a contribution of $100 to the forum will be made and publicly announced by me in your name.

If it's a mistrial we both contribute $50 to the forum in the other's name publicly.

BTW.........the book offer still stands. If you're into history it's worth a read.

I don't gamble, sorry.

Ty Cobb on Trump classified documents case: ‘I don’t think this case will move at all’​

May 22, 2024 #CNN #News

Former Trump White House lawyer Ty Cobb joins Erin Burnett to discuss the latest surrounding former President Donald Trump, including how Trump falsely claimed that the FBI tried to assassinate him as well as developments around the classified documents case.

Ty Cobb on Trump classified documents case: ‘I don’t think this case will move at all’
Why should it move? It's a sham trial, and everyone knows it. Even if some, because of political reasons, can't admit it.

The f'ing fed gov sent that shit to Mar A Lago to begin with. They knew everything that was in those boxes, but then try to act as though Trump secretly stole them and that they had no choice but to take criminal action.

How about if they'd have just not sent the shit there in the first place?
....but that wouldn't let them put on a show trial in an attempt to poison people's minds about the man.

The side you support in all this, is more and more being shown to be nothing but a bunch of liars who are willing to break the law themselves in an attempt to get orange man bad.

They lied about Russia collusion, they lied to the FISA court. They lied on TV everyday for years, and all for political advantage.
Even the old hag herself says the election was stolen from her, yet not once has she been labeled an election denier.

Peace bro.

Doing some car, music and other fun posts tonight.
Peace bro.

Doing some car, music and other fun posts tonight.
I realize you aren't interested in discussing the facts of these matters. You just wanna throw out the propaganda on it.
You just wanna throw out the propaganda on it.

One man's propaganda is another man's news.
One man's news is another man's propaganda.
One man's truth is another man's lies.
One man's lies are another man's truths.
It's all about perception.

When it comes to Trump you have blinders on. I've been reading and hearing about him since the 1980's. I know who and what he is. You don't. I think you honestly believe he really cares about this country. He doesn't. Your perception of him is skewed. In my opinion, you have been taken in by his bullshit lies and all the propaganda his people have put out. You're not a bad person and you're not stupid. You have been fooled by a master manipulator. Not your fault and you're certainly not alone.

Me arguing with you or any other Trump supporter is a waste of my time and an exercise in futility. You are a true believer. There's nothing wrong with that. You simply choose to believe he cares about things you care about. He doesn't. He simply wants power and all the trappings of the highest office of the land. Nothing more.

If you do some research into him, you'll find he has lied, coned and screwed just about everyone who has ever done business with him. He's a bullshit artist like no other. And if he gets back into office again, he'll do shit to this country you won't believe.

As to me throwing out propaganda - that's laughable. What I post is news and I'm hoping to be the first one on the forum to post that he has been found guilty in the NY hush money trial.
I've been reading and hearing about him since the 1980's. I know who and what he is.
I never expected him to be perfect, but he's better than the pedophile some call potus right now.

You have been fooled by a master manipulator.
And you've been fooled by the hag and a pedophile.

You are a true believer.
No, I just am able to realize that his policy's as potus was better than the hag's would've been, and what we have now.
....and one issue defines it. Ie: the border. Our pedophile in chief intentionally issued nearly a hundred executive actions that directly led to millions of illegals entering our nation.
.....and then lies by saying he can't change nothing w/o congess acting first. He is a lying piece of shit and is literally destroying the nation.

You simply choose to believe he cares about things you care about. He doesn't.
He gave me more of what I want than the pedophile we got now.

Let's see. 1.4% inflation, 3.7% unemployment, $1.80 gas, no new wars and no threat of war, illegal immigration at record lows, rbeginning of reshoring of mfg'ing jobs, lower taxes, to say just a few things that were much better with him as potus.

The worst thing about his term was the wacko lefts over reaction to the obviously fake (to anyone paying attention, at least) Russia collusion BS that you bought in to. You ate it up hook line and sinker, and without question, while the facts were always available to anyone caring to seek out the truth of the matter.

And if he gets back into office again, he'll do shit to this country you won't believe.
Like what? We were assured back in '16 that he'd start WW3 and crash the economy, but the opposite happened.
We were told that he was gonna round up all the lgbt+ crowd and kill all the illegals like he was Hitler.
In fact, we were told he was Hitler reincarnated.

Let me ask ya, if Trump is Hitler, what is the pedophile who took (proven, btw) at least $24million from China and Russia?

Satan's little helper, perhaps? Any "dad" wanting to shower with his 14yo daughter isn't as good as Hitler was.
....but hey, you vote for whoever you support.

As to me throwing out propaganda - that's laughable. What I post is news and I'm hoping to be the first one on the forum to post that he has been found guilty in the NY hush money trial.
So why does so much of it get proven to have been false? You were all over the Russia collusion bs for years, and that was all proven to have been a ruse stated by the people you supported. You carried water for 'em, and did so while the truth was readily available to anyone who cared about the actual truth of the matter. With a name like @searcher , I'm amazed you couldn't find it. Or did your irrational rage against another human being blind you to the truth?

One man's propaganda is another man's news.
Maybe to the man, but there is only one actual truth.

Georgia prosecutor to appeal dismissal of some Trump election case charges​

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Georgia prosecutors on Thursday said they would appeal a judge’s ruling dismissing some criminal counts in the 2020 election subversion case against Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump and several of his allies.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, the prosecutor overseeing the case, said a state appeals court's decision to take up Trump’s bid to disqualify her office from the case also allows the court to review other rulings.

The case is one of four criminal prosecutions Trump faces as he seeks to unseat Democratic President Joe Biden in a Nov. 5 election rematch.

Willis indicated she would ask the appeals court to overturn Judge Scott McAfee’s March ruling tossing out six counts, including three against Trump, that accused defendants of soliciting Georgia officials to violate their oaths of office. McAfee said the indictment was not detailed enough to sustain those charges, but left the remainder of the case intact.


@Joe King - If you are interested, I will send you a book by Craig Unger titled American Krompromat. I'll pay all costs. All I ask is that if you take me up on this offer, you read the book.

You can read the description here:

If interested, PM me an address where I can send it.
Sorry, but I have no interest in your bs Russia collusion propaganda you continue to pedal.

A three+ year investigation that probably cost more than the total amount ever collected in taxes from every member on this forum as well as that of their extended family's, couldn't find any evidence of Trump colluding with Putin.
....but you have a book for $14.99 that proves all of it.

Shoulda offered to send Mueller a copy instead. Lol Too bad he couldn't afford it himself. He woulda wrote a whole different report.
@searcher , If Trump actually is doing Putin's bidding, Putin must secretly want America to do well.

On Putin's orders,Trump gave us:

1.4% inflation
3.7% unemployment
$1.80/gal gasoline
No new wars
And $20/bbl oil that did nothing but hurt Russia and Iran.

Your guy gave us the opposite of all that and is on record as having accepted $$$$ from our nations enemies, including several million from Russia "oligarchs".

Yet somehow, you are convinced that Trump works for Putin? Lol
Yet somehow, you are convinced that Trump works for Putin

I never said that you did. Then again, he does seem to praise the guy.

Out of the kindness of my heart I have offered you two books.

The first one I offered you is about certain things that actually happened in America during the WWII era. It's all true and strikingly similar to certain things going on in our country today. I enjoy history and thought you might enjoy it. Nothing more.

The second book is about certain things that have occurred in Trump's life that will make you think. It doesn't actually accuse him of anything. If you were to read it, you may look at Trump in a different light than you do now. I simply thought you might enjoy reading something that was well written and well researched. My

If you read a lot of my political posts, you should realize they are mostly news. As for me being a propagandist........that's actually funny. I've got my political opinions - you've got yours. It's all good.

Tune time


FBI Authorized-for-Lethal-Force Mar-a-Lago Trump Raid WAS NOT STANDARD PROCEDURE! Viva & Barnes​

Closing arguments in the NY hush money trial today. After that it'll be in the jury's hands.
Court resumes at 10 this morning. First thing is jury instructions then deliberation.

Judge Just RIGGED Trial Against Trump, Tells Jurors NO NEED TO BE UNANIMOUS, Democrat CORRUPTION​


TRUMP VERDICT WATCH! Ridiculous Jury Instructions and Cohen the "Accomplice" - Viva Frei Vlawg​

The silver lining in all this nonsense is EVERYTHING they're doing to Trump sets a precedent...

What does that mean??

Once set, the precedent can be used on EVERY POTUS prior to and in the future!!

File this under the 'Be careful what you wish for department'...
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