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It's gonna be a cold winter...


Vladimir Kozin in a wide-ranging conversation: Ukraine's energy grid 60% disabled; UK accused of blowing up the bridge, the pipelines, and the drone attacks on Sevastopol Harbor; Russia is humanity's hope for survival.

If you watched this one you'd know the Russian's captured a 6m underwater military drone traveling in the "green zone" of the Black Sea initiative and learned it was programmed in Canada.

The 'green zone' is for grain shipments and non military use. This is one of the reasons Russia is stopping ships and inspecting for weapons and munitions.

I doubt the MSM even covered this.
Drinking the propaganda is comedy.
I agree to a point. However, it's easy to spam so much bullshit that folks just tune things out. No one has time to wade through so much garbage. Would be nice if everyone took it upon themselves to use a modicum of thought before throwing shit at the wall. I don't really care much for walls of shit. It's rather unpleasant.

It's ok. It's pretty clear that Bug is a few years behind where many of us on GIM were at. Gonna need to slow down and go through a few details again. Our assumptions have probably changed so much over the years that we hardly notice but an abrupt change like this can show us how much we have really learned and changed.
It's ok. It's pretty clear that Bug is a few years behind where many of us on GIM were at. Gonna need to slow down and go through a few details again. Our assumptions have probably changed so much over the years that we hardly notice but an abrupt change like this can show us how much we have really learned and changed.
Not casting aspersions on anyone, but your assessments are correct.

Been there, done that, got the 'T' shirt. We covered a LOT of ground over there, which is why it's shame it's fading into the dust bin.
... Our assumptions have probably changed so much over the years that we hardly notice ...

Radicalized by propaganda - dehumanize the enemy - justify violence

I often wondered how ISIS succeeded in radicalizing recruits. I wonder if Russian propaganda campaigns are achieving a broadly similar result. That's how it often looks from my end of the looking glass.
Radicalized by propaganda - dehumanize the enemy - justify violence

I often wondered how ISIS succeeded in radicalizing recruits. I wonder if Russian propaganda campaigns are achieving a broadly similar result. That's how it often looks from my end of the looking glass.

Lol. Ok, you are not helping here.

We need to start with a few assumptions that are both clear to both sides.

1.) We are at war. That means truth and facts will be difficult if not impossible to find.
2.) Data like facts is hard to come by. Raw unmanipulated data is even harder.

Let me try one other angle. Clearly you are on the side of the majority. The SAME side as Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Sean Hanity, like 90% of the Congress Critters and 99.9% of MSM. How does that make you feel?
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1.) We are at war. That means truth and facts will be difficult if not impossible to find.
2.) Data like facts is hard to come by. Raw unmanipulated data is even harder.
Which 'war' are you indicating?

The information war?
The Ukraine war?
The Culture war?

As for data... the Ukraine SMO has to be THE most covered 'war' in history. Millions of people are INvolved watching and reporting from all over the world.

Just as it has dismantled many cherished delusions, the internet has demolished the MSM as the sole purveyor of information. Lies and misinformation are addressed within minutes by indy reporters who see things from a different perspective than the 'official' propaganda narrative.

Which 'war' are you indicating?

The information war?
The Ukraine war?
The Culture war?

As for data... the Ukraine SMO has to be THE most covered 'war' in history. Millions of people are INvolved watching and reporting from all over the world.

Just as it has dismantled many cherished delusions, the internet has demolished the MSM as the sole purveyor of information. Lies and misinformation are addressed within minutes by indy reporters who see things from a different perspective than the 'official' propaganda narrative.

View attachment 2124

I mean all of the above. There are massive wars going on here that most don't even see. But above all else one must realize they are at war.

In this thread that primarily means Russia vs Ukraine. At the least the US is in this as a Proxy War as we have been sending Money and Arms to one side.

But we also have wars like the Elites vs the People, that's the real underlying war though. How ever you want to term that and break it into pieces.
First off. There are always crimes committed by both sides of any conflict. Call them “war crimes” if you wish.

But are the crimes sanctioned by the military, top officials?

I don’t see any evidence of that on the Russian side, but from 2014, we have seen it on the Ukrainian side.
about those labs. confirmed by the US official long in charge of the ukraine operation

and another tragic example of 'fact checker' lies -- do a search and marvel at their work

video at link

Victoria Nuland: Ukraine has “biological research facilities,” worried Russia may seize them

By Glenn Greenwald (Posted Mar 17, 2022)

Self-anointed “fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeksmocking as disinformation and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling–how could they possibly know? and how could they prove the negative?–but nonetheless they invoked their characteristically authoritative, above-it-all tone of self-assurance and self-arrogated right to decree the truth, definitively labelling such claims false.

...........the neocon official long in charge of U.S. policy in Ukraine testified on Monday before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee

I don't know why anyone is all upset that they have labs there. Lot's of countries like that have labs, even here in the U.S. If the people bitching that the U.S. is running these labs in Ukraine are so upset about it, ask them if they'd prefer if the U.S. set them up across the street from them?
I don't know why anyone is all upset that they have labs there. Lot's of countries like that have labs, even here in the U.S. If the people bitching that the U.S. is running these labs in Ukraine are so upset about it, ask them if they'd prefer if the U.S. set them up across the street from them?
sure. US would have no problem with russian bioweapon labs in canada/mexico. never mind the historical freak out by US when russia was intent on putting weapons in cuba

it's the gov's job to protect it's citizens. US bioweapon labs right next to russia is stupid -- russia gov has to do something about that - or they are shirking their duty

never forget - russia asked for a meeting to work all of this out BEFORE invading. US snubbed them
I don't know why anyone is all upset that they have labs there. Lot's of countries like that have labs, even here in the U.S. If the people bitching that the U.S. is running these labs in Ukraine are so upset about it, ask them if they'd prefer if the U.S. set them up across the street from them?
Think. Why do they put them overseas?

Hint: Laws.
Not casting aspersions on anyone, but your assessments are correct.

Been there, done that, got the 'T' shirt. We covered a LOT of ground over there, which is why it's shame it's fading into the dust bin.
...The dust bin of time. 😥
Now that's comedy.
one man's shit.... eh?

It is nearly impossible to determine the truth of anything anyone posts, or the "citations" that support them. We've all been lied to by so many for so long about nearly everything even our basic foundational beliefs are probbaly built upon lies....

It'll all come out in the wash some day, I hope and pray that it becomes intuitively obvious to the most casual observer when that day comes, and that we are all big enough to admit where we had it wrong, 'cause GUARANTEED none of us has got all of it right. And until that day, hopefully on this side of grace, we each and everyone get to decide what and why we choose to belive or disbelieve all or any of it.

Great piece of advice I received sometime way back was "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." In the grandest of all scheme of things, I think that is at least worth considering, and maybe even more....
Radicalized by propaganda - dehumanize the enemy - justify violence

I often wondered how ISIS succeeded in radicalizing recruits. I wonder if Russian propaganda campaigns are achieving a broadly similar result. That's how it often looks from my end of the looking glass.
The 2015 book:

Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses​

by Daniel Estulin PhD (Author)

is a deep dive into that very topic by a highly regarded (if you can believe it) investigative journalist. The story of how, where and when the brainwashing of the populationt (think worldwide here) started, spread and continues to this day.
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Radicalized by propaganda - dehumanize the enemy - justify violence

I often wondered how ISIS succeeded in radicalizing recruits. I wonder if Russian propaganda campaigns are achieving a broadly similar result. That's how it often looks from my end of the looking glass.

sure. US would have no problem with russian bioweapon labs in canada/mexico. never mind the historical freak out by US when russia was intent on putting weapons in cuba

it's the gov's job to protect it's citizens. US bioweapon labs right next to russia is stupid -- russia gov has to do something about that - or they are shirking their duty

never forget - russia asked for a meeting to work all of this out BEFORE invading. US snubbed them

You don't think Canada has biolabs? Mexico has drug labs that are worse if only cause they are intentionally bringing the shit they make here. If Russian isn't happy about labs in Ukraine, they shouldn't have built them back in the day. If having a bio lab on their border means they have the right to invade, why haven't they invaded China yet? Lemme guess you think the covids really did come from bat soup?
victoria nuland testifying that there are bio labs in ukraine. and she says that it's a big deal because russia might get their hands on what's in those labs.

this is the ultimate destruction of the army of 'fact checkers' that continue to spread the lie that there arent/werent bio labs there
She was choosing her words VERY carefully I might add....
I don't know why anyone is all upset that they have labs there. Lot's of countries like that have labs, even here in the U.S. If the people bitching that the U.S. is running these labs in Ukraine are so upset about it, ask them if they'd prefer if the U.S. set them up across the street from them?
Because plan and simple... what they're doing in those labs is considered against the law in the US.

Turkey convinces Russia to rejoin grain deal. Intel Agencies confirm, Russians are on internet. U/2​

I don't know why anyone is all upset that they have labs there. Lot's of countries like that have labs, even here in the U.S. If the people bitching that the U.S. is running these labs in Ukraine are so upset about it, ask them if they'd prefer if the U.S. set them up across the street from them?
How 'bout they just don't set them up at all?

Think. Why do they put them overseas?

Hint: Laws.
Exactly. it's illegal for 'em to do here, what they do in some of these labs. For example, the one in Wuhan.

Lemme guess you think the covids really did come from bat soup?
It came from that lab in Wuhan. All the first cases were close to the lab, and they were known to be working on bat virus' there.
How 'bout they just don't set them up at all?

Exactly. it's illegal for 'em to do here, what they do in some of these labs. For example, the one in Wuhan.

It came from that lab in Wuhan. All the first cases were close to the lab, and they were known to be working on bat virus' there.

It'd be great if no-one had a bio lab. It'd also be great if supermodels got in line to fuck me everyday. The latter is more likely to happen than the former. So cause the virus they released from their bio lab came from a bat, China shouldn't be invaded by Russia, but Ukranie should cause they haven't released anything yet? Now I understand. :unsure:
It'd also be great if supermodels got in line to fuck me everyday.
Trust me when I say it's not as great as it sounds. lol

China shouldn't be invaded by Russia,
If they want to they should have at it. To be honest, it would prolly be the best thing the US could hope for at this point.

but Ukranie should cause they haven't released anything yet? Now I understand.
I never wanted Uke to be invaded.

I also don't want the US over there f'ing around either.
....and if we hadn't been, Russia likely would've never done so.
And another episode of "If only I ruled the world I'd..." comes to a close.

Captain Obvious Economy​

West's pseudo Left, Marx and war. Michael Hudson as prophet.
Thoughts on Government Lies

Governments lie; this comes as a surprise to nobody. But governments can’t lie, nor can they tell the truth. Governments don’t speak at all. People speak. And depending on their role in government, and their purpose, and their audience, the terrain of the lies they tell is vast. It ranges from a manager in a state agency writing malicious lies about a former employee in a job reference, to a diplomat dissembling to another government, to the years of lies about “progress” in the Vietnam War coming from the upper reaches of the defense establishment and documented in the Pentagon Papers.

A falsehood isn’t necessarily a lie; that depends on whether the speaker knows it is false. Maybe presidents don’t know that the statistics they’re spouting were cooked and their anecdotes concocted. In her famous essay on lying in politics, Hannah Arendt pointed out that presidents are wholly reliant on their advisers for factual information, which makes the president “an ideal victim of complete manipulation.”

Presidential policy lies are a different matter. Here’s an example of a policy lie. In September 2006, President George W. Bush strode into the East Room and publicly confirmed that the CIA had held terrorism suspects in black sites and interrogated them with what he delicately called an “alternative set of procedures”—which we now know meant torturing them. (“I cannot describe the methods used—I think you understand why.”)

Bush’s speech was a sales pitch for the program, and his chief selling point was the supposedly lifesaving information the CIA obtained. He offered specific examples to make the sales pitch stronger. The trouble is, they weren’t true. His information came from the CIA—but the president stood by it. He said it and he owned it.

At the time, I proudly voted for George W. Bush. I voted for him twice. May God in heaven forgive me. I sorely regret voting for that man. And I find it humbling that I now am agreeing with friends who, at the time, told me he was a tool.

I am older now. I realize I have fallen for so many lies during my lifetime that I thought was the God's honest truth.

It is because of my own situation that I don't hold too harsh of a view of people now who don't believe as I believe. I realize they don't think they are doing anything wrong. In fact, they thing they are doing the "American" thing. I once believed the same. May God help us all. We've been lied to for decades and decades.

There is hope.... each person is capable of changing their view at any point in time.

Little Lies (2002 Remaster) (3:39)​

Published on Nov 8, 2014 by Fleetwood Mac​

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The latest from Jacob Dreizin:

2023 Will Be 2020
Published by dreizinreport on October 30, 2022​
I have come to the realization that we can beat our heads against the wall, everything posted here, as someone posted is shit on the wall.
That is because this is a shit on the wall attack.

I believe, really, that some one or some thing or group or whatever is taking us to school. Everything as someone says has been a lie, upon lie, upon lie. Or it is a natural process of civilization that occurs on its own. But there is no doubt in my mind that we are being schooled.

Our lives will completely changed at end for the good. If we pass the final exam, or as so many of us are "old" we expire before end state.

All the details here are right. I don't need citations. If I need to know if something is correct or not I can find out on my own.
it is good reading the two camps on Ukraine

1. the Ukraine was invaded camp

2. the Ukraine was liberated camp

did I miss any?

3. The entire affair was designed by the cabal to reduce the energy supply, reduce the food supply, and bankrupt society in order to justify bringing out their next big project?
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3. The entire affair was designed by the cabal to reduce the energy supply, reduce the food supply, and bankrupt society in order to justify bringing out their next big project?
i wonder about this too. especially if russia is playing along. one big ruse with multiple benefits to (globalist communists)?
3. The entire affair was designed by the cabal to reduce the energy supply, reduce the food supply, and bankrupt society in order to justify bringing out their next big project?
i wonder about this too. one big ruse to benefit (globalist communists). and why are there ads on my tv begging for shekels for ukraine jews?

note that 57 repugs voted against a recent bill to give more billions to that corrupt sh-thole. the awakening has begun -- reminds me of the clot shot awakening. slowly, but surely, (the same liars) are getting exposed on this issue too
Great piece of advice I received sometime way back was "Don't sweat the small stuff, and it's all small stuff." In the grandest of all scheme of things, I think that is at least worth considering, and maybe even more....
I use a similar saying "Don't sweat the small stuff. Unless you are dying it is all small stuff".
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